When people cannot agree among themselves


When people cannot agree among themselves, they do not just move away from each other, but start all sorts of showdowns. That is, if there is no good connection, then it is replaced by a bad one, as they say: dear ones scold - they only amuse themselves.

Therefore, both civil and interstate wars are a search for some kind of connection: either bad or good. But we are all selfish. We cannot establish any definite rules among ourselves, any formula of connection. And the war helps us in this.

The fact that in the 20th century all wars became international means that the whole world is looking for unity, because it must come to a global state, return to its root.

But humanity, on the contrary, considers war to be a break in communication. No, there is a certain permutation involved. We Jews, unfortunately, are egoists of the type that we are not yet able to move immediately from ego to unity.

The connection between all peoples that are in conflict with each other must be manifested as a result of our work. If the people of Israel do not show an example of unification, then only one thing remains - war, and then all nations accuse us of the fact that all the wars in the world are due to the Jews.

And this is true, because we do not give them the opportunity to unite with each other, because only we have the glue that binds all of humanity together - the property of bestowal and love.

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