(ESP/ENG) Ladies of Hive Community Contest #207

Escogí para participar la pregunta 1: Cuéntanos tu historia de cocina más reciente o más memorable, tal vez una comida que salió mal, una comida que cocinaste con un compañero o amigo, un percance en la cocina. Una historia de cocina feliz o triste, cuéntala.



De joven siempre me gustó leer. Y eso me llevó a ser una estudiante en todos los aspectos de la vida, incluyendo la cocina. La cocina para mí es un pasatiempo el cual transforma mi existencia. Desde niña tuve que cocinar. Mi mamá trabajaba y me dejaba dispuesto lo que tenía que cocinar. Fue así que crecí con esa disciplina. Cuando los periódicos eran impresos en papel, yo, recortaba las recetas que me gustaban y las clasificaba y ordenaba en una carpeta. Algunas veces escribía las que me gustaban en un cuaderno especial para ello. También llegué a comprar algún libro de cocina.

Así me fui aventurando en ese complicado mundo. Durante mis estudios universitarios siempre me tocaba cocinar. Recuerdo especialmente que la hermana de mi amiga siempre nos decía:

-Ustedes parece que las van a examinar de cocina. Dejen eso. Hagan las tareas que tienen que presentar mañana.

Mi amiga y yo hacíamos caso omiso. Siempre viene a mi recuerdo que un día habíamos comprado una langosta para celebrar un onomástico. La señora de la pescadería nos hizo mucho hincapié y nos dijo reiteradamente:

-Tienen que cocinarla viva. Las langostas se cocinan vivas.

Cuando llegamos a la casa colocamos a la langosta en un tobo; mientras buscábamos una receta que nos gustase. Pasó tiempo. La langosta se escapó. La buscamos por toda la cocina. Al encontrarla la colocamos en la olla con el agua hirviendo como nos indicaron. Y ....nos fuimos al salón para seguir estudiando.

De repente escuchamos sonidos. Corrimos a la cocina. La langosta se había salido de la olla. La volvimos a meter en la olla pero esta vez le colocamos la tapa hasta que....murió.

Posteriormente realizamos la receta al pie de la letra y la colocamos en la nevera. Debía dejarse enfriar,
Nos fuimos a tomar a descansar y tomar un baño. No nos percatamos de que el hermano de mi amiga había llegado. Fue directo a la nevera y ¿adivinen?

Se comió casi toda la langosta. Cuando llegamos solo quedan dos bocados, uno para cada una, para probar...


I chose question 1 to participate: Tell us your most recent or most memorable cooking story, maybe a meal that went wrong, a meal you cooked with a partner or friend, a mishap in the kitchen. A happy or sad cooking story, tell it.



As a young girl I always liked to read. And that led me to be a student in all aspects of life, including cooking. Cooking for me is a hobby that transforms my existence. Since I was a child I had to cook. My mother worked and she left me what I had to cook. That's how I grew up with that discipline. When newspapers were printed on paper, I would cut out the recipes I liked and classify and organize them in a folder. Sometimes I would write down the ones I liked in a special notebook for that. I also bought a cookbook.

That's how I ventured into that complicated world. During my university studies I always had to cook. I especially remember that my friend's sister always told us:

-It seems like they're going to test you in cooking. Leave that alone. Do the homework you have to present tomorrow.

My friend and I ignored it. I always remember that one day we had bought a lobster to celebrate a birthday. The lady at the fishmonger insisted and repeatedly told us:

-You have to cook it alive. Lobsters are cooked alive.

When we got home we put the lobster in a bucket while we looked for a recipe that we liked. Time passed. The lobster escaped. We looked for it all over the kitchen. When we found it we put it in the pot with boiling water as we were told. And...we went to the living room to continue studying.

Suddenly we heard sounds. We ran to the kitchen. The lobster had come out of the pot. We put it back in the pot but this time we put the lid on until...it died.

Later we followed the recipe to the letter and put it in the refrigerator. It had to be left to cool.
We went to rest and take a bath. We didn't notice that my friend's brother had arrived. He went straight to the refrigerator and guess what?

He ate almost all the lobster. When we arrive there are only two bites left, one for each of us, to try...

Translated with traslate. google.com (free version)


Apparently it was quite an odyssey to prepare the lobster, at least your friend's brother let them try a bite each hahaha, thanks for sharing, ¡LADY


I wish I could have those seafoods for myself


Ooops I didn't expect that last part where friend's brother enjoyed most of the meal, good he left some bites at least lol.
Thanks for sharing.


Yes. That day when we finished studying we went to the fridge to eat the delicacy we had prepared and we found that surprise. That night we had to eat improvised sandwiches. Thanks @merit.ahama for commenting.


What a shame, all that effort and expense just to get barely a taste. 😣 He better appreciate your effort.


Yes. We didn't realize that my friend's brother came home hungry that day and he devoured everything we had prepared in the fridge. Happy @kerrislravenhill day!
