The Seperation

As the sun rose on the horizon, it became clear what had happened. Chris's heart raced as he read the DNA result the doctor gave to him.

"Doctor, what do you mean by this? I am the father of my daughter, look at the resemblance. Please don't drive me mad" Chris stammered as he spoke to the doctor after reading the DNA test several times.

Chris's daughter had a health condition and it bothered him because the doctor specified that it was hereditary but his parents never suffered from the ailment. While thinking about it at his place of work, one of his friends suggested he did a DNA for his child and Chris went behind his wife to get it done.

He was shivering while holding the result and the doctor tried calming him down.

"Does that mean that eight years of hard labour on Angel has been wasted? Felicia did me wicked," He muttered words and tears were pouring profusely from his eyes.

After a while, he left the hospital in a cab because he couldn't afford to drive by himself so Chris left his car at the hospital.

He arrived home and looked like someone who had been through a lot that day.

"Honey, what happened and where is your car?" Felicia asked immediately after Chris entered the house.


"Don't ever honey me again in your life and right now, I demand an answer for this or else, hell will receive the both of us today," Chris screamed at her.

Felicia was shocked and gently collected the paper Chris stretched to her. With her hands shaking and lips trembling, she read out what was on the paper.

"Who is Angel's father?" Chris screamed at her.

"You are the one, I swear on my life. Since the very first day you said hello to me, I have never seen a man. This is a misunderstanding," Felicia replied.

"Oh, the doctors don't know what they are doing anymore?" He replied but Felicia couldn't continue arguing so she went on her knees pleading that Chris should believe her but he wasn't ready to listen.

He went on screaming and told Felicia to leave if she wasn't ready to speak. Chris was so mad that he refused to speak with either Felicia or Angel, it was so bad that he called the little girl a bastard in her presence.

The once happy home was thrown into sadness, Felicia wept day and night but never admitted that she cheated. A month passed and she left the house because Chris was threatening her and she thought he might hurt her physically. Already, Chris had spread the news to the family and even people at church and their street got the news already.

Chris moved on with his life and a time came when he had to travel abroad for a conference sponsored by the company he worked for, Felicia on the other hand had accepted her fate and wasn't ready to drag herself around with Chris so she left her matrimonial home to stay with her mother.

He arrived abroad and was fortunate to meet a doctor who made it clear that it was possible for Angel not to have his DNA because a study has proven that sometimes, the genes of someone in our lineage can dominate and overpower the ones that should be dominant.

The doctor showed him samples and Chris gave it a second thought. He felt the doctor might be right and hoped Felicia could still forgive if what the doctor said was the case. He was still abroad when he got the news of Angel's death. Felicia couldn't fund the treatment and the poor girl died.

Chris hurried back home but there was nothing he could do anymore. He met with his doctor to discuss the things he learned abroad so the doctor decided to research more on the DNA and found out that Chris was actually the father but the little girl had the DNA of Chris's grandfather.

He felt sad and wished he trusted Felicia when she told him the truth. Chris went to seek forgiveness but Felicia wouldn't listen, she told Chris that coming back to his home would haunt her. She couldn't live with the memory of her dead daughter knowing that she could have gotten the necessary treatment if Chris had trusted her.


Chris did what most men would have done. But the fact that he didn't trust his wife is bad, at least he should have made more inquiries before sending her away.
Well done🎉


Yes, my reaction wouldn't have been different if I was a guy. It can be sad to raise a child that doesn't belong to him but if he was patient, he would have seen the truth.


Chris was in a terrible position and the doctor ought to be very sure of everything before giving the result. Too bad they lost the child and they never made it together.

It's such a sad but cool story, probably exercising patience sometimes can prevent things like this.


Yes sir, a little more patience would have gotten the issue sorted and at least Angel might not die.


Your story is intriguing, too bad they lost Angel, Chris could have been more patient with his wife and done more finding before taking any action against her.

Posted using Neoxian City


Patience would have been the game changer for them, Chris will never be in haste to make crucial decisions again.


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LEO Power Up Day - November 15, 2023

This is a sad story of loss of life - Angel- and the love between her parents. Chris's reaction could be expected as he thought the doctor's report must be accurate. Is the doctor at fault for not sharing a completely accurate report? However the trust in the relationship appear to have been weak and it totally died because of the report. Trust in each other and time could have provided a very different outcome.

Posted using Neoxian City


There are two things here which led to the sad ending of the story. One is that the doctor could have done enough research before releasing the result and secondly, I see no trust in the's quite unfortunate that the couple lost Angel... sometimes, we just need patience before taking certain decision
