Hello family, greetings to you from this beautiful side of the world. I'm writing with an appreciating heart and also a troublesome one due to the happenings i witnessed today which I'll tell you guys on my later post.
But all things being equal I'm going to take you through an awesome creativity i engaged in over the weekend (Friday) to be precise. It's like a blessing in disguise though but I had to add my intuitive knowledge to make it come through
I came home the other day at around 8:30 pm very tired and stressed from the rain. When i got to my house there still wasn't light, i had to use my phone torch when trying to open my door, and that was when i spotted something on the floor.
It was a mobile phone left outside by the kids, when i looked closer (oh it's one of my neighbors play phone) i recognized it very well ... It's a mobile phone they've abandoned for quite some time and the kids normally play with it, but this time it was treated unfair (left outside in the rain)
But I was too tired to give it proper attention, so i just said to myself that if i come out by morning and still found it there, I'll give it a better look or probably fix it. I went in and did my little task for the night and slept
Waking up that morning the first thing that came to my mind was the phone, i stepped out immediately and still found it on same spot
Hmm, lucky phone (i said to myself) today may be your saving day. I hope...
Picked it up and it was super soaked, from the outer part to the motherboard itself. Well i had to think for a while if i should continue or not, so i won't invest all the time in it and later comes out without result
But i remembered my promise immediately so i had to pick it up
First thing i did was clean the outer part and followed by loosing out all the screws. When i got in i was like ewww, but with the positive mind i went on to dismantle it properly.
I dropped almost every part, including the mouthpiece, speaker cover, keypad bouncer,and some seals. It was a little time consuming because i was making sure that no micro part falls out during the process as the motherboard has started corroding already
After the dismantle i had to take a closer look on the motherboard (a necessity in our work) after looking all round i said to myself PIECE OF CAKE but my inner voice mocked me immediately
Well i started with the cleaning of the water with a dry napkin, after which i used petrol and toothbrush to brush through the motherboard
Did that for a while though, to enable it touch every single IC (Integrated circuit), and also give me a shiny new looking motherboard of which I accomplished
But during the process, my biggest fear came to pass. One of the most tiny ICs (Integrated circuits) fell off, well you can tell the size of this IC by measuring it with my finger as shown in the picture and I'll have to solder it back. Like it's a must else there'll be malfunctioning after the repair, well i kept the little looking grain of sand aside for later soldering
When I was done with the brushing, i heated the motherboard and tested but i didn't get the expected result (mobile phone didn't turn on still) so it came to the point where I'll have to take down the shield cover/protector. And of course i did because it was a 50/50 chance already
After taking it down i found out there was still more corrosion needed to be done with. I quickly did that and reheated, but this time i applied double of the first heating (we call it motherboard cooking) after that process the board was super hot and probably every trace of water is gone totally by now. So i left it to cool down
After about 10 minutes i came to retest then solder back the little fallen IC (Integrated circuit), and this time a smile was given to my face when i tried putting it on (the device came up)
But the screen was gone already, broken before. But i still went further to test the speaker, light, and keypad. The test came out positive, so what i need to do is let my neighbor know the outcome of the repair and probably get a new screen to fix on it. But if they are not willing to take it, I'll just repair it for my personal use and tell them a big thank you
Well as for me, repair is becoming more and more interesting every day and i really wish and study for more knowledge to counter difficult situations in the future. I'm just starting out and i know there are heights I'll surely reach soonest
Thanks for stopping by, i do hope you pick a few lesson but if not you can drop any question regarding your mobile phone. You never can tell, i may offer the best advice
Till next post, stay safe @khingstan Cares 🤴✌️
Greetings @khingstan 😊💞
It was really nice learning from your write up and I must say you are very creative. I can feel tgah sense of engineering profession in you.. Keep it up buddy!!
Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead 😊💞😊
Talent at its peak, I wish I could learn something like this.
Bro uses even candles as an equipment.. That's crazy man.. Good to see you could revive the phone even though the screens were damaged.