Tokens, Tinkering, and Tantalizing Transitions


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Hold onto your digital hats, Leo enthusiasts! If you thought blockchain was just about mysterious codes and encrypted lingo, get ready to be dazzled. Think of this as your crypto buffet, only you're dining on delicious updates.

Ever dreamt of leveraging your LEO stake-weight in polls? Well, dreams do come true. Introducing Leo-weighted voting! And why stop there? Fancy using any token on Hive Engine for weighted voting? We're on it.

Speaking of voting, how about cherry-picking your token for stake-weighted voting? Soon, you'll be able to flaunt your community tokens like never before. Democracy just went digital, folks.

In our opinion, Polls are going to be one of the most important developments we build for the future. It's incredibly important for decentralized governance and we believe we're going to deliver it to Hive... in a big way!

pssst have you seen @leofinance's proposal to double the userbase of Hive? It's officially live and waiting for you to vote and support it getting funded! The proposal outlines our strategy to grow the Hive blockchain by 9,615+ monthly active users using our LeoInfra Lite Account protocol and bring the masses to Hive.

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0.697 PAL


Stake weighted anything, except for value on posts is a bad idea and part of the reason People don't like nor stay with Hive after they sign up. Stake weighted polling will make them worse.

0.000 PAL

I see where you're going with this. This could potentially make new signups feel overlooked as their vote doesn't really count compared to bigger fish

0.000 PAL

Thanks for your input.

Thanks for your input. See also my reply to this post.

It would be great (if you remember) to tag such comments / threads / posts with #communityvoting.

0.000 PAL

It makes everyone below the few whales it takes to get their way feel like they don't really have a say or that it's pay to play and most won't pay. It's bad for morale and I think bad for the whole project. An Oligarchy is simply an un-liked form of government that's in place now in the real world that the average citizen hates. Recreating it here, while trying to sell it as revolutionary is a lose lose situation.

And can you really sell this as Community Voting, if it's really the top 14+/- stakeholders getting their way? #communityvoting

0.000 PAL

i agree, but as i said in other comment stake does have some importance. Stake weight could be capped at say 50 or 100,000 LP to vastly reduce centralization (along with other factors i have mentioned, and more).

Stake could / should be part of Reputation even, with Reputation affecting vote weight as well or instead of Stake. Much development to do there though, so for now adjusting % of stake weight is maybe best to focus on.

Eg. 1A1V 50%, Stake (capped at 100k) 50%



@khaleelkazi @anomadsoul

0.000 PAL

Capping the amount of stake for influence could make it more fair. Yeah, I can see that as valid.

0.000 PAL

@khaleelkazi, @anomadsoul sorry for keep tagfing but impirtant for you to see this discussion re #communityvoting

@chrisrice, @goodkarma and other community leaders please read.

What we need to be building here is an open source consensus mechanism for all communities, not even just Hive communities. The Reputation needs to be platform/blockchain wide, follow you everywhere. This is what will bring value, making it a Trusted Reputation.

0.000 PAL

A stake-weighted system does have it's flaws, but $HIVE is still #1 for social media #DApps so that says something.

To fix these issues mentioned, I think working on Layer 0, starting with ourselves, is what's most important.

Tag : @unconvinced

Posted via D.Buzz

0.000 PAL

1st sentence: Doesn't mean we cannot improve it though.
2nd: If layer 1 is base block chains, Layer 0 would be our common "One Self" i would say. So lets say ourselves might be layer 0.5 which i agree is super important to work on. Layer 0 requires no work. Layer O.8 say might be a common Reputation system and layer 0.9 a community governance system, which if we work on this as well as 0.5 could help all the rest flow more harmoniously to align us with layer 0

@convincedyet ?

0.000 PAL

We've got this built on L2 with custom jsons :)

0.000 PAL

Agree not a fan of weighted votes on polls. It makes sense for quality content and voting of articles as it's a perk for being "invested" and showing belief and support in the platform but outside of that seems like it's not a good idea.

