

Borniface and Vicky met through his old friend Deborah, who was serving her father's land in the eastern part of Nigeria. That day, Borniface and Deborah were on the phone when Vicky's voice was heard by Borniface from Deborah's end. He asked to talk with Vicky, and Deborah joyfully handed over the phone to her; that's how they talked, exchanged phone numbers, and became best friends.

It was as if both of them just met their better halves; they call each other every now and then just to hear each other's voice. Luckily for Borniface, the network server he's been using surprised him with thousands (Naira) of airtime, so they talk unlimitedly to the extent that they sometimes sleep off while on call.

Deborah, Vicky's friend found the sudden bonding between the two of them surprising, so she called Borniface to find out if there's any reasonable thing happening between them which Borniface said no. She went to her friend to find out also, and she found the opposite side: Vicky has fallen for Borniface already, but she needs to hide the feelings and play along to prevent her from looking so cheap before Borniface.

Along the line, Borniface opened up to her about his feelings towards her, and it was as if God just answered Vicky's prayer because that's what she wanted. She agreed, and both of them decided to date blindly.

The last relationship Vicky had was four years ago; she suffered a deep heartbreak and vowed never to give her heart to any guy again, but how Borniface happened to pin her heart down became surprising to her, so she saw it as God's will and decided to give it all even though they've not seen one on one.

She told Borniface about her past and present lives, the struggles of her life, and especially how she's been battling with masturbation even though she's still a virgin. After all the talk, she asked Borniface not to reveal her weakness to anyone, even though their relationship didn't lead to anywhere, and Borniface concurred.

Weeks passed and the whole thing began to tell on Borniface; he began to lose interest in her because he started seeing her endless calls and messages as disturbances. It dawned on Borniface that the constant calls and messages have made him drift away from his blogging platforms, which has hugely affected his earnings. So he decided to avoid Vicky by declining her calls and snubbing her messages so as to focus and revive his blogging life. He succeded in avoiding Vicky without explaining anything to her, all he said to her was that he's busy and need to focus on his life, he needs space. Vicky tried all possible means to get back his attention but no way, Deborah also called him to explain how heartbroken Vicky was but he never showed any remorsefulness.

He went back to his writing platform and wrote about what had kept him away for some time, and he didn't fail to mention the girl because that was the main reason he was absent. He went far to give a narration about the girl, and he mentioned the girl's deepest secret. He didn't feel like he broke the promise he made to the girl because he assumed that no one knew her because she wasn't on the platform.

One of Borniface's virtual friends read about the article and fell in love with what Borniface described about the girl in the article, so he met with Borniface and asked for Vicky's contact (phone number), saying he'd like to mingle with her. Borniface refused to release the contact because the guy already knew Vicky's secret via the blog, and it wouldn't be fair if Vicky finds out that Borniface had revealed her secret to the world.

The guy became so persistent that Borniface had to succumb to the request; he gave him the number but asked him to promise that he wouldn't reveal what he read about her, and he agreed.

Two months later, after Borniface and Vicky stopped talking, Vicky called Borniface to tell him how disappointed she was on how he told her simple secret to the whole world. Borniface's friend foolishly unveiled everything Borniface said on the blog to her.

Borniface could not talk because he was at fault; he regretted writing about her and giving his friend her number. He tried to ask for forgiveness from Vicky, but Vicky's anger increased. She ended the call and blocked his line, including all social media.
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0.026 PAL


He deserves that and much more, he really let the girl's trust down and unveiled her to the world, it's terrible the feeling of contempt this story made me feel.

0.000 PAL

Yeah, so bad. This is why it's hard to trust especially in relationship. Things and humans can change anytime and unveil the imaginable.
Thank you for stopping by

0.000 PAL

You handle a sensitive subject with relative tact. Although, Borniface, your character, is tactless. This is definitely a story about trust. Confidence is offered and betrayed. You set up a strong story line and multiple instances of tension.

It might be a good idea to not introduce so many names (three in a row) at the beginning of your story. This can be confusing to the reader, even though you are clear about the relationships. Perhaps you could have started with two, Borniface and Deborah. You could have said they were fast friends. Then you could have said that one day Borniface heard Deborah talking to a friend on the phone. That friend was Vicky. Now we have all the people sorted out.

Readers like things easy and clear. The writer has to do all the work :).

Thank you for sharing this story with us, @kingsleyy. Have you linked it to the prompt post, and have you engaged with at least two other members of the community this week? Thank you!

0.000 PAL

I'm always learning from your points.
Thanks always 👍👍

I've linked and engaged with other members of the community

0.000 PAL