No viviremos para siempre, pero cuidemos de todo nuestro cuerpo|We won't live forever, but let's take care of our whole body


¡Hola usuarios!


Sigo con mi rutina para recuperar la frescura de mi piel, sabemos que no viviremos para siempre, pero debemos de tratar de mantenernos lindos, frescos y saludables; esa es la meta. Las damas nos ocupamos más de eso que algunos caballeros, pero a ellos les encanta vernos hermosas.

Hello users!

I continue with my routine to recover the freshness of my skin, we know that we won't live forever, but we should try to stay beautiful, fresh and healthy; that's the goal. We ladies take more care of that than some gentlemen, but they love to see us beautiful

Hoy tuve la visita de una amiga nueva, ella es uno de esos ángeles que manda Dios para darnos esos mimos, consentirnos y decirnos que no debemos ser millonarias para tener esos ratos de placer, esos momentos que nos llenan de alegría.

Today I had a visit from a new friend, she is one of those angels sent by God to pamper us and tell us that we don't have to be millionaires to have those moments of pleasure, those moments that fill us with joy

Mi amiga no pudo venir ayer, me quedé con la ilusión de comenzar mi tratamiento, pero hoy estuvo más tranquila y vino a realizarme mi limpieza facial. Es de admirar que lo que nosotros vemos cuesta arriba ella lo ve normal. Tiene un niño con una condición, pero eso no es impedimento para que ella ande con su niño, es bien tranquilo, su inocencia me hizo pensar que debo seguir creyendo en los milagros así tarden en llegar.

My friend could not come yesterday, I was left with the illusion of starting my treatment, but today she was calmer and came to perform my facial cleansing. It is admirable that what we see as uphill, she sees as normal. She has a child with a condition, but that is not an impediment for her to walk with her child, he is very calm, her innocence made me think that I must continue believing in miracles, even if they take a long time to arrive

Mi amiga Elena tiene un rostro bien cuidado, aunque me dijo que todo era parte de su genética. Me habló maravillas de estos productos, es una gran ventaja cuando vendes productos de cuidado personal y puedas dar una buena impresión con un rostro sin maquillaje.

My friend Elena has a well-groomed face, although she told me it was all part of her genetics. She raved about these products, it's a great advantage when you sell personal care products and you can make a good impression with a face without makeup

Muchos de los que me conocen saben de que siempre estoy buscando una entrada extra, veré poco a poco como se recupera mi piel y luego seré yo la que aplique estos productos a mis amigas para que puedan sentirse satisfecha de igual manera que yo, en estos momentos.

Many of you who know me know that I am always looking for an extra income, I will see little by little how my skin recovers and then I will be the one to apply these products to my friends so that they can feel satisfied in the same way as I do, at this moment

Tratemos de estar atentas de nuestra piel, hay muchas personas de buen corazón que saben lo que las damas nos gusta y están dispuestas a compartir sus secretos de belleza. Dar un poco de sus productos, para que podamos darnos la oportunidad de recuperar nuestra piel que en ocasiones está maltratada por el abuso diario de sol y maquilla excesivo.

Let's try to be attentive to our skin, there are many kind-hearted people who know what we ladies like and are willing to share their beauty secrets. Give a little of their products, so that we can give ourselves the opportunity to recover our skin that sometimes is mistreated by the daily abuse of sun and excessive makeup




Comencé con un jugo verde, este lleva: pepino, piña, celery y agua. Así de sencillo, lo bueno de estos jugos es que no es una receta que lleve estrictamente los ingredientes, en esta oportunidad coloqué un pepino, dos rodajas de piña, dos ramitas de celery, tres vasos de agua en la licuadora, licuar y listo.

I started with a green juice, this one has: cucumber, pineapple, celery and water. The good thing about these juices is that it is not a recipe that strictly takes the ingredients, this time I placed a cucumber, two slices of pineapple, two sprigs of celery, three glasses of water in the blender, blend and ready


Descansa, no te rindas siempre alguien estará pendiente de ayudarnos y colaborar con alguna sugerencia para mantenernos regias.

Rest assured, don't give up, someone will always be there to help us and help us with suggestions to keep us looking our best


A continuación dejo las imágenes del paso a paso de la limpieza facial:

Below are the step-by-step images of the facial cleansing:


Sabemos que no viviremos para siempre, pero no dejemos que nuestro cuerpo se deteriore y perdamos la buena costumbre de cuidarnos.

We know we won't live forever, but let's not let our bodies deteriorate and lose the good habit of taking care of ourselves

Todas las imágenes son de mi propiedad. Traductor utilizado DeepL. Mi firma con aplicación Canva.

All images are my property. Translator used DeepL. My signature with Canva application



I see that you always take good care of yourself, That's why you look pretty and fresh.♥️


Hello friend @asiaymalay this is the first session, here we go, we can't get there like a raisin to old age, ha,ha,ha, nor like an accordion. It's nice to take care of yourself inside and out


Keeping ones appearance applies throughout life, it is a lifestyle applied from young with food, exercise and cleaning cosmetics or soaps. Many great home remedies work as well.


Hi @joanstewart, I'm trying to focus more on those products au natural, I love feeling and looking good for me, and if others notice it that's wonderful. I love to share these tips, that people can feel good. I don't like to wear so much makeup so I like to have clean, fresh skin, no matter how old I am. Thank you very much for your comment.


Fortunately my Mom always taught us girls how to take skin care seriously living in a hot country. Wishing you a wonderful day and week ahead.


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esa sonrisa tuya es sanadora, tienes que verte al espejo y sonreir. feliz dia amiga
