Honest Reviews - Resident Evil: Remedy #01



Marcos Cruz/Netflix

It's time to start a new series related to honest series and movie reviews. I decided that, as a content curator myself, I would try my hand at creating such content. Today I'm going to start with a series that I've just started watching, and from what I've seen on RottenTomatoes the average rating is 53% with the average rating by viewers being only 27%.


Constantin Film, Moonlight Films

Quick description of the situation

I am currently only on the third episode as a result, I will describe a summary of the action so far, and then describe my thoughts.

Let's start at the very beginning The action in the series takes place in two timelines. The first describes the moment when the epidemic began, while the second describes the many years when people already have to live with mutants/zombies.

During the period of the emergence of the disease, the story begins with the Weskers family's foray into New Raccoon City. It's a rather peculiar family because Albert Wesker the head of the family has two daughters who come from surrogates, and furthermore, as we learn in the second episode, they are needed by the man because of their blood. Mainly the story is described from the perspective of the girls, who have to get used to the new reality, but through their curiosity, a big disaster occurs....

In the case of the second timeline, the whole world is already ruined and we meet in it a woman, who, as it turns out, is Billie Wesker, who is trying to study zombies in order to check their evolution. However, due to being attacked by a mutant, she ends up trapped by unfriendly people who want a better life at all costs...


Marcos Cruz/Netflix

What do I currently think?

In my opinion, the whole story is quite shallow, however, nevertheless rejuvenating so if someone is bored he can turn it on. As for my objections, the first thing is very strangely conducted narration, as if by force the film is trying to be correctly political. Another thing is that you need to watch the film with a pinch of salt because if you start thinking too much about the action, the bark happens then you can catch your head. One such situation is the creation of some weird freak that no one likes at school, who out of nowhere comes up to the main character of the series and starts beating up the other girl for showing her the middle finger (and more for being a vegan). Another situation that is completely nonsensical is when the Father of the girls comes and threatens the father of the beaten girl in front of the headmistress because he has a higher status.
As pluses, I can only say that the presented world itself looks nice and the acting is not that bad.


Tatenda Chidora/Netflix

Currently, I myself am wondering whether to watch further but I think I will still give this series a chance and maybe today I will watch another episode.
