Iniciativa: Mi Vida sin Hive//Initiative: My Life without Hive
Feliz día para todos,hoy me uno a esta iniciativa plateada por @rutablockchain,gracias también a la invitación recibida de @josesalazar200,en cuanto a la iniciativa nos pide expresar ¿COMO SERIA NUESTRA VIDA SIN HIVE?;la cual me hace retornar a mis inicios en la plataforma y dar un vistazo a todo el camino recorrido en ella,la cual ha estado cargada de emociones de alegrías y felicidad ademas de mucho agradecimiento;sin mas preámbulo aquí les cuento.
Happy day to all, today I join this initiative silvered by @rutablockchain, thanks also to the invitation received from @josesalazar200, as for the initiative asks us to express WHAT WOULD OUR LIFE BE LIKE WITHOUT HIVE; which makes me return to my beginnings on the platform and take a look at the whole road traveled on it, which has been full of emotions of joys and happiness plus much gratitude; without further ado here I tell you.
Todo comenzó cuando acepte entrar a hive,motivada por mi hijo @josesalazar200,el cual en varias oportunidades me planteo trabajar en la plataforma y yo ponía excusas;sin embargo como todo llego el momento y aunque mis inicios fueron de mucha incertidumbres y miedo al pasar el tiempo los pude superar y aprender muchas cosas;la verdad es que mi vida sin Hive seria totalmente diferente,tal vez suene un poco trillado pero es cierto que la parte económica ha ayudado a muchos venezolanos que hoy estamos acá,en mi caso Hive a sido un apoyo incondicional he trabajado duro para obtener las recompensas necesarias para sostenerme económicamente aunque no tengo hijos pequeños la verdad es que antes me veía muy angustiada para solventar algunos gastos de la casa,alimentación y otras,sin embargo poder estar en Hive ademas de que exige un esfuerzo de mi para cada post que publico también me llena de satisfacción el poder contar con una remuneración que me sirva de apoyo financiero.
It all started when I accepted to join Hive, motivated by my son @josesalazar200, who on several occasions asked me to work on the platform and I made excuses; however, like everything else, the time came and although my beginnings were full of uncertainty and fear as time went by, I was able to overcome them and learn many things; The truth is that my life without Hive would be totally different, maybe it sounds a little trite but it is true that the economic part has helped many Venezuelans who are here today, in my case Hive has been an unconditional support I have worked hard to get the necessary rewards to support me economically although I have no small children the truth is that before I was very distressed to meet some household expenses, food and others, However, being able to be in Hive, besides the fact that it demands an effort from me for each post I publish, also fills me with satisfaction to be able to count on a remuneration that serves me as a financial support.
Otro aspecto que debo mencionar es la parte de salud desde hace muchos años sufro de gastritis crónica y síndrome de colon irritable lo cual son enfermedades de por vida y los medicamentos muy costosos;pues estoy sumamente agradecida con Hive porque desde que estoy con ustedes se ha hecho mas fácil la obtención de medicamentos y ademas mantener la dieta necesaria para que mi salud mejore;mi vida sin Hive seria un tormento siempre enferma porque como saben en Venezuela los medicamentos son muy costosos y poco accesibles.
Another aspect that I must mention is the health part; for many years I have suffered from chronic gastritis and irritable bowel syndrome which are life long illnesses and the medications are very expensive; I am extremely grateful to Hive because since I am with you it has become easier to obtain medications and also to maintain the diet necessary for my health to improve; my life without Hive would be a torment always sick because as you know in Venezuela the medications are very expensive and not very accessible.
Debo expresar que mi vida sin Hive seria un aburrimiento,pues ahora mi tiempo libre lo dedico a revisar la plataforma,leer los post,publicar en mi blog y saben algo es increíble como siempre estoy al pendiente de que publicar,trato de que no se me escape ningún momento especial para que sea publicado en Hive,quiero mencionar que Hive ha sido el pilar en mi vida para mantenerme no solo sana y cubrir mis necesidades sino también para poder criar a mi mascota pues anteriormente no tenia para comprar la perrarina,ni para llevar al medico a mi perra Tina,y gracias a Hive hoy puedo cubrir sus gastos y mantenerla de alimentación y salud,tal ves ustedes piensen que es algo superficial pero tener una mascota también requiere atención y cuidados.
I must say that my life without Hive would be boring, because now my free time is dedicated to review the platform, read the posts, publish in my blog and you know something is amazing how I am always aware of what to publish, I try not to miss any special moment to be published in Hive, I want to mention that Hive has been the pillar in my life to keep me not only healthy and cover my needs but also to be able to raise my pet because previously I did not have to buy the dog food, or to take my dog Tina to the doctor, and thanks to Hive today I can cover her expenses and keep her healthy and fed, maybe you think it is something superficial but having a pet also requires attention and care.
Mi vida sin hive fuera totalmente distinta, me siento tan orgullosa de pertenecer a ella que a veces alardeo de mi trabajo ,les cuento que es primera vez que trabajo en plataformas virtuales y mi experiencia ha sido maravillosa,quizás si Hive llegara a desaparecer buscaría otra; pero la verdad es que también me ayudo en cuanto al manejo de la computadora y pude aprender, adiestrarme y desenvolverme mejor gracias a Hive;así que gracias por todo de corazón.
My life without Hive would be totally different, I feel so proud to belong to it that sometimes I brag about my work, I tell you that it is the first time I work in virtual platforms and my experience has been wonderful, perhaps if Hive would disappear I would look for another one; but the truth is that it also helped me in terms of computer management and I could learn, train and develop myself better thanks to Hive; so thank you for everything from the bottom of my heart.
Invito a @sandracast,@glenddys y @anitacariaco;a dar respuesta a esta hermosa iniciativa sobre nuestra blockchain.
I invite @sandracast,@glenddys and @anitacariaco;to give response to this beautiful initiative about our blockchain.
Contenido de mi autoria.
Traductor usado Deepl.
Imagenes editadas en Pic-Collage.
Content authored by me.Translator used Deepl.
Edited images in Pic-Collage.
The people doing V2K want me to believe it is this lady @battleaxe Investigate what she has been up to for 5 years. Its the next step to stopping this. Make her prove where she has been for 5 years or where she is now. She is involved deeply with @fyrstikken and his group. Her discord is Battleaxe#1003. I cant say she is the one directly doing the v2k. Make her prove it. They have tried to kill me and are still trying to kill me. I bet nobody does anything at all. Make @battleaxe prove it. I bet she wont. They want me to believe the v2k in me is being broadcasted from her location. @battleaxe what is your location?
Gracias por su apoyo.
Agradecida con ustedes.