The Castle of San Salvador de La Punta, a witness to the history of Havana [en/es]


A few days ago, I had the opportunity to visit the Castillo de San Salvador de La Punta, one of Havana's fortifications. Although my intention was to visit the museum it currently houses, I found that it was closed due to cleaning work after the strong tidal waves caused by a hurricane recently. These natural events brought with them a large amount of man-made debris, reminding us of the importance of not polluting our seas.

Hace unos días, tuve la oportunidad de acercarme al Castillo de San Salvador de La Punta, una de las fortificaciones de La Habana. Aunque mi intención era visitar el museo que actualmente alberga, me encontré con que estaba cerrado debido a las labores de limpieza tras las fuertes marejadas provocadas por un huracán recientemente. Estos eventos naturales trajeron consigo una gran cantidad de desechos arrojados por el hombre, recordándonos la importancia de no contaminar nuestros mares.



Despite not being able to enter, I decided to walk around the castle. This place, with more than 400 years of history, is a living testimony of Renaissance architecture and the human capacity to create structures that endure over time. Built around 1630, the castle was designed to protect the bay of Havana from frequent attacks. Its structure adapts to the irregularities of the terrain, with carved stone walls that reach great height and thickness.

A pesar de no poder entrar, decidí recorrer los alrededores del castillo. Este lugar, con más de 400 años de historia, es un testimonio vivo de la arquitectura renacentista y de la capacidad humana para crear estructuras que perduran en el tiempo. Construido alrededor de 1630, el castillo fue diseñado para proteger la bahía de La Habana de los frecuentes ataques que sufria. Su estructura se adapta a las irregularidades del terreno, con muros de piedra tallada que alcanzan gran altura y grosor.




The Castillo de La Punta is located right in front of the Castillo de los Tres Reyes Magos del Morro, creating an impressive panorama on the other side of the bay. From its surroundings this other fortification is clearly visible, which made me reflect on the strategic importance of these places in the defense of the city. At some point in the past a chain was sent from one side to the other to close the passage to the bay, you can still see the iron columns where it was fastened.

El Castillo de La Punta está situado justo enfrente del Castillo de los Tres Reyes Magos del Morro, creando un impresionante panorama al otro lado de la bahía. Desde sus alrededores se divisa claramente esta otra fortificación, lo que me hizo reflexionar sobre la importancia estratégica de estos lugares en la defensa de la ciudad. En algún momento del pasado se envió una cadena de un lado a otro para cerrar el paso a la bahía, aún se pueden ver las columnas de hierro donde estaba sujeta.




Outside the entrance I came across the statue of Francisco de Miranda, a Venezuelan politician, military man and writer, known as the precursor of the emancipation of the Spanish-American colonies. This statue represents his legacy and his struggle for the independence of Latin America. In addition, there is a column with a plaque where the verses of Bonifacio Byrne are engraved, which speak of love for the homeland. These details not only embellish the place, but also connect us with Cuba's rich history.

En el exterior de la entrada encontré con la estatua de Francisco de Miranda, un político, militar y escritor venezolano, conocido como el precursor de la emancipación de las colonias hispanoamericanas. Esta estatua representa su legado y su lucha por la independencia de América Latina. Además, hay una columna con una tarja donde están grabados los versos de Bonifacio Byrne, que hablan del amor a la patria. Estos detalles no solo embellecen el lugar, sino que también nos conectan con la rica historia de Cuba.


During my tour around the castle, I observed the cannons that still point to the sea, reminding us of its original defensive function. This castle is not only an architectural jewel of incalculable value, but it also nourishes us with history and tells us about the resistance of Havana, a city that in colonial times was highly coveted. UNESCO declared this castle, as part of the city's system of fortifications, a World Heritage Site, recognizing its universal value. It is a source of pride for the people of Cuba that it has remained standing to this day despite being only a few steps from the sea.

Durante mi recorrido por los alrededores del castillo, observé los cañones que aún apuntan al mar, recordándonos su función defensiva original. Este castillo no sólo es una joya arquitectónica de incalculable valor, sino que también nos nutre de la historia y nos habla de la resistencia de La Habana, una ciudad que en la época colonial fue muy codiciada. La UNESCO declaró este castillo, como parte del sistema de fortificaciones de la ciudad, Patrimonio de la Humanidad, reconociendo su valor universal. Es un orgullo para el pueblo de Cuba que se haya mantenido en pie hasta nuestros días a pesar de estar a sólo unos pasos del mar.



The small but well-kept outdoor garden adds a touch of serenity to the surroundings. The large entrance gate, made of noble wood, and the cannons with wooden bases, along with the banners with the name of the castle, complete the image of this unique place.

El pequeño pero cuidado jardín exterior añade un toque de serenidad al entorno. La gran puerta de entrada, de madera noble, y los cañones con bases de madera, junto con los estandartes con el nombre del castillo, completan la imagen de este lugar único.


