
Well if you want to get the best of every human being just compliment them during their top and down time. Have you noticed that compliments does not in any way add up to the flesh in our body, but someone can go through thick and thin for you just because of how better you treated, complimented and advised them while they were around you

Compliments do come to us in different ways almost every day if our lives, from the little thank you for watching the plates to the congratulations on your big invention, they all counts as a plus in making one feel good and wanting to work more. I am a big fan of compliments as well as apologies, i sure know it won't put a cent in the pocket of the one I'm appreciating, but it will add up billions to their mental and emotional bank account. Yes i can say humans have a mental and emotional bank account

Now when we talk about compliments it doesn't just direct to one area in life though, but in general we can look beyond the achievable steps and talk about complimenting ones dress, looks, outfit, smiles, boldness, confidence and the rest.

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If i can remember very well, some time back around the year end of 2021 i just closed from work and decided to branch the market and get some stuff for cooking. Toured the market for a while, got some of my stuffs and i was on my to go get bread when a dark nice looking structure tapped me and saluted, looked at her and saw my old time class mate by name ESTHER we were talking she was smiling none stop. After a few conversation and exchange of pleasantries she finally broke the silence, she said STANLEY YOU ARE GLOWING I smiled and said thank you. She said NO, she means it and she repeated the words again, You are GLOWING! i said i know thank you again, then we chatted a little, exchanged contact and as she was about leaving she repeated the world one more time. This time i gave her a very bright smile and a thank you again, we left the scene and later contacted and i could tell how happy she was, just to see me

You know I'll be honest that compliment got me big time, i was so happy to receive it and for a while i was on top of the world. Now the reason i actually appreciated that compliment was not because it was the first or the best, I've gotten compliments from people before about my looks and others but theirs was kind of a give back, like after I've told them something nice they will in turn tell me too but this lady's was just genuine and with constant repeating which tells she actually meant it. And truth be told guys hardly gets first compliment from a woman

To the ladies:



If you have a man and you noticed any little change in him tell him, if he dresses nice let him know, if he looks really good on a particular day let him know, if he smells nice compliment it too, don't wait for him to give the compliment first and then you repeat by giving him too he won't appreciate it like when you were the first to compliment, MEN ARE KING AND ALWAYS LOVES TO BE GIVEN PRAISES don't let another woman do the job for you because we have allot of them who have sugar coated words The advice is vise versa, it also goes to the men, but more to the ladies

Thanks for coming around, all are a compilation of my little life experience with compliments and a piece of advise . Your comments contribution and supports are welcomed on this one, till we meet again please stay safe @khingstan Cares 🤴✌️

0.000 PAL


The best part of a person is brought out when they get praised, we all enjoy getting praised.

0.000 PAL

For sure, but some people fail to acknowledge it that's why they hold back in giving it... We hope to do our best in that aspect Sha

Thanks for coming around ✌️❤️

0.000 PAL