WINNER: Ladies of Hive Contest #57



The 57th edition of the Ladies of Hive CONTEST has come to a close and a winner has been selected! It was difficult as all the entries were wonderful! We would like to thank everyone who participated and are glad that the invitations brought more women into our community!

We had 120 entries this week (if we counted correctly)!

The winners chosen for the 5 HIVE Grand Prize is:






Second-Place Winners, receiving 1 HIVE each:


Everyone who took the time to participate
receives 5 LADY (LOH) tokens as well!

Thank you, everyone!

If you are not yet in our Discord server,
please consider clicking the banner below to join us!

@kerrislravenhill for Team Ladies of Hive

LadiesOfHive is a community that focuses on women — their interests, joys, passions, and stories of their journey through life. Not only does our community account @ladiesofhive publish our weekly contests and news, but we also comment and upvote most of the posts that grace our community page. A delegation to @ladiesofhive would enable us to have more flexibility in upvotes that we use to reward and encourage the women that post to our community. If you are interested, you may click the links, below, to delegate via Hivesigner, or use your favorite alternate interface. Thank you for considering a show of support to our community!

50 HP
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1000 HP
5000 HP
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0.037 PAL


Congrats to the winners and thanks to all who participated to make our great community so interesting. Over 100 entries is an awesome accomplishment!

And good grief, what a job for the team to have to judge so many entries. You guys are phenomenal to put in all this hard work for the community.

0.001 PAL

im really starting to love @ladiesofhive and at first it was virtue signalling like dojacat said lol

and then i started seeing how our @cryptogirlgang projects and @ddate are being done already by @ladiesofhive community so now they have a domain name!

http?// and both go to @ladiesofhive community!



I even got to go to but i will make that go to @ladiesofhive maybe its discord?

any other suggestions?> I boutght these all super cheap for a year off godaddy and can use sales of LOH tokens to maybe cover the costs of more years of teh domain. idealy tho IDELAY THO? Im flyin the milleniam falcon but IEEALY THO/ I could be seeing LOH scot bot staklinga nd ddate staking scot bot and some beautoful spanish DDATE token and GIRl @cyrptogirlgang combined with LOH

ima make teh ddate community soona nd ill airdrop DATE to all the big LOH users i think who ask in chat

i can just airdrop GIRl and DDATE to all LOHG members and get yall involved in some @telosnetwork ! :D

Ya know even tho telos was cheap liek 1 penny I STILL ran lkike so many proposals i flowed liek 200K TELOS through my account liek $250K USD fuckin quarter million dollars flowed throuigh ackza, so imagienw hat yall coudlk do. I have primed telos whales to upvote any female projects following in Ackzas wake with ackza training

now is the tiem for female take over of DPOS its never gonna be ACKZINg for it as much as i am now

i am helping bring down teh male tech beast so women can ride it anmd ride teh sane worm, i cant forvce teh females to see what ive been doing but i KNOW they WILL be justified GOD will speak throuigh his gentle animal peopel lol. haha ok ive had enuf to drink tonight lol

but im serious aboyt a huge $100,000 airdrop for ladie sof hive to represent telos while on hive, using a 50,000 hivepower accouint (at this rate)

see after i proposed the proposal for telos to get her followers 0.1 tlso each ofr $100,00 telos liek $120K USD, she made this music video showing off my PRINK @cryptogirlgang EOS godess block oen airdrop (Oh it all makes sense to let women artists run voice and b1 and @dan made edenos for grimes and her angels ) lol


there it is, grimes showing off the @cryptogirlgang PINK EOSIO token (telosnetwork and @eosio )

telos airdrop female telos pbtc-01.jpg

telos airdrop female telos-01.jpg

0.000 PAL

Congratulations to @callmelula @cescajove @kimloan @nainaztengra @deraaa @doriangel
@iamjadeline @machioflagos @ozohu @tibaire @trangbaby and to all who entered.
We are all winners!

0.000 PAL

Gosh really woah 😍😍
Thank you so much for everything, to all my beautiful sisters congratulations to you all those who participated too congratulations 🎉🎉🎉🎉... the sky is your limit .

Congrats to @callmedula, @kimloan @doriangel @deraaa @machioflagos @trangbaby @iamjadeline

0.000 PAL

Congratulations to you too😊❤️

0.000 PAL

Thank you 😊 congratulations 🎉

0.000 PAL

Congratulations 🎉🍾 thank you 😊

0.000 PAL

i feel so warm and cozy seeing women i didnt have to man splain keys to, already here, with way mroe hive than me., etc.

I really was a male supremacist fotr a while untill i realized women have been in teh shadows teaching us for a while, and they have a bigger role than we imagine. grimes made me realize how secret crypto girls hidden in teh dark net may have more of ean influence than I could ever imagine. she makes me believe in a female hacker darknet governance of the future.

