(ENG-ESP) To my dear past self/LOH #191


  • Good evening dear hivers, welcome to my blog... I am very happy to be able to participate in this wonderful community to respond to this week's interesting proposals.
  • Buenas noches queridos hivers, bienvenidos a mi blog... Me encuentro muy feliz de poder participar en esta maravillosa comunidad para responder a las interesantes propuestas de ésta semana.

If you had the opportunity to offer guidance and wisdom to your younger self, what insights or recommendations would you share?

This is the advice I would tell my younger self if I had the chance to turn back time:

  • Do not let any obstacle prevent you from studying the career for which you have a true vocation, you must be persistent in this decision, since your profession will be the most useful and powerful tool. Do not let yourself be deceived by how beautiful a career can be in theory, because what really reflects reality is the practice, choose a career that allows you to expand your professional horizons.

  • Leave fears aside, fear is the most powerful tool to prevent your dreams are fulfilled, dare to take the leap to all decisions that feel they are the stepping stone to get closer to what you really want. Sometimes opportunities arise several times, but not always, for this reason when you feel convinced to make a decision do not think about failure, it will always be better to try, because in the mistakes you will find great learning, it is preferable to have the experience and not the great doubt think: what would have happened if I had tried?

  • It is important to save this will give you the peace of mind of knowing that in case of an emergency you have the money to solve. Even if you have economic prosperity you should set aside an amount in a savings fund, because this monetary comfort may not last forever. You should be grateful with money and the best way to act is to be prudent when spending and not act impulsively.

  • Do not be tolerant in love, when you discover that your partner is unfaithful or has behaviors that take you away from happiness and break your peace, if after forgiving he/she returns to the same pattern of behavior, act radically and put an end to it. Do not waste your energy in this type of relationships, find people who add positive and enriching moments in your life, who leave you a good teaching, with which you can move forward and build with your same synchronicity.

  • Learn to say the word "no", many times we are permissive because we prefer to avoid uncomfortable moments with our friends or family, sometimes we agree to requests in which we do not agree thinking that we may disappoint that person. You must be faithful to your way of thinking, give priority to your emotions, it is preferable to experience an uncomfortable moment than to feel the remorse and dissatisfaction of having acted as you did not want.

Thank you very much for visiting my blog, I send you a big hug!

Si tuvieras la oportunidad de dar consejos y sabiduría a tu yo más joven, ¿qué ideas o recomendaciones compartirías?

Estos son los consejos que le diría a mi yo más joven si tuviera la posibilidad de retroceder el tiempo:

  • No permitas que ningún obstáculo evite que estudies la carrera por la que tienes verdadera vocación, debes ser persistente en esta decisión, ya que tu profesión será la herramienta más útil y poderosa. No te dejes ilusionar por lo hermosa que puede ser una carrera en la teoría, porque lo que realmente refleja la realidad es la practica, escoge una carrera que te permita ampliar tu horizonte profesional.

  • Deja los miedos a un lado, el miedo es la herramienta más poderosa para evitar que tus sueños se cumplan, atrévete a dar el salto a todas las decisiones que sientan que son el escalón para acercarte a lo que realmente deseas. En ocasiones la oportunidades se presentan varias veces, pero no siempre es así, por esta razón cuando te sientas convencida de tomar una decisión no pienses en el fracaso, siempre será mejor intentarlo, porque en las equivocaciones encontrarás grandes aprendizajes, es preferible tener la experiencia y no la gran duda pensar: que hubiera pasado si lo hubiera intentado?

  • Es importante ahorrar esto te dará la tranquilidad de saber que en caso de una emergencia tienes el dinero para resolver. Aunque tengas prosperidad económica debes reservar una cantidad en fondo de ahorros, porque puede ser que esa comodidad monetaria no dure para siempre. Debes ser agradecido con el dinero y la mejor forma de actuar es tener la prudencia al momento de gastar y no actuar con impulsividad.

  • No seas tolerante en el amor, cuando descubras que tu pareja es infiel o tiene comportamientos que te alejan de la felicidad y rompen tu paz, si después de perdonar vuelve al mismo patrón de conducta actúa de forma radical poniendo punto final. No pierdas tu energía en este tipo de relaciones, encuentra a personas que sumen momentos positivos y enriquecedores en tu vida, que te dejen una buena enseñanza, con la que puedas avanzar y construir con tu misma sincronía.

  • Aprende a decir la palabra "no", muchas veces somos permisivas porque preferimos evitar momentos incómodos con nuestras amistades o familiares, en ocasiones accedemos a peticiones en las que no estamos de acuerdo, pensando que podemos defraudar a esa persona. Debes ser fiel a tu forma de pensar, dar prioridad a tus emociones, es preferible experimentar un momento incomodo que sentir el remordimiento y la inconformidad de haber actuado como no deseabas.

Thank you very much for visiting my blog, I send you a big hug!


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Your words to your younger self are amazing to read. Things you would like to tell her about fears, choosing a career, love life, and learning to say no. Those are wonderful ways to guide her.


I'm so glad you liked the advice I would give to my past self. Thank you very much for visiting, I send you hugs and blessings. @balikis95


Do not be tolerant in love, when you discover that your partner is unfaithful or has behaviors that take you away from happiness and break your peace

This is a valuable advice and lesson as well. Many don't talk about it and often think that it's okay, we will learn from our mistakes and move on but then again the same mistake repeats... I would say this is very crucial and valuable advice...

Thank you so much for your participation...


In my past relationships I was very tolerant and forgave many times the same mistake, convinced of a genuine and sincere change, I lost the most valuable thing in my life, which is time, which passes and cannot be recovered. That experience left me a great learning experience, I understood that it is not necessary to be in a relationship to feel complete, because true happiness dwells within you.
Thank you very much for your visit and support, I send you a big hug! @priyanarc


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