Ejercicios para la espalda baja//Lower back exercises
Feliz día para todos los amantes del deporte,espero se encuentren bien de salud,me complace estar participando nuevamente en esta activa comunidad;esta vez para traerles unos ejercicios que van a beneficiar aquellas personas que sufren de dolores en la espalda baja ocasionados por un accidente de transito,caídas,levantar peso,,mala postura,lesiones,falta de ejercicios, y otros;y comúnmente acuden al fisiatrìa o traumatologo para que le administre tratamientos que vienen acompañados de inyecciones con calmantes,sin embargo existen estos ejercicios que se pueden realizar para suavizar el dolor de la espalda baja,ademas es recomendable colocar compresas de agua fría y calor,para lograr relajar los músculos,tendones y ligamentos del área.
Happy day to all sports lovers, I hope you are in good health, I am pleased to be participating again in this active community, this time to bring you some exercises that will benefit those who suffer from lower back pain caused by a traffic accident, falls, lifting weight, poor posture, injuries, lack of exercise, and others; and commonly go to the physiatrist or traumatologist to administer treatments that are accompanied by injections with painkillers, however, there are these exercises that can be performed to soften the pain in the lower back, it is also advisable to place compresses of cold water and heat, to relax the muscles, tendons and ligaments in the area.
A continuación les dejo algunos de estos ejercicios,solo les recuerdo que antes deben realizar el debido estiramiento para no lesionarse.
Here are some of these exercises, I just remind you that you should stretch beforehand to avoid injury.
1_Pie al pecho
;acostados en el piso boca arriba,con los pies apoyados en el suelo y las rodillas dobladas,se lleva una rodilla al pecho,ayudándola con las manos,esta posición se mantiene de 15 a 30 segundos y se alterna con la otra pierna(repeticiones de 10 veces cada pierna). 1_Feet to the chest; lying on the floor face up, with feet apartment on the floor and knees bent, one knee is brought to the chest, helping it with the hands, this position is maintained for 15 to 30 seconds and alternated with the other leg (repetitions of 10 times each leg).
2_Pies al pecho
;este ejercicio es parecido al anterior la diferencia es que se juntan las rodillas y se acercan juntas al pecho(repeticiones de 10 veces). 2_Feet to the chest; this exercise is similar to the previous one, the difference is that the knees are brought together and close to the chest (repetitions of 10 times).
3_Postura de gato
;Se colocan en el piso "en cuatro patas",se curva la espalda hacia arriba abriendo el pecho (repeticiones de 10 veces). 3_Cat Pose: You stand on the floor "on all fours", bend your back upwards and open your chest (10 repetitions).
4_Rotación de columna
;sentado en el suelo,con las piernas ligeramente flexionadas,los brazos pueden ir recogidos o estirados,pero siempre bien tensos,se mueve la cadera de manera lenta de un lado a otro,también se puede realizar con una pelota en las manos(repeticiones de 10 veces). 4_Spine rotation; sitting on the floor, legs slightly bent, arms can be tucked or stretched, but always well tensed, hips move slowly from one side to the other, can also be performed with a ball in your hands (repetitions of 10 times).
5_Inclinación pelvica
;acostada boca arriba,con las rodillas flexionadas,los brazos a los lados se endereza la espalda y se contraen los músculos abdominales y se eleva la pelvis(repeticiones de 10 veces). 5_Pelvic tilt; lying on your back, knees bent, arms at your sides, straighten your back and contract your abdominal muscles and lift your pelvis (10 repetitions).
Los ejercicios para la espalda baja ayudan a incrementar la movilidad en la pelvis,en la columna vertebral,ademas permite mejorar la habilidad de la coordinación;la mayoría de estos ejercicios se centran en la espalda,músculos abdominales,glúteos y caderas,aliviando el dolor y brindando soporte a la columna,manteniendola alienada y facilitando los movimientos que extienden o giran la columna.
Lower back exercises help increase mobility in the pelvis, spine, and spinal column, as well as improve coordination skills; most of these exercises focus on the back, abdominal muscles, buttocks and hips, relieving pain and providing support to the spine, keeping it aligned and facilitating movements that extend or rotate the spine.
The people doing V2K with remote neural monitoring want me to believe this lady @battleaxe is an operator. She is involved deeply with her group and @fyrstikken . Her discord is Battleaxe#1003. I cant prove she is the one directly doing the V2K and RNM. Doing it requires more than one person at the least. It cant be done alone. She cant prove she is not one of the ones doing it. I was drugged in my home covertly, it ended badly. They have tried to kill me and are still trying to kill me. I bet nobody does anything at all. Ask @battleaxe to prove it. I bet she wont. They want me to believe the V2K and RNM in me is being broadcast from her location. And what the fuck is "HOMELAND SECURITY" doing about this shit? I think stumbling over their own dicks maybe? Just like they did and are doing with the Havana Syndrome https://ecency.com/fyrstikken/@fairandbalanced/i-am-the-only-motherfucker-on-the-internet-pointing-to-a-direct-source-for-voice-to-skull-electronic-terrorism
Amiga excelentes ejercicios me encantaron magnífico xq siempre ando con dolor de espalda
So good! I've got to try these exercises as well! ☺🦄