Hello fam, greetings to you all beautiful people and i welcome you all to my channel and i do hope you tag along if you need more awesomeness from us...
We'll be writing on a topic brought up for discussion by the Hive Learners community which is titled FASHION SENSE well to some person's it doesn't matter how they look so long they have something for their covering, they are good to go. But for some it's a big deal for every piece of fabric that touches their body, well let me say i am now among the class of those who really observe what they put on
Few years ago i wasn't the type that minds what i wear, but i think that's because the mindset wasn't mature enough. But a few years ago i came across some wonderful people who helped transformed my look and view of how my fashion sense should go, at first i didn't feel comfortable with the options that were presented to me because of the price that followed too and also it was like a new world i need to adapt to or embrace, but in no time i blended in well
As at when this post was created i am the type that has fallen in love with Native wears, though i know it may change soonest as i have some plans that are yet to be actualized. And aside native wears, i like neat dressing with good shoes and well ironed out fabrics. I am not freaked about body fitted clothes, i can wear any clothes so long they look nice and neat on me
And when it comes to ironing, i can boast of getting an A¹ on that aspect as i like looking neat and Royally presented. Well if you may know, i didn't choose my username for nothing. From when i was a child I've always loved how the Arabs dress, how clean they look in their long soft looking silk material in the desert. If you are a lover of mbc-2 you'll understand what I'm talking about
I'm not sure there are any clothes I'll say i can never wear, because I've learnt to use my words well based on the fact that i don't know where time and destiny may take me to tomorrow. But that not withstanding, there are clothes i don't like wearing and it's because i don't feel comfortable in them
Examples are turned clothes (rugged jeans or shirts) that's the ones i know i won't feel ok wearing. In time past those were my cravings and i hardly wear plain jeans too, but over time i guess i grew passed it already. The big reason for that is because i love to make a good first time impression just from a far distance sight, you never know who you may stumble into so i tend to look good so I'll always feel good
This will be the little we'll take for now as I'll end it by giving you a little advice. BE ON YOUR BEST ATTIRES (WEARS) ALWAYS, BECAUSE EVERYDAY IS INDEED A SPECIAL DAY TO CELEBRATE Thanks allot for coming around, ALL THE UNSOURCED IMAGES ABOVE ARE MINE
you going international with the arab wear, but yea it sure do looks good on them and i bet you will rock it well too, the natives i dreaded is what you love wearing, it is true one man's food is another man's poison, you look handsome in natives❣️
This compliment melt my heart @burlarj
I know I'll sure try out those Arab wears and my feet must touch the desert of UAE
Thanks for stopping by ✌️❤️
you welcome my man❣️
Nice photos I must compliment!
It's already obvious that you admire neatly ironed clothes... that senate wears looks great on you and makes you stand out on your peers.... looking good is business.
Yes it's sure a good business
Thanks allot for the compliment and i appreciate you coming around
I'll do more to keep looking great 😃😃
I nor understand this last sentence... you said you would do more looking great...abi you wan dey try enter my eyes ehh??... nsogbu adiro😅😅
Nsogbu adiro my dear
Anywhere i enter i pray for easy access and permission 😁😁
When you look good and neat in your dressing, you will be attracted by people. I love guys who iron their clothes and look clean rather than those ugly, dirty boys out there 😁
Hehehe, don't call them dirty though
They just need a new view on dressing and decency 😁😁 ... Some don't even have pressing irons remember
Thanks for visiting
Hahaha.... I understand 😅
Good write-up, you really explained it the way one will understand no too much grammar and simple to read. as they say, people address you base on how you are dressed. I like your dressing too. People should always dressed responsible it speaks alot about them. Thanks for sharing ☺️
I'm glad my dressing makes a nice impression, if i had the platform I'll educate allot of people on simple and descent dressing allot
More outfits to come dear, thanks for coming around ✌️❤️