A Call for Feedback | What Do You Want to See Added to LeoFinance.io Next?

The entire LeoVerse runs primarily on feedback loops. We love to hear from the community and using the #feedback tag on Threads allows us to gather feedback in real-time.

You guys all do an amazing job of that. We get tons of great feedback each day and we are constantly taking that feedback and working it in with our preset roadmap.

The preset roadmap + feedback is how we create a constantly evolving UI/UX. We have features ready to be built and then consider feedback in each iteration as well.

Feedback For the Next Iteration of LeoFinance.io

We're already working on some big ticket items as well as some major pieces of feedback already received.

Here is a list of Feedback that is being implemented by the LeoTeam right now:

  • Fix Hivesigner image uploading (we've resolved to build our own image hosting service. Should be live in production within a day or so)
  • Add word count to articles
  • Add the new Lists feature
  • Add the new Favorites Menu
  • Add a LEO Voting Power bar
  • Expand the Ticker Symbol list
  • Fix some bugs with Editing posts
  • Delegated LEO POWER not showing on the hover rank
  • Improving social card / sharability for Hive Articles from leofinance.io
  • Adding a sticky menu for long-form meta-actions
  • Adding replies to the profile page
  • Fix bookmarks and prevent them from disappearing
  • Adding threads to community pages
  • Improving the search feature

Wen More Feedback?

I keep putting up Threads asking for more feedback. We're looking for more suggestions, bug reports and feature ideas to keep progressing the UI.

One major focus for me right now is improving the long-form creation / curation experience.

I still sometimes find myself curating from PeakD because of familiarity / features. We're looking at what gaps there are in the curation experience on leofinance.io and how we can fill those gaps + add more features to improve curation and content creation from the leofinance.io UI directly.

If you still curate using other UIs, please drop some feedback in the comments below on what would change your activity and get you curating on LEO's UI.

The Everything App is taking a great shape so far. We launched it on May 1st, so it has only been about 10 weeks since it went live.

We've put a lot of work in since then to radically improve the UI/UX.

There are a lot more big ticket features that are coming soon but this post is calling for suggestions on all fronts. From the smallest of requests to the biggest of requests.

Also included in the next iteration will be view counters on long-form posts, the introduction of LeoAds Smart Contract displays on the UI as well as our new Evergreen Rewards Protocol which is one of the most exciting things that I believe our team has worked on.

For the first time... ever... on hive, you'll be able to earn rewards for your articles based on how many monthly views they generate... in perpetuity for the lifetime of that content.

Feedback Wanted

So again, leave feedback in a comment below. You can also always post threads with #feedback hashtag and we review those on a daily basis and incoprate the feedback into updates.

If You Haven't Tried https://leofinance.io lately...

We know a bunch of Hivers haven't been to the UI recently. Trust me when I tell you, a lot has changed.

Each week, over a dozen new features and bugs are released & fixed on the UI. The experience changes dramatically, so we encourage you to hit the UI and see what's new.

Recently, we also introduced the ability to post to any Hive community from LEOs UI.

  1. This means you can post to any community about any subject from https://leofinance.io
  2. You will still be eligible for @leo.voter upvotes - but only if it's posted from https://leofinance.io
  3. You will also be eligible to earn LEO upvotes

The game is changing. The Everything App is evolving. Our userbase has expanded 3x this year!

About LeoFinance

LeoFinance is a blockchain-based Web3 community that builds innovative applications on the Hive, BSC, ETH and Polygon blockchains. Our flagship application: LeoFinance.io allows users and creators to engage & share micro and long-form content on the blockchain while earning cryptocurrency rewards.

Our mission is to democratize financial knowledge and access with Web3.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/FinanceLeo
Discord: https://discord.gg/E4jePHe
Whitepaper: https://whitepaper.leofinance.io

Our Hive Applications

Join Web3: https://leofinance.io/
Microblog on Hive: https://leofinance.io/threads
Delegate HIVE POWER: Earn 16% APR, Paid Daily. Currently @ 3.8M HP
Hivestats: https://hivestats.io
LeoDex: https://leodex.io
LeoFi: https://leofi.io
BSC HBD (bHBD): https://wleo.io/hbd-bsc/
BSC HIVE (bHIVE): https://wleo.io/hive-bsc/
Earn 50%+ APR on HIVE/HBD: https://cubdefi.com/farms

Web3 & DeFi

Web3 is about more than social media. It encompasses a personal revolution in financial awareness and data ownership. We've merged the two with our Social Apps and our DeFi Apps:

CubFinance (BSC): https://cubdefi.com
PolyCUB (Polygon): https://polycub.com
Multi-Token Bridge (Bridge HIVE, HBD, LEO): https://wleo.io

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha



I'm missing the hyperlink feature from the editor.


