Friday Sketch - Better Late than Never


Friday Sketch - Better Late than Never

So, it's already a couple of hours past midnight, so technically it's Saturday. For me the next day does not really start until the sunrises.

Again I was looking for challenging angles to draw. The "secret" to improving is to put focused practice on your weakest skills.

Foreshortening throws a spanner in the works for many people, as perspective distorts features and places them in seemingly unexpected places. But if you do carefully study your subject, you will see that it does indeed make logical sense.

I've used this particular model a number of times, as he's not the usual sack of potatoes most models are. He seems to know how to pose and express. I'm guessing he has a dance background. Dancers make good models because they can hold interesting poses for much longer.

As for me, time is up and my day finally comes to end.

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