0.000 PAL

Super important subject which i wrote about 2 days ago here:

As @notconvinced commented below Stake ONLY voting is imo (in my opinion). NOT a good idea.

Again in my opinion (with over 3 years research on the subject including helping refine #TheMatrix8Solution which is specifically for the purpose of consensus voting), it will work much better if Stake is just one factor of the voting power (vote weight). Also part of this imo should be 1P1V - one person one vote (albeit some have multiple accounts so this aspect needs to be solved - and i think #Matrix8 can solve that aspect too - but not yet).

i think it should be fairly straightforward with LeoPolls to combine 1A1V (1 account 1 vote) with Stake to give a vote weight for poll results.

Question is what percentage.

i suggest for now 25% for the vote, 75% for the stake.

However, i think this would be best just as an interim solution, with further factors to be introduced which affect the vote weight.

Reputation being one. But current Hive Reputation needs considerable refinement.

Reputation can include length of membership (as it does now) but we also need to consider if governance voting for complete newbies is even allowed. For Hive there is a 30 day waiting period for governance voting. Newbies may well not understand the matters involved sufficiently to be able to make good judgements on voting many matters.

Much more to speak about on these subjects. i wish for a community forum space for that - and there is one on-chain, the Community Voting community.
Tagging this comment #communityvoting so hopefully it appears there (but there is no comment Tab).

i will leave it at this for now and watch the video. i have a bit of a hearing impairment which is why i prefer reading (or video with subtitles).

Sat Nam

0.000 PAL

Hmmm, I'm wondering what the rationale is for giving one user more power over another, simply because of the size of his wallet. I kind of understand the use of rep, but like you said, rep doesn't really mean respectable, competent nor even influential here, so without refinement that's even a bad idea.

Is it the old,' the more stake they have, the more they care, because of higher investment'?

I have heard that @leofinance is planning to introduce their own reputation system and we'll have to see it work in realtime to figure out if it's actually better.

0.000 PAL

i think Stake weighted votes (to some extent) can be important. Not going go into detail why(for now), except, if we are talking about Governance voting, then with no Stake or 1LP of example, why would we want them to vote at all?

If it is done the way i am suggesting (nterim way), maybe the affect stake has on vote weight could be variable depending on what the poll is about. Again much to discus re. this too.

0.000 PAL

I can understand that. Maybe we need a threshold to reach before they can vote, then make it 1p1v? Most would understand that as a way to keep unproven users from weighing in before knowing what's going on or giving abusers too much power right off the bat. The threshold couldn't too high though, but I'm sure there's a fair compromise. I think maybe 500
leo would be fair.

0.000 PAL

Threshold of LP only doesnt prove much. Day 1 buy 500 LP then governance voting immediately? Not good.

Best to include other factors too

Length of membership
Passing a multiple choice quiz (with answers in posts which are linked to) to ensure certain necessary understanding,. Again, that could be part of Rep.

Matrix-8 covers a lit of thia already. i invite you to read. Ask for links if u need


0.000 PAL

Agreed, I thought of the 'buy your way in on the first day' issue after commenting.

0.000 PAL

If we collectively provide more BHBD liquidity, could we potentially help make wraps and unwraps more reliable?

0.000 PAL

I haven't dreamed of this lol. I have to think it through. Not sure if it is something I'm dying for.

0.000 PAL

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0.000 PAL

Hello, why wrap LEO is refund? Any solution.

0.000 PAL

Awesome development. However, I suggest that the stake-weighted votes pn polls be in categories and not 1 token unit to 1 vote. Something like:

  • 1 - 100 LEO Power is 1 vote
  • 101 - 1000 Leo power is 2 vote
  • 1001 - 10000 Leo Power is vote,

This would make it more inclusive especially for newbies trying to build themselves up.

0.000 PAL