The Leo team has been working hard to add more features and its really good.
I would like to see the transaction history in the wallet for Hive and Leo both.


A like button.

Like button = I like your post, I acknowledge It, however cannot vote, maybe because my voting value is down or its not worth monetary gains(receiving Leo or Hive rewards) so I simply just press the like button.

(maybe this would follow a similar design to polls so all votes are recorded on-chain)

While the love button(icon) remains for distributing Leo, Hive and whatever else tokens to the author upon voting.

That would be cool, at least, would make some threads/post look less interacted with and authors would have better indirect feedback on how their content(thread or post) is perceived by readers.

Just a thought.


Leo team are really doing great work, in just 10weeks we are almost perfect, but there will always be room for improvement, I will never fail to drop feedbacks on anything I noticed.

  1. One or the other needs to happen with images on threads
    a) Either 100 more characters needs to be added to threads overall
    b) A single image upload is not counted against the text character count.

  2. Ability to add short videos 1 minute or smaller in length get counted and either show up as a comment only or goes on the profile of that person under a shorts tab. Along side of that I would love to see video ads that show once in a while to generate more ad revenue the gets returned to the userbase in some way. Video ads are going to pay out a trove of more ad revenue over banners so if you thought 6k in banner ad revenue was good a month just wait for video!

  3. Ad Revenue - I'm going to keep saying it because it's been FOREVER now.


Not sure if it is already on the list but a way to upload a photo without it taking so many characters.


any way to hide the rewards and see them in a separate panel, for some reason it stresses me out to see that my 1000 word posts don't even generate pennies sometimes, that would be nice


Some sorts of Badges x Awards besides profile like on Reddit, there's plenty of awards that we can give to others and display on profile.

It could be as top threader, top commenter or such.


Thanks for your hard work. Here's my feedback for now:

  • For tables to display properly on posts
  • For 3Speak videos to play within the UI
  • HTML support
  • History of transactions on LEO wallet
  • To be able to upvote long-form post comments via the UI

Can the Edit on done on Threads be indexed once it's done without having one to wait for minutes.?
Sometimes, it does not even get indexed.
Great work on the UI

That would be all from me


Am finding it so difficult uploading images on #threads via mobile. Please I wish and plead for a better future.


Evergreen is the only update I'll need!


HTML support in long form posts. Need to be able to center and move pictures left and right.


Awesome lists of features to be incorporated soon on Leofinance.io

Add a LEO Voting Power bar

Okay. Does this also mean we would be able to know what our Leo value worth on posts just like other frontends? I would love that to be incorporated too.

Now, I haven't been using my pc for a while now but I noticed I can only view my Leo wallet and not Hive and Hbd. So, I/we would love that to happen on mobile.

Thanks for your constant work on improving Leofinance and making it more fun to interact with. As for me, I am enjoying curating post here


I would like to vote on some posts when I'm too busy to read them without it automatically opening when I vote!


Wen fully working profile editing that works? So far can't change profile picture or banner image from Leofinance. Was this a social site 😀 ?


Have you tried it recently? This was fixed weeks ago


Hmm. Can it be Brave browser problem? It doesn't seem to work for me. Let me try another browser.


Tried also with Chrome and the Save changes button doesn't seem to work still. I can see the banner image upload but not save the change.


Tried also safari, still not saving the image uploaded.


Ok, banner upload seems to work, but the delay until it updates seems very long. Over 10 minutes if not more.


Very impressive developments one can say. The LeoVerse has evolved beyond imagination in just a short time and the flexibility of the team to alternate changes is just amazing.


Ability to manage HIVE-Engine Tokens + Ability to withdraw and deposit HIVE to 2nd layer (what is already being used in LeoDEX) will be excellent additions to the wallet.
