A great adventure began on a Wednesday
Everything was ready for our fifth excursion of the year. Twenty-eight passengers were already waiting for 10 o'clock at night to leave for one of the most emblematic cities of my country.
It was time to leave and let ourselves be carried away by the emotion of being able to share with other people, with great joy to embrace the wind, to caress the dew and to be able to give that smile to strangers without fear of anything. We are all good people
We always feel the nostalgia of leaving our relatives for a few days, but it is necessary to go out, to recharge energy. Our body thanks us every time we let it be
My pulse was racing, my chest was overflowing with many emotions, that long awaited Wednesday had made its triumphal entrance. Nature gave us its good vibes, with great pride I wanted to begin our excursion that would last for several days. The mountains, the flora, the weather told me that I had left my comfort zone
Many emotions surfaced, our great country kept surprising us, the kindness of the inhabitants of the city of Merida reminded us that there is no country in solidarity like ours
It was time to experience a new climate, a temperature never experienced before, I wanted to be able to keep my body warm, but it was impossible, it started to rain and that was becoming more and more difficult
Our day on Wednesday was spent among waterfalls, swamps, streams, lagoons, mountains and valleys
All images are my property. Thank you beautiful community #WednesdayWalk, for these spaces where we can recreate and leave captured our great moments of recreation.
Querida amiga @lisfabian yo amo a Venezuela y su gente, apuesto al venezolano y su cultura, folcklore , lenguaje y muchas otras cosas que hacen amar a mi tierra. Todos los estado tienen su belleza, pero para mi Merida y Barquisimeto tienen un lugar especial.
Te quedaron bellisima sla sfotografias.
Un abrazo
Hola amiga @mafalda2018, quedé encantada con este paseo. Espero volver pronto. La inocencia y la amabilidad de estas personas me dejaron gratamente sorprendida y con ganas de volver. gracias por apoyar mi trabajo con este comentario tan bonito.
Tengo más de 200 imágenes de este paseo. ¡Qué bella es nuestra Venezuela! Agradecida con Dios por poder ver.
Hi friend @mafalda2018, I was delighted with this tour. I hope to come back soon. The innocence and kindness of these people left me pleasantly surprised and eager to return. thank you for supporting my work with this nice comment
I have more than 200 pictures of this trip, how beautiful is our Venezuela! Grateful to God for being able to see
Your trip to Mérida was enviable, my dear friend! Those pictures speak for themselves. Nothing like being in contact with that much appreciated natural beauty! Nice to walk with you my friend.
Here I am my queen. I keep saving to give me this pleasure...to walk through our beautiful country. Our beautiful country gives us so many great landscapes that only remains to be carried away by this charm. There came a time when I was almost immersed in nature, those streams, the smell of nothing ... zero pollution
Thanks for being attentive to these trips friend @belkisa758
Even in the cold and rain it looks a beautiful area
Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)
When you think of coming, send us a message. I almost died of something they call moor sickness. The altitude played a dirty trick on me. Only the discomfort lasted 24 hours, but the cold stayed in my bones ha,ha,ha,ha. I will be enjoying these walks with you in this community. I have seen several places. I thought I had posted a lot of pictures, but I see posts with quite a few pictures. Thanks for the welcome @tattoodjay
Que bueno que hayas podido realizar ese tour! es una gran idea para poder conocer nuestro hermoso país!! Saludos!
Sigo ahorrando amigo @joseantpp para el próximo, iremos a Mochima. Un abrazote. Venezuela es lo máximo.
Hola amiga
que buena aventura eso nos recarga de buenas vibras.
hermosos paisajes, lo malo es el frio a mi me afecto pero hay que abrigarse
Siento que esto es más que frío mi reina @wendyth16, estaba lloviendo y fue rudo superar esa noche ja,ja,ja, pero aquí estoy...lista para la próxima expedición.
Más fino mi hermosa amiga.
Mi bella amiga @lisfabian, me encantaron tus fotos me hacen añorar Mérida, que bueno que hayas dedicado tiempo para disfrutar no todo debe ser trabajo.
Saludos y un fuerte abrazo
Eso es lo que me mueve mi reina, me encanta disfrutar los años que me quedan viajando. Poder ver, sentir, escuchar la naturaleza no tiene comparación. ¡Un gran abrazote!
No voy a preguntar si lo pasaste bien si se nota en tu escritura y carita, a mi me gustara también ir a un lugar así que si a la vista se ve relajante, estar allá es otra cosa.
very great adventure,He saw a waterfall in a mountain that you have shown and I was very interested to be able to visit that place.Because I think that place has a very extraordinary beauty for us to visit