In which I babble about World of Warcraft and moan about being sick! π

I'm not too sure how I want to begin today's post. I plan for it to be a bit of a babble between World of Warcraft and a moan and groan about being sick during the past month, so if that doesn't interest you at least you know right off the bat! xD
Actually. Let's begin with the whinge. I'll make it short and sweet and get it out of the way:
After three years of avoiding the thing, I finally got Covid. Of course we got it after it mutated and shit. It's funny. My son got it about 6 months ago but my partner and I didn't catch it off him at that time. Then this time my partner brought it home from work, four days later both me and my son are wretched.

I was feverish for two days, my brain is dopey as hell, I feel as though I'm one cough or sneeze away from breaking a rib, it hurts to move to laugh to breathe too deeply, and to add insult to my injury, it's true: you can't taste a goddamned thing. I love food and not being able to taste is sooo depressing.
A fantastic start to this six weeks of holidays.
It's just extra irritating for me because I got a really bad flu (not Covid) at the start of November and I was just finallyyyyy getting over it when BAM this hits me in the face. I've been sick for so long and I just want to be better again. If I can't taste food by Christmas, I'm going to be so upset. So many yummy foods and cocktails and I want to TASTE THEM! π

Haha! Okay! The Whinge is over! Let's get back to more amusing things!
The screenshot above is a Before And After. I decided to go to Stormwind's Plastic Surgeon and change my character's face for a while. It still looks "different" to me and part of me wants to go back and change it again, but I'm trying to let it grow on me. The "before" is basically how my character has always looked as a human. That face anyway with that eye colour, a constant change of hair. So it doesn't seem right seeing her so cutesy.

Each week you can choose allegiance to either Wrathion or his brother Sabellian. I, of course, chose Wrathion but that doesn't mean I can't get my reputation up with Sabellian as well.

I wasn't really planning on farming reputation this early in the expansion, but with my brain as mush and the act of repetitive tasks very welcoming, I ended up becoming True Friends with Wrathion and I got a sweet cloak and necklace from him.
Oh, I was also able to turn my dragonriding mounts black thanks to this too. Woo! Stylish.
Now I need to work on Sabellian's reputation. It's currently at Ally which is halfway to True Friend.

While playing, my renown across the new factions has slowly been growing which is great because it unlocks new things as your renown grows. New questlines are unlocked, more gear and crafting plans, various treasures across the land become available. More things!

Thanks to working on my Tuskarr reputation a bit, I'm now able to go Ice Fishing!
Which is fantastic. Apparently not many people can do this yet so the ice fields are filled with fishing holes and plenty of icy fish that only I and a few other people can capture.

And it's lucrative as hell. Everything is at the moment. Being the ~resource goblin~ that I am, I already have full stacks of 1000 in my bank for my own uses and I'm selling everything of excess.
These new icy fish I can fish up in particular are going for 130g per fish. You can fish up about 12-15 in the three minutes the fishing pool is active before flying off to the next pool. So that's almost 2000g for 3 measly minutes.

Then more people show up and start fishing too xD and we all fly off as a pack to the next one and the next one.
I feel as though once more people know this skill there'll hardly be an ice fishing pool in sight. I've stocked up on my personal use fish. I have 200 in the bank for me which is enough for 100 future Grand Banquets for dungeons. I'll fish up more when the time comes but for the time being it's gold making time!

I don't even know the recipe for the Feast yet though. Apparently I can find it during the Tuskarr's Soup Cooking event that mesmerised me at the start of the expansion. Unfortunately, from what I can tell, you can only really do it once a week.
I did it on weekly reset day and got loot (not the recipe though sadly), and then I tried it again last night... didn't get loot last night. Sadface. So I have a once-a-week chance to get this amazing Feast recipe. Then I have to learn it myself instead of trying to sell it for half a million. XD

Our group got together and did a couple of dungeons, just in Normal mode so we could get back into the swing of things.
So far the dungeons seem quite interesting and I'm sure their Mythic+ mechanics are going to be horrifying. At least by the time Mythic+ comes around, I should be able to breathe properly again and not die in coughing fits every 5 minutes. Very awkward when on Discord and I'm trying to snuffle so I don't burst everyone's eardrums.