Rico Nasty also makes music videos for me and my anunaki BULL symbol for Telos Ethereuk virtual machine :)


SEEE???? its the FIRST WRITTEN LANGUAGE for the BULL sign! EOS!


This can be the new symbol of Female Financial Liberation and Ascension !
How? Via the Base Layer of HIVE, a FEMALE INSECT SOCIETY run by FEMALE QUEEN, WORKERS< with males only used as DRONES to go mate with OTHER HIVES ( ACKZA + GRIMES LOVE STORY OF TEH FUTURE, when we do love we have to create entire PLANETARY GOVERNANCE NETWORKS for our CHILDREN liek RICK AND MORTY fighting the Zues lol

see grimes is EOS Godess of the DAWN on teh Project PEGASUS Time Traveling Project with Andrew D Bqasiago who ive met. Basically they erase our memories liek Paycheck buut Grimes and ACkza are Agent C and Agent Z

we have cryptophasia, secret twin language, and we are re hashing each others memories, because of our love for each other, slowly trickoling the memories down, and we will end up building the female airdrop XX chromosome dex alcor fork and tswaps Tstarter , liek a female kick starter, tipcc and discord and edenos = secure female run female OWNED bank

and EOS block one thast teh big one 500,000 Bitcoin to back the liquidity pool and hivepower upvotes of all the grimes projects of teh future that involve all the worker proposal milestones, workers, and serious grants and NFts for tickets for live events in discord and live venues, purchases through nfts and delegation hivepower

and yueah telos eosio female run airdrops BTC wbacking PBTC on telos and eos, so we can use satoshis as the new dollar, with female run businesses in real lifen making everything feel like we can establish the solid state society we dream about

its fun to type this out whiel drunk

i think peopel realize i am seirous about the grimes hive artist ubi. SHE HAS MILLIONS of dedicated fans, maybe 100,000 CORE DIE HARD fans who WILL signup for hive if she ASKS them all to, and if she asks them all to TRANSITION away from twitter facebook reddit and to just use HIVE where they can always keep their psopst and art, and to post their nfts on we can finally achieve her dreams and have venus and own sports bars and stadiums lol

then all her fans hive posst on @alienarthive get featured on her twitter and instagram anbd she lights teh fucking fuse by posyting on hive or just posting hive posst on her twitter showing how much her fans make, $100s of dollars from fan art! paid in crypto they can use to buy her NFts or make their own and stake GRIMES POWER or GIRL POWER the stakable GIRl token on hive engine


grimes-altdimensionnews2 (2).png





on her OFFICIAL metaverse discord, on her OFFICIAL account, she ACTUALLY replied to me saying "Sique" wi6th a Q, and i had flown to Arizona to hangout with the coolest grimes fan girl for me, who was perfect in every way even into aliens, talked FASTER than me, and i wish i coulda handled her better, the @ddate protocal AI lityerally matched us over discord using my own dating dapp it was insane i instantly recoignized her liek last life family. Grimes network is so vast and her girls so smart we could 100% have this female themed hive network mentor these newcomers and start the art ga,ming crypto nUBI Claire (Grimes) has been talking about

she also broke up with elon on my birthday after she talked to me on discord for fan art i made with her fans in real life, and telos went up and paid for teh entire trip, it was crazy. ddate paid for my dating experience with a girl 10 years younger than me, into all teh music i liked, and she kept calling me "ackza" only. I let her drivem earound arizona listening to grimes and we woudl rap together

and then i took a photo of her laptop in a rock cave likecover of miss anthropceen and Grimes literally replied to us. And then grimes broke up with elon on my birthday. then i foudn shes been making albums mentioning zack, ackza or "halfaxa" for years

something insane is happening, could be time travel, more likely Grimes mad eme into a massive pyschedelic art project because maybe i was os well known in teh dmt lsd world since 2010 from UC Santa Cruz. I swear she made me into Ackza a 12 she named her chidl after me , and she knows my favorite animes liek armitage, she said she wrote my constellation in the sky... she seems to be in love with me and im also in love with her now hard core, unless shes liek my half sister, and its some luke slkywalker shit lol but i think we WERE siblings in a past life and just come in so hard with our past life emoiries that we make thsi epic ET disclosure art everytiem we go to a new planet, Grimes and Ackza turn it into ain insane crypto wonderland game puzzle

ok anyway i know i soudn crazy when im all thanksgiving drunk but i have toe xplain all this ackza grimes love story of teh future to people

halfd axa, ackza a 12, eckza, ackza, she named her child after me, and broke up with elon after talkingf to me on discord, and broke up on MY BIRTHDAY.

