The Forgotten Hall Hogwarts Ambience | Echoey Water Drips, Thunder Sounds | Fantasy, Study, Sleep


The Forgotten Hall is a secret place, filled with enchantments and mystery. As you step inside the hall, the sound of echoing water drips creates a serene atmosphere that calms your mind and soothes your soul. Deep, rolling rumbles in the distance with occasional, sudden cracks of thunder adds an element of intrigue to the space, making you feel like you're on the cusp of discovering something incredible. Along with the intricate details and the ancient architecture that have been lost to time, this is the ideal space to reset your mind and inspire your creativity afresh. Feeling overwhelmed or stressed? The shadows will hold space for you. All you have to do is bring your thoughts to the present, and embrace the moment.

Tip: You can loop the video to play endlessly by selecting ‘Loop’ option in the video settings.

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🏝️ * About this channel *

Balmy Cove is an original channel crafted with love by a fellow ambient soundscape-lover, passionate about the benefits of ambience for relaxation and mental wellbeing.

Here, you can find comfort and reprieve from the stresses of your life, focus more easily on your study or work, fall asleep more easily, or simply retreat into escapism after a long day with a good book.

No matter what is going on in your life, you will always have these special places to hide in.


🏝️ * How I make these videos *

You can watch the process behind some of my videos here:

and here:

Software used:

E-on VUE
Adobe Photoshop
After Effects
Ambient Mixer


🏝️ * Support Balmy Cove on Buy Me A Coffee *

A lot of work goes into my videos, and I would appreciate your encouragement in the form of a coffee


🏝️ * Follow Balmy Cove on Instagram *
I share a lot of my process on Instagram. Here you can see all the exclusive previews, a lot of behind the scenes and peeks into my process: Follow


© 2023 Balmy Cove. All original artwork and animations belong to this creator unless otherwise stated and reproduction of all / part of this video is prohibited.


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#ambience #sleepsounds #hogwarts