I'm not quite sure yet if I want to level my healer and heal these dungeons too. I guess I'll wait and see how our main healer goes in Mythic+. I would like at least one alt character at level to do things as well as my main Warrior character, but I'm having trouble deciding what just yet.
If I do choose my healer, I'll need to level her with one of my partner's characters because I'm a Holy Priest and I don't do Shadow. Apparently Shadow has changed from when I last tried it waaaaay back in Mists of Pandaria... so maybe I'll start a new Dark Priest just to give it a whirl... hmmm. Either way. My Holy Priest doesn't doooo Shadow. π I'm very particular about what my characters do. xD

I did make a new Dragon Lady, but I don't fancy actually playing it yet... I just wanted to get my hour in the character creator over and done with. xD Also, I'm miffed that there are so many amazing hairstyles for dragon people yet my human has to suffer with boring hairstyles.
Some of these would go fantastic with the human. They eventually caved and gave humans Blood Elf hairs, so maybe they'll cave and give us Dracthyr hairs too at some point. Fingers crossed.

Rawr dragon closeup! π€£
Until next time!! π₯π²
I hope you get better from covid quickly, it is a very strong and uncomfortable disease, try to drink a lot of tea to increase the body's natural defenses. don't drink a drop of alcohol for this whole time or your body may start an inflammatory response... I know because it happened to me
Thanks. I'm no longer "sick" but still feeling absolutely ghastly. I was tempted to burn out the disease with some whiskey but I didn't, haha! By the sounds of it that was a good choice not to.
I remember back in BFA when I chose to be a Warrior Tailor because of how much embroided Deep Sea bags were going for. They were going for around 800g a piece. The very first thing I did after beating the story was farm the recipe for it, then got it to the highest rank. I made a killing. Unfortunately Shadowlands killed the price on them.
Shadowlands killed the price on a lot of things! I was so disappointed. There was no point in farming anything, crafting anything. Thankfully they seem to have rectified that this time around.
How incredible your talent is to have so many characters, I can't, I have to focus all my time on just one, and until I don't have it at full capacity, I won't make another one.
Fishing is pretty good for making money, I just get bored very quickly, to do fishing you have to have two monitors and be watching a series or something haha.
Too bad you are an alliance :(
I have a lot of characters but I don't really play them. I checked my playtime just yesterday and I have a 150 days spent on my Fury Warrior haha! ... the next closest was my Holy Priest with 12 days. All my other characters are maybe 1 day. I make them, level them, then ignore them.
I find fishing relaxing π I enjoy just going around from mining node to fishing hole and just gathering things. Got some music on and just farm. I don't need to occupy myself with a second monitor.
Horde and Alliance don't really matter anymore! They made it so you can party together no matter your faction. Unfortunately though I am on Oceanic servers so the ping will be terrible.
Hahaha I knew it! We have a lot of people playing this game in our community right now and I knew from the beginning that this was going to be the new trend and WoW deserves it. The quests and in-game events are great. So are the graphics and design. And I hope you get the hairstyle you want π.
Doubtful. Blizzard will need to take the hair code off the dragon people and put that onto the humans. Way too much work. xD
I hope your problem with the virus passes without incident. It's great that you're having such a good time with the game. I really like how it looks.
Thanks. The virus has passed but its effects are still lingering and it's horrible. WoW has been a good distraction though. π
Excellent, well, I hope you don't have any health problems for a long time.
Iβm loving Dragon Flight. I pretty much only do pvp but cool reading about the game from pve perspective. I have an affliction warlock and horde and DK on alliance. I play on Emerald Dream.
Cool. π I'm on Frostmourne. Mostly play a fury warrior or holy priest but like looking at other things too. Have a destruction warlock that I still need to level. My fury warrior I pvp'd a lot with but don't really care for pvp anymore.
Too bad you are sick, I hope you can get better very soon so you can play peacefully. Good luck with the hairstyles for your human haha
Thank you!! I'm worried that with all this sickness I have nearly broken a rib with all my coughing. I just want to be better.
I hope you and your family soon.
wow... cool hairstyle, they really improved the character's faces.
I think it was during Warlords of Draenor nearly 8 or 9 years ago when they did a massive graphics overhaul. π Then they gave us a few more faces to choose from a couple of years ago.
It looks good. definitely worth their budget lol.
Wow, I did not play wow in like 20 years, or so I feel. my full maxed characters alre like level 80 if I remember right. The rogue was still creating its own poison and hunters use to make arrows. For the Horde!
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