[Let's Play] Skyrim⚔️❄️- part two - alive and well, and seeking Solitude


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In my previous Skyrim post, Iselia Arisse had been shipwrecked in the icy waters of Skyrim. She nearly died several times trying to navigate the freezing ocean and trying to avoid hungry wolves and spiders, and she was now melting the frostbite from her fingers and toes at a campsite outside a mine.


When the head miner discovered that Iselia was on her way to Solitude, he asked a favour of her. In Solitude was the noble in charge of this mine. Their latest shipment was late and she would likely be worried. Could Iselia just let her know that it'll be there shortly?

For a few coins, of course she could!


With her fingers and toes now capable of moving once more, Iselia headed for Solitude once more.

On her way she was accosted by more spiders... but even they couldn't stop her from quickly praying at a random shrine in the middle of nowhere. The Divine shrine strengthened her magic, she could feel it! But at the same time, she felt like she'd be unable to use quite as much of it.

No matter. She had a Divine on her side. And she'd pray to another when she was able.


Dodging more spiders shooting their venom and webs at her, she raced as fast as her body would allow until they were but distant beasts and no longer a threat.

Before long the gates of Solitude rose before her. Despite her treacherous journey, she was here at last. The only member of her crew who had made it alive and well to the destination they were headed for. It had not been easy. She hoped it would be worth it.


She began to have second thoughts nearly the very second she stepped into the city.

At the very moment of her arrival, an execution was on display. A minute later, the man's head rolled off the platform and nudged her boot.



Wiping the blood from her boot, she hurried through the city and waltzed straight into the Blue Palace. There, she found the noble the miners had spoken of, doing typical noble things like standing next to the Queen and pretending to be high and mighty.

She gave the woman the miner's message, and thankfully was rewarded with some coin for her time and effort.


Before she could leave the overly-perfumed halls, she eavesdropped on some misfortune in a nearby hamlet. People were going missing!! The nobleman didn't seem overly fussed over the situation, but he would happily pay her to kill any bandits or wild animals if it kept the peasants away from the palace.

That was her specialty! Gold for work no one else wanted to do.


With her next job sorted, she left the palace and perused the markets in the centre of the city. There was an apothecary where she quickly threw together every herb she had picked up on her tiresome walk and tried to make potions out of them.

She discovered quite a few things! Also, she discovered that snowberries kept a hint of cold at bay. That would be useful knowledge for the future.


Next, she visited the tailor and found some warmer attire for braving the Skyrim weather in.

She found a nice fur coat, fur shoulder pads, and a bag made of warm fur that allowed her some extra carrying capacity! Both the warmth and carry capacity were very welcome indeed.


Briefly checking into the local inn for some hot food and a quick rest, she found herself face-to-face with the executioner from earlier that day.

He immediately saw her for what she was - a sellsword - and purchased her services. He had been drunk and a prisoner had escaped - a bandit leader. He simply told the captain that he had killed the man, and now he needed her to find him and make it a reality before he was proven to be a liar.

He thought that the bandit had headed up to Wolfskull Cave... which, funnily enough, was where she was off to anyway for the man in the Blue Palace.

Was she about to be paid twice for the same job? How fantastic!! She told the executioner that she'd do it.


Leaving the Solitude gates with warm clothes, a tent, an axe, a torch and a pickaxe, and also plenty of potato soup!! To keep her belly warm. Iselia felt ready to take on the world... or at least take on this group of bandits.

The frigid Skyrim ice would not get the best of her - not this time!


Until next time! 😊⚔️❄️



All images in this post are courtesy of me, @kaelci, and are from the game: The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim.

0.052 PAL


Ahhh I miss Skyrim!! I miss going to the tavern and buying stuff like potions and hides haha.

Cool game!

0.000 PAL

Skyrim is great! 😅 Of the Elder Scrolls games, I like Morrowind the best.. but it's just too old now. I would really love a new game just like this. A new world to explore and adventure in. There's just not many games like this sadly.

0.000 PAL

I got to have many adventures because of this game, the fights here really immerse you in the world of games of thrones where anything can happen, in fact, once I saw the series I mentioned, I wanted to play skyrim a lot more.

0.000 PAL

Haha, yep! I got this Skyrim urge thanks to having a Lord of the Rings binge a couple of weeks ago. It's funny how watching something can motivate you to play and immerse yourself in something similar.

0.000 PAL