The entrance, linteled, stands out for its cushioning, which adds a touch of elegance. The large wooden entrance gate, with a path leading to it, is surrounded by a shallow dug moat. It is surrounded by a shallow moat dug into the coastal rock and cannons with wooden bases, together with banners bearing the name of the castle, complete the image of this unique place.

La entrada, adintelada, destaca por su almohadillado, que añade un toque de elegancia. La gran puerta de entrada, de madera, con un camino que conduce a ella. Está rodeada por un foso poco profundo excavado en la roca costera y los cañones con bases de madera, junto con estandartes con el nombre del castillo, completan la imagen de este lugar único.





My visit, although it was not as I expected, allowed me to appreciate the beauty and importance of this place. The Castillo de San Salvador de La Punta is a reminder of our heritage and the need to preserve and care for our historical and natural monuments. Every stone, every canyon, and every verse engraved on its walls speaks to us of a past that is still alive in the present, inviting us to reflect on our history and our future.

Mi visita, aunque no fue como esperaba, me permitió apreciar la belleza y la importancia de este lugar. El Castillo de San Salvador de La Punta es un recordatorio de nuestra herencia y de la necesidad de preservar y cuidar nuestros monumentos históricos y naturales. Cada piedra, cada cañón, y cada verso grabado en sus muros nos habla de un pasado que sigue vivo en el presente, invitándonos a reflexionar sobre nuestra historia y nuestro futuro.

Las fotos fueron tomadas con mi teléfono Xiaomi Note 11, unidas y recreadas en canva.
Usar Traductor DeepL

The photos were taken with my Xiaomi Note 11 phone, joined and recreated in canva.
Use Translator DeepL

In order to clarify some data, I consulted the following page

Para precisar algunos datos consuté la siguiente página


Sister @lileisabel , I loved your post the castle of San Salvador de la Punta, it has a great history.
And not to mention the great architecture of the time, it's for a lifetime 🌹🌷🌸🪷🌼💮🪻🥀💐🏵️🌺🌻🍀


That's right sister @taniagonzalez, you have been along our coasts for more than 400 years and the construction is still as majestic as ever 😍


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Beautiful photos of the Castle my dear @lileisabel, a beautiful place full of history. It is always a pleasure to read your posts and enjoy the excellent photos you show us. A hug and happy night 🤗🌻


That's right, friend, these places tell us so much about our history, thanks for stopping by.


Hola amiga que bonito recorrido por uno de los lugares más hermosos de la Habana, me gusta pasear por allí y leer tu post tal parece que fue ayer, cuando pasaba con mi padre y hermano por este interesante lugar de nuestra historia.


That's right friend, these places tell us a lot about our history, they always bring us beautiful memories, thank you for stopping by here.


La arquitectura de esa época es asombrosa, me encanta este tipo de estructuras y claro me gusta conocer la historia y visitarlos, gracias por tu post.


Thank you dear, it is a place with a lot of history and phenomenal architecture that is more than 400 years old 👍🏽


In the afternoon or morning visiting this place is definitely the best time to experience all these views @lileisabel


That's right @maytom arrived very early but the sun was rising and at any time the views were phenomenal.


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Que impresionante la durabilidad de los muros de piedra, como a pesar de los años se ven perfectamente delineadas esas paredes. No me imagino el tipo de cemento que utilizaron para pegar esos bloques de piedra. Me llena de alegría ver la.presencia de nuestro Francisco de Miranda en esa zona del Caribe. Me gustó mucho tu publicación tan llena de historia y con sabor a tierra Caribeña. Saludos desde Venezuela.


Oh!!! Si a nuestros países los une historia , me alegro que haya disfrutado de este post , saludos 👋🏽❤️

Oh!!! If our countries are united by history, I am glad you enjoyed this post, greetings 👋🏽❤️


This castle is impressive, how wonderful that you were able to walk through it. What a marvel. I love this kind of structures but I have never had the opportunity to visit one, in Venezuela we have several but far from my state.


I love that place, it is an impressive and imposing construction.
Very nice your photos that show us the greatness of this ancient construction.


What a magnificent castle @lileisabel! Despite not being able to access its interior grounds, its incredible exterior provides fascinating glimpses into the historic architecture of this iconic fortress from the Renaissance period. Hope we can venture inside someday and experience its mysterious inner sanctum. ☺️


It's one of the things I'm looking forward to is being able to appreciate the inside of those walls, I know it will be a great adventure, I must go back there friend @storiesoferne


Greetings @lileisabel. The exterior beauty of this historic fortress alone is already impressive. I wonder what its interior spaces are hiding and would reveal as soon as you get the chance to access them. Amazing castle! ☺️


Yes, it is incredible that being the most affordable fortress I have never seen the inside, it is one of my goals, this visit made it become one of my goals, thanks @archmoments
