The Origins Of Skatehive Skateboarding Community


Hey everyone, my name is @knowhow92 and I am one of the founders of Skatehive Community

Lots of new faces are joining us on a weekly basis so I thought it would be cool to do a throwback to Skatehive's history and talk about when/how everything started, how we evolved into a multi-chain community and what we have accomplished over the years. But first things first...

What's Skatehive

SkateHive is the house of Web 3.0 skateboarders and our goal is to onboard skaters and "extreme" artists in the blockchain world.

SkateHive is built on top of decentralized platforms that allow us to own our accounts, our communities, which means that instead of allowing others to advertise on our content to generate value, we tokenize interactions, allowing us to retain value generated by our content, to be sold on the free market in the form of cryptocurrency.


The Origins Of Skatehive

Everyting started in 2018 when @web-gnar organized the very first skateboarding contest on blockchain called "Steemit Skateboarding Contest". At that time there were only a handful of skaters in our community and we went with the name Steemskate since we were using Steem blockchain.

Art and text by OG @web-gnar from 2018


The "Steemit Skateboarding Contests" continued for many months and later down the road (2019) @web-gnar passed me the "torch" of Steemskate since he was too busy with life.

Contests continued, me and the Steemskate folks kept onboarding people in our community, having fun recording clips and connecting with each other until something that made the headlines of every crypto site happened. In 2020 Justin Sun, founder of Tron blockchain bought Steemit and tried to centralize Steem Blockchain.

We had 2 choises

1 - Continue as Steemskate on the centralized Steem blockchain


2 - Make a fresh start on Hive, the decentralized and freshly forked version of Steem blockchain.

Steemskate Skatehive

The choise was obvious. As a Web 3 community we stand for content ownership, decentralization and freedom. Steem didn't represent any of those 3 principles anymore so we re-branded our community from Steemskate to Skatehive and started operating solely on Hive blockchain.

Here is our very first post on Hive blockchain

In fact, most of the communities on Steem blockchain moved to Hive and this proves that money can't buy community.

A few months later as I was exploring the vast world of crypto I came across LBRY, a decentralized video sharing platform and that's where I met @xvlad who was the organizer of LBRY skateboarding community.

As skateboarders it was super-easy to connect and we became crypto buddies very fast. We both understood how Web 3 can positevely affect skaters so we partnered up and united our communities into one.

Here's the official Skatehive/LBRY partnership post

To celebrate, we organized an Online Game Of S.K.A.T.E Contest with over $500 in prizes. It was a HUGE success, more than 100 skaters from all over the globe participated and this hyped us up to keep pushing.

Contest Trailer


Later down the road @howweroll, longboarder from Canada and a member of Skatehive since the Steemskate days joined the Skatehive team and that's when things really started taking off 🚀 We were officially a team of 3 and more people means more cool ideas and less work for everyone.

Since then we organized a lot of Giveaways, Sponsor real-life events, DIY Skateboarding Contests, help community members with medical bills , fundraisers for DIY skatepark obstacles, monthly #CashForTricks Online Contests, Community Edits and many more.

Skatehive Today

After 4 years of building community we are now a team of 7 with 2 Bear Markets on our back, an active Discord community with over 500 people, multy-chain presence, getting ready to launch our Skatehive DAO and plans to launch our own token (STOKEN).

This would have never been possible if it wasn't for the community! Big ups to everyone who believes in Skatehive and keeps building with us during the good and bad times.

Special thanks to

@boeltermc for the awesome Weekly Stoken posts, @homelesscrewmx for helping us with #CashForTricks Highlights posts, @stickchumpion and @jucabala for taking care of the Skatehive community edits, @miguelurbina for believing in what we are building and joining forces with us, @cinnartmon and @unhurried for all hype they are bringing to the community, @p0tatoplanet for building our Discord and of course @web-gnar who started everything.

Sorry if I forgot anyone, you know I love you all and am more than stoked to build with you


This pretty much sums it up for now, don't wanna make you feeling bored! Sorry for all those tags and hyper-links, hope it was not annoying.

I'd be more than glad to answer any question you have about Skatehive at the comment section bellow and feel free to join the Skatehive Discord if you wanna learn more about us and get involved with the community.

Join the Skatehive Discord 👇

Cheers everyone and #Skatehive4Life

0.558 PAL


Oh man, I'm crying. The history of our community is so magical, incredible.
I'm very happy to be a part of this team. I hope to collaborate more and more, see all the projects happening.
Change is accelerating. Big things are coming, fasten your seat belts, get ready to fly!


0.000 PAL

Stoked you loved this post bro, put a lot of thought into it! I think everyone should know a few things about the history of Skatehive, what we've been through and how strong we are as a community right now.

You love the new GIF from @web-gnar don't you? Looks sick man!

0.000 PAL

a gif of @web-gnar is like a SKATEHIVER certificate.
It is a contract more elaborate than a normal NFT hahaha.
If you have one, yes, you are skatehive!
Bro, your post was great! Great links, all in chronological order. Perfect. Excellent work!

0.000 PAL

I agree 10000% about Skatehive certificate hahaha!

Thanks for the love G, stoked to have you in the team ❤️❤️❤️

0.000 PAL

Nice post bro! Also very informative. The history behind the SkateHive community is really interesting and one of it's kind, mostly because we speak about a community of skaters built on top of a blockchain, not something that you see every day. BTW, I really liked that part were you guys were on the dilemma, to either stay in a now centralized platform or move to a decentralized and you chose the second option. This really shows that the community does not exist in a decentralized platform just because blockchain is a trend, but because decentralization is in its core values. :)

0.000 PAL

This really shows that the community does not exist in a decentralized platform just because blockchain is a trend, but because decentralization is in its core values

That's exactly it! It's all about freedom and building a better world all together!

So hyped to have such awesome and talented young folks like you in our community man, you add tremendous value 😁

P.S Hope you upload you #CashForTricks Contest entry soon, really wanna see an entry from you Tom!

0.000 PAL

I love the story of how it evolved until it became what skatehive is now, I've only been in the group for 10 months but I love seeing material from so many people and of course sharing the material I have. Keep in that way!

0.000 PAL

So stoked to have you in our community man and together we will make Skatehive a community the world hasn't seen before! We are pioneers after all!

Much skate love from Greece all the way to Mexico @zonaskatemx ❤️

0.000 PAL

Thanks for the shootout! Bringing the hype is what keeps us going, keeping our roots and communities strong! I'm a little distant these past few weeks but with the hive in my mind frequently. Lets goooo

0.000 PAL

I know you're here mentally bro, I can feel it, that's why the shoutout! Worry not, you know we're not going anywhere, life can be busy, totally get it!

Hope you can share a #cashfortricks contest entry before months end though! Wanna see some stylish shit you filmed this month hehehe!

0.000 PAL

ohhh, I have some tricks here! I guess I can submit, I'll try this week!

0.000 PAL


0.000 PAL


0.000 PAL

Love the origins here man! I remember back in those days :D I wasn’t as good a member but it’s been awesome to watch it grow dude! I feel proud to see that shit!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL

Thanks a lot broooo! You were more than awesome as community member man, you motivated me a lot to keep building when we were only a handful of people!

The best have yet to come man, stay tuned!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL

Wha a cool story! Congrats on the great work guys, feels great to be here! Let’s keep sharing the stoke between skaters and surfers 🤙🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾

0.000 PAL

Hell yeah man!!! Let's build ⚒️⚒️⚒️

0.000 PAL

this is so cool man some day i want to make this into a real webpage

0.000 PAL