
Hola mis amigos escritores, Feliz y bendecido día.

Hello my writer friends, Happy and blessed day.




Se feliz contigo mismo

be happy with yourself

Aquel hombre vivía atormentado por falta de agua.
Habitaba en una casa con un gran terreno cultivable y una bien acondicionada granja. Pero todo permanecía yermo, improductivo, le faltaba agua. Le habían dicho que allí en su propio terreno había abundante y pura agua a escasos metros de profundidad, pero a él le parecía demasiado fácil y dichoso para ser verdad y no lo creyó. Por eso recorría kilómetros y kilómetros buscando el agua tan necesaria. Intento los medios mas extraños para conseguirla. Iba y venía a arroyuelos de aguas escasas: Se quejaba constantemente de su desgracia. Soñaba con estrujar las nubes para sacarles unas pocas gotas de aguas. Hasta que intento traerla del mar, pero el agua marina seco las plantas de su huerta.
Buscaba por todas partes, menos donde tenía que buscar.

That man lived tormented by lack of water.
He lived in a house with a large arable land and a well-equipped farm. But everything remained barren, unproductive, it lacked water. He had been told that there was abundant, pure water a few meters deep on his own land, but it seemed too easy and blissful to be true, and he didn't believe it. That is why he traveled miles and miles looking for the much-needed water. I try the strangest means to get it. He came and went to little streams: He constantly complained about his misfortune. He dreamed of squeezing the clouds to get a few drops of water out of them. Until he tried to bring it from the sea, but the seawater dried up the plants in his garden.
He was looking everywhere, except where he had to look.


Por fin un buen día alguien le hizo ver que el agua que tanto buscaba estaba ahí, en su propia casa. Y esta vez creyó y se decido a ahondar en su propio terreno. No tuvo que esforzarse mucho, allí a unos pocos metros bajo sus pies, encontró un caudal inagotable. Allí mismo tenía lo que tanto había buscado en vano por extraños y remotos lugares. Su vida cambió, su granja se lleno de vida, su huerta reverdeció con frescas y sabrosas verduras y frutas. Y él se sintió renacer a una vida nueva y abundante.
Muchos, y quizás tu seas uno de ellos, buscan la aqui y alla la felicidad para su vida, van y vienen. Viene y van tras sueños inútiles y estériles. A veces hasta se ilusionan con falsas expectativas y espejismos van creyendo que van a encontrar el agua de la vida en lo que resulta ser aguas salobres que producen mayor sed. Muchas veces buscamos nuestra felicidad en lugares y personas equivocadas. la solución de nuestra felicidad no está ni lejos ni fuera sino dentro de cada uno de nosotros, en nuestra propia casa, en uno mismo. solo hace falta profundizar un poco más y mirar dentro de sí.

Finally one fine day someone made him see that the water he was looking for so much was there, in his own house. And this time he believed and decided to delve into his own territory. He did not have to make much effort, there a few meters below his feet, he found an inexhaustible flow. Right there he had what he had searched so much in vain for strange and remote places. His life changed, his farm was filled with life, his garden was green again with fresh and tasty vegetables and fruits. And he felt reborn to a new and abundant life.
Many, and perhaps you are one of them, seek happiness here and there for their lives, they come and go. They come and go after useless and sterile dreams. Sometimes they even delude themselves with false expectations and illusions, believing that they are going to find the water of life in what turns out to be brackish waters that produce greater thirst. Many times we look for our happiness in wrong places and wrong people. the solution to our happiness is neither far away nor outside but within each one of us, in our own home, in ourselves. you just need to dig a little deeper and look inside yourself.


¿Porque vivir necesitado de lo que soy: manantial caudaloso?

Sola necesito abrir los ojos y darme cuenta de ello...

¿Para que buscar lejos lo que ya tengo dentro de mi?

Dentro de mí, mi propio ser es la fuente de aguas puras ...

Why live in need of what I am: mighty spring?

I just need to open my eyes and realize it...

Why look far away for what I already have inside of me?

Within me, my very being is the source of pure waters...


Gracias por leerme. hasta la próxima!!

Thanks for reading me. until next time!!
