Glow festival Eindhoven. Crowded but nice!


Last week was the celebration again of the Glow festival in the city of Eindhoven. This festival which is all about lights and lighting up the dark November nights.

Now don't get this wrong and think there will be a couple of light artistic impressions, and that some people will visit this festival. No way. The city is packed! And there is hardly any way to get into the city anymore. Maybe that has something to do with that fact that in 8 days about 700.000 people visit the city.

Pretty crowded I would say!

But that means taking a train or a bike into the city and you could already see the lights from a distance popping up in the sky. Funfact: Every night the shows would end with a green laser up into the sky which could been seen from Belgium and even from Germany as you can read here. Pretty crazy right?

Further on my way into the city I ran into some more random streetart. Not really a part of the lighting festival dus still really nice.

March on

But then...then I ran into the crowd and I had absolutely no idea it would be like a stampende of people walking down the streets.

And ofcourse it had been raining the days prior to and this was the first evening that it had stopped pouring so I guess that is why everyone decided to go on the same day.

Check out the amount of people there all of a sudden! was lovely as the street was transformed into an "Urban Jungle' where even the sounds of the jungle were put in on multiple spots in the street.

Also the 'Lichttoren' (tower of light, this used to be an old Philips factory building that has been tranformed into an appartement building) was dressed up really well with the background of a waterfall.

Admittingly, the video it looks a lot cooler and there you really see what the motion did to the building. Love this! Maybe I will put it on one day but not for now.

Moving on the crowd took a turn to the right to Victoria square but I had to be somewhere so I took a shortcut to see a little bit more of another square.

Wilhelminaplein (wilhelminasquare) was transformed in some sort of AI music setting where the building would light up at the beat of the music

It was fun, but also a tiny bit cheesy I have to admit if you understand what I am saying. This is fun for kids but hey..who cares!

Making my way back I needed to pass through the crowd for a little bit in the opposite direction. Reminder me to never do that anymore! It wasn't pleasant for both sides I guess.

Small part but a good part

Even though I only went for a small part of route, I found it fun to see a part of Glow festival again again after all these years.

I have to admit that I am not sure how I sill do this next time. It was so crowded that it lost a lot of the charm I have to admit.

And although the organisation is working on that with also have the lighting art in neighbouring towns to spread the crowd a bit...well that was not enough up until now I suppose.

But hey...every reason to walk outside in November in the evening is a good one right?

0.047 PAL


These light festivals are a great way to drag people out in the winter, I'm waiting for our's in January, even more the reason to go then as it gets so depressing after Christmas.

By the way, we have a Festival Mania Community on Hive where you can post similar content in future.😀

0.000 PAL

Oe you guys also have one there? Yeah love this stuff. I remember in Luzern Switzerland when I was there they also had a festival and it was like 3 lightbulbs and a total dull. So I was happy to see this was a big thing!

Good one on the festival community. Let me sign up right there! (Because I do a loooot of festivals always)

0.000 PAL

This brought back memories I have been to Glow Amsterdam a couple of years ago and we went by boat through the channels it was a cold but wonderful experience.

0.000 PAL