Happy Caturday: so many black cats in Yannawa Temple
This past week I made extra effort to feed stray cats more often at Yannawa temple. This was because I was concerned for the small black kitten that had his back legs damaged by being hit by a vehicle. The first time I noticed that he couldn’t join other cats for dinner, a kind lady carried him across the road towards me. He was very skinny and hungry as he must have slept over his painful injury for several days. He was very weak and could hardly drag his two back legs along; his back was crooked too.
So, I gave him extra food; he’s less than two months’ old. I did give him a healing session while reciting Buddhist prayers (Namo Amituofo) and some Thai prayers. He knew I was trying to help him so he just became very still on the ground. But when I went back to see him in two days, he just disappeared. I couldn’t find him anywhere, I thouhgt he was already dead.
During my follow up visit, I noticed a very skinny new black kitten joining our group. As I looked closer, it’s the injured kitten standing on three legs. So he could make the effort to hop across the road to have some food. I was so glad he was still alive and the healing session plus prayers had probably helped to improve his condition. But he must have been without food for a whole week. The fourth leg was still limped so the kitten had to drag it around. I gave him another healing session with Buddhist chantings.
He was very calm and let me handle his legs and back as I pleased. He had extra portions of wet food to build up his strength. He looked so peaceful and accepting of his injury. This kitten didn’t harbour any anger, grudges or self-pity. He’s a brave little kitten, I intended to make him strong and healthy again soon. It was quite difficult to identify him among those five black cats and kittens. His sibling, completely black, lost one eye through eye infection. I did give him some medicine in his wet food to heal the inflammation. The youngest kitten was lost two months ago from serious illness. I wasn’t around to give him any medicine that week.
I was always sad to realise that some kittens were dead through illness or accidents. In the past, I was indifferent to black cats as I had bad experienced with very tricky and bad tempered black cats. But these black kittens and cats changed my perception about them. I discovered that these were very gentle and friendly cats like small kids. They could recognise the sounds of my footsteps and my voice. They would be running at full speed towards me as soon as they saw me walking along the road. So, we have become good friends. Their complete trust in me was astounding, they were very innocent and unspoiled in nature.
Yesterday I made another visit to the temple just to see the limping kitten. But Those black cats in the car park could recognise my car. They came out of their hidings to ask for some food. So, I had to feed them first. I wondered why there were so many black cats in the temple this year. I knew some people had abandoned a few black kittens near the car park twice so far. Bad karma for these unkind people! Abandoned kittens didn’t seem to suffer from psychological problems like most affected people would. That’s a very fortunate nature for cats. These black cats were very affectionate and polite towards me.
This time, the limping kitten was walking on four legs, though he still had difficulty in controlling his left ankle. Sometimes the paw would fold inside. I gave him some extra food and he sat quietly for more healing session and Buddhist chantings. I had no idea how other people were thinking of me giving special attention to stray cats. I knew they could communicate with me with their emotions. They were joyful to see me, they complained about being very hungry. When they were full up, they looked very content and happily gloomed themselves. Such a simple life for these stray cats!
I could sense that the skinny monk was under stress as he one mother cat had six kittens. He was too kind to abandon these kittens and he took them inside a room so the whole family could live in safety. This meant extra expenses for food and veterinary bills. I always sneaked medicine in wet food to help those cats with fevers, watery eyes and infections. This had helped reducing the monk’s trips to the vet. I did give him some tablets for his cats; but he believed in the vet’s expensive prescriptions. I had been healing my cats without having to take them to the vet in town.
The skinny monk was quite surprised when I offered him two boxes of wet food for small kittens. The donation from an old friend made it possible for me to offer some little help to the skinny monk. He told me he had to take sick kittens to the vet a few times. So, I reminded him to use the tablets and solution he still kept in his fridge. It’s a shame most Thai people were brainwashed into believing in modern medicine and put the responsibility of good health on the doctors’ decisions.
I always question my dortor on all his prescriptions, asking about the side effects and necessity for these pills. I often negotiated to take as little pills as possible and came back with a smaller bill. The hospital management wasn’t very happy with me. A long time ago, a friendly doctor told me that he had a warning from the management; his computer file showed that he prescribed the least pills to patients and that he’d better improve his performance or his commission would be gravely affected. I was so glad he confided in me. It’s very rare these days to find doctors who weren’t thinking of profit margins and hospital commissions. So, I always had to use my psychic ability to monitor doctors in hospitals before choosing a more humane doctor to treat me. The same applied to hair salon, I wouldn’t want a person with lots of bad karma and negativity to be in my energy field. This special gift was very beneficial to me in times of needs too.
Some smart cats came rushing to me to ask for some food. I had to tell them to be quiet as other cats would come out too, I didn’t prepare enough food to feed all the cats. I would be back in two days. I forgot to show photos of the new stray cat during Loy Krathong festival, he was desperately hungry to come out among strangers. I had to feed him so he could survive another day. I just hoped other people would follow my example to be kind to stray cats and would share some food with abandoned cats. I hoped that my kind friend would visit this temple and see these cats one day. My friend just sent me a new donation for cat food for the new year. This was a wonderful new year gift to stray cats as they wouldn’t become undernourished and would continue to enjoy their relatively short spans of life at the temple.
Wishing you peace, good health and prosperity.
Stay strong and cheerful.
It's a good thing you didn't abandon the cat but you gave it the needed care and attention till it started recuperating.
That kitten was very brave and patient with the pain and he accepted his fate without comply. He’s a sweet and gentle little kitten.
Yay! 🤗
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Thank you very much for your kind support and encouragement.
its a great job you do!
Thanks so much for your encouragement,
It is so kind of you to take such good care of all those cats.
Thank you very much. They taught me a lot about animals in general; they have feelings and emotions too. Cats are very special animals, they are very sensitive and emotional.
We should all be like the cats. You are such a blessing to them and it surprises me not at all to know how they communicate with you!
Thanks so much for your appreciation. I was glad to see these cats happy and healthy.