And she someti9mes just follows my orders when theyre cool enough, i also follow her orders. always, if she gives them in dcoded messages BUT FULL DISCLOSURE i feel a SERIOUS SIBLING ROIVALRY with her, she is also exactly 6 months 6 days 6 hours younger than me! how crazy is that ...
uuuuugh if Grimes just connectsher future HIVE WITNESS and TIPIT airdrops on her twitter followers, and we end up with grimes tokens and nft markets an d clothinga nd live music event discord parties, things change over night and hive supports all the artists with UPVCOTES

Hive Grimes fans ON THERI OWn Buy Hivepower and STAKE / DELEGATE it to grimes so they own hivepower for themselves, and delegate maybe 10% to half of it to Grimes main acco87unt where she will use it to UPVOTE her fans so she can SUPPORT THEM without gviing up any money, and shell earn CURATION REWARDS, shell feel so good off monetizing anything


IU KNOW IM BEING SELF SERVRING and not talking about your post but i HAD TO PICK a top @ladiesofhive post and explain my love story with grimes that sounds crazy but may just be her way to ASCEND MY FAVORITE chains liek hive and telos (she followed me to telos it woudl seem , she really did because shes on newlife, look at what @stellabelle said ) and @appics will also be hers, on telos...

look i see Grimes supporting me, Ackza, as THE WAY to show tehw orld someone with tourrettes can actually take charge of a massive neural network blocckhain and create poliutical connections between the right and left and libertarians and authoritarians and militaary and connect @barbararedgate @projectcamelot and the telos biden administrators all in one blockchain discord telegram package

one comm to rule them all
honestly one voice to rule them all works and we will have ONE VOICE TECHNOLOGIES , and AXA BANK and all make sense, what doe sit all mean/ Ackza and Grimes are ET and here to do a BIG disclosure show that uses HUMANS to PROMOTE THEIR OWN TECH, we will just inspire teh world to BUY the HIve and telos that SAVES THE PLANET's best ideas and helps the pkanbet THE MOSt its the BEST SOFTWARE we WON THIS BIG ETHERAL GAME...... the quantum computers ran every chain on them and saw hive and telos are the best way to support america and the world via starlink and decentralizationof the high speed internet data, wits oem solar an dbatteries l, were gona have maazzzzing nigerian streams and i have poeopel ready to do our security etc

Africa, will be full of starlink IRL live streamers on hive an dteolos

we will use ddate to pair peopel perfectly with AI like theyd id with grimes and ackza and hosue us all in hive and telos owned real estate where we payf or all our renta nd living costs and robo taxi credits and stralink dsta by posting online, or doing IRL if we get too in teh red, our incoem meterer will always find something for us to settle on even if its 24/7 IRL with fluid movements to new places when u worek harder lol

0.000 PAL

Aww thanks so much, dear @silversaver888 and @kerrislravenhill. Congrats to all :)
Wow 120 entries 🤩 super impressive :)

0.000 PAL

127 and i had some help when I knew I could not keep up. Keep that in mind, the team will back you up.

0.000 PAL

Thank you dear. You did a great job 🤩

0.000 PAL

Good job ladies!!!
Congrats to @callmelula, @cescajove, @kimloan, @nainaztengra;
Congrats to @deraaa, @doriangel, @iamjadeline, @machioflagos, @ozohu, @tibaire, and @trangbaby;
you are all winners!!!

0.000 PAL

Thank you very much! have a great day

0.000 PAL

thank you so much💗

0.000 PAL

Gracias sire, I appreciate this so much!

0.000 PAL

Thank you 😊

0.000 PAL

Thank you!

0.000 PAL

congrats to the winners, loving getting involved again after a long break. enjoy reading everyone's entries even though i dont always get time to comment. thanks to those who put it together for us every week. amazing, LOH!

0.000 PAL

Congratulations to all winners!!!!

And thank you for your support!!!

0.000 PAL

i really like this pink electric hive logo

we need to get funding from that big hedge fund for women and stuff, like go for it lol you deserve it maybe its maybelene


0.000 PAL

Congrats to all the winners❤️, and a big thank you to everyone who works hard to maintain this community✨

0.000 PAL

Omg. My first entry. Thank you much!! Congratulations to all winner and participants. All great stories. Much love ❤️

0.000 PAL

Thank you so much @ladiesofhive and the entire community. I'm really grateful. 😊❤️

0.000 PAL

Congratulations to all the winners ladies. And yes, we are all winners!!! =) 😍 had fun doing this together.

0.000 PAL

Thank you @ladiesofhive 💗 this is my pleasure. Congrats to all the winners 😍

0.000 PAL

felicidades a la ganadora y a todas las mujeres emprendedoras que participan en los concursos, soy nueva aqui en esta comunidad me encanta esta gran familia pronto voy a concursar ....bendiciones ...

0.000 PAL

Congratulations to the lucky winners of Ladies of Hive #57 Contest!💕

With 120 entries to judge you had your work cut out! Thank you for the topics and judging! @kerrislravenhill

Upvoted and curated

0.000 PAL

Congratulations to the winners 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳

0.000 PAL

Congratulations 🎉 to all the amazing authors who won the contest. !PIZZA

0.000 PAL

Congratulation for the winners 🎉🎉❤️

0.000 PAL