Mischievous Mermaid Splinterlands Weekly Art Contest
Hello! How are you? For my entry for this week, my subject is Mischievous Mermaid I was into green skin characters last week so my subject is green too. I feel like getting sick, my family is all sick and I am the only one who surviving this pandemic happening inside our house LOL.
The Process:
I started with a light sketch by using a marker details brush. This part is very important this part tells you where the proportion of the face and body. Tips every sketch I did I mirrored the canvas so I could check if the proportion was right.
To achieve this clean lineart what I do is I lower the opacity of the sketch adjust the stabilization of the brush to prevent shaky lines and then carefully draw the lineart. After that, I hid the sketch and now I have a clean lineart.
Next, I select the shape fill as my brush and then I adjust again the stabilization of the brush and then I start adding the base color.
I like to add texture to my canvas so I add one what I do is I add a fill layer and then select a pattern I choose default paper and next I adjust the opacity to 30% and for the final step I set the blending mode into soft light now I have a textured canvas. After that, I started the first layer of render using the Airbrush Soft.
After that, I added a darker background and started adding the second layer of render.
The next thing I did was lower the opacity of the line art so I could render it clearly and then I started to fix some parts that needed to be fixed.
For this part, I started to render in details what I do is I render the hair in detail using a rake bristle dry brush to make the hair more lively and more flowy.
For this part, I turned off the lineart and added more details on each part.
For the final step, I added a background with a glowing design.
Thank you for visiting. See you on my next blog. :D
Please take care of your mental health as well.
I hope you are okay today :))
Gear: XP-Pen Deco 1 v2
Program: Krita
Duration: 5 hours

Thanks for sharing! - @isaria