Destiny VS Karma


'Karma is a bitch'

I think I have also said it multiple times in different occasions which is kind of weird as I am actually not a believer in karma nor in destiny. Boom, there it is, the answer to the question of the week of the ecoTrain community.

I am a strong believer of 'what you do good, you will receive good'. But this to me has more to do with goodwill than with Karma if I may find. The good thing is....everybody is entitled to see this different, this is only just my vision on it.

I don't believe in in destiny at all. I really think destiny is something people want to believe in, to give a sort of confirmation for themselves. I don't think anything is written in the stars in what the future holds us to. On the other hand, I do think a lot of things/options/chances end up like a self forefilling prophecy. Often in the end we do end up taking the route that was so obvious before us. Is that destiny? Nehhh, that was the most logical route all along.

When I look at this post and also the one from last week about spirituality I just see a lot of similarities in my mostly atheist and scientific opinions. There is a route we take, and often it changes and is defined by what we do and experience over the years. But if it is pre- defined, I don't think so.


What I was writing about karma and do good is a different story. An example to this is when I think back about when I experienced a cat 5 hurricane on a tropical island. I don't believe that it was already pre-defined that I would experience one of these. Statistically these just happen every couple of years, and it is the natural elements which define if the cicrumstances are good for a storm to grow in a way that this hurricane did.

What was the biggest example to me is what happened after the hurricane, and this is where the form of karma comes in. We often used to say in this moment 'it is not who you are, but it is who you know'

Because there wasn't really an option of help coming in the first couple of days due to a broken harbor and a broken airport. This was survival of te fittest and who you were surrounding yourself with. People were helping themselves and the ones around them. And that is when it came in to have a good inner circle and when you realized that because you were good to others (and had been over the years before), this was coming back to you.

Friends went to check on my house when I was working in the hospital and passing along food and trying to locate where others were. Because I had a hurricane pass because of my hospital work, I also used it to drive around and help people where I could and also save some of their stuff and take themselves with me. While I was doing good, others were doing that for me as well. I wonder if people who acted like asses before, who much help they had received from the people around them.

Maybe that is karma, or maybe that is just loving thy neighbor and what comes back from it. Whe shit hits the fan, that is when you see who you are and used to be, and if people have appreciated it along the line. I guess that is karma to me?



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Karma has really been what we see as our actions towards others, just as you have said, loving your neighbors as your self is a good example.
Nice one 🤗
