My Nickname


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In normal circumstances, nicknames are there as a better name to our real names, especially those with real names that are tongue-biting to pronounce. Till today, there's a friend whom I still struggle to pronounce her real name because I love to pronounce it as it's spelled, but the real intonation is very far from it. So, she smartly twisted her name into a Korean-like name to make it easier for us, and it's so sweet to pronounce.
Nicknames are also there as titles, which increase ego when they're pronounced... I have many on this list.🧐

What about those nicknames that originated from bullies? I had a lot of such nicknames, which I fought so hard to ignore, but they refused, and they finally settled in. You want to hear one of them? Noooo!

I love my username [@kingsleyy] so much, and it's no different from my name aside from the double 'y' added. So I won't consider that a nickname, even though I love to be called by name because it's sweet to pronounce.

But there's one nickname in particular that tickles my body, soul & mind whenever I hear it, especially when those little children add "uncle" to it. It keeps baffling me how this nickname totally sticks to my head.

It's Apostle Kay.

That 'Kay' stands for the 'K' in Kingsley.

The Genesis

Way back home, I was the churchy type—not just churchy but righteous and vibrant. I'm not the one to measure my righteousness, right?🧐
I was very committed to our church at home during and after my tenure as secretary in the church. I was well privileged, I met a lot of big people, to the extent that I was almost pushed into ministry. But thank God, I pulled it out effortlessly.
So, the name came during my activeness there, and till today, my siblings and everyone that knows me from home call me that.

"Uncle Apostle Kay, come and buy me Bobo." That's how children from my home church drag me whenever I travel home, and I have no option but to surrender to their billings.

No doubt, I love the nickname.

Although the nickname sounds religious, I love it so much. It reminds me of the days I was burning for God; of course I'm still burning, but I think it has reduced by 0.5% because of hustling.
In our church system, the leadership changes pastors on a regular basis, and each time a new one comes, I don't just know how; he'll suddenly start calling me that. "How, how, how?" I keep asking.
Till today, all of them still call me that, to the extent they saved my phone number with it.

But in the city where I'm residing currently, no one knows me by that nickname, and I like it that way. I don't want to be dragged out and be tied to any positions.

Here, I prefer the 'Kings' and 'Kcee' drafted from Kingsley. Yeah, let them call me that general nickname for Kingsleys and leave Apostle Kay for my home people.

Thanks for reading

This is my entry to the Week 66, Edition 03 of the Weekly Featured Contest in Hive Learners Community.

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