Ultimo Martes del Mes, vamos por el!!/Last Tuesday of the month, let's go for it!!



Bienvendo sea el ultimo Martes del mes, que rapido no creen? Han sido dias lindos gracias a Dios, el clima ha estado perfecto y un nuevo mes está a la vuelta de la esquina.

Welcome to the last Tuesday of the month, how fast don't you think? They have been beautiful days, thank God, the weather has been perfect and a new month is just around the corner.

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He estado trabajando tambien con mi emprendimiento y gracias a Dios trabajitos extra no han faltado jajaja, ahorita justo acabo de terminar una lamina y tengo que organizar unos encargos pendientes.

I have also been working with my venture and thank God there have been no shortage of extra jobs hahaha, right now I just finished a sheet and I have to organize some pending orders.

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Tambien estoy feliz porque hice un diseño para un sueter que queria mandar a hacer y ya lo tengo en mis manitos ❤

I'm also happy because I made a design for a sweater that I wanted to have made and I already have it in my hands ❤

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Aproveché y ayer pasé por la libreria comprando un cuaderno para hacer journaling, les cuento que tengo más de un año haciendolo y ha sido realmente beneficioso para mi, les recomiendo que lleven un diario personal, que hagan journaling, es muy bueno 🙏

I took advantage and yesterday I went to the bookstore buying a notebook to do journaling, I tell you that I have been doing it for more than a year and it has been really beneficial for me, I recommend that you keep a personal diary, that you do journaling, it is very good 🙏

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Mientras trabajaba aproveché de poner la pelicula "Mujercitas", tenia tiempo diciendo que queria verla pero no me habia dado chance, así que aproveché y la puse.

While I was working I took advantage of putting on the movie "Little Women", I had been saying for some time that I wanted to see it but it hadn't given me a chance, so I took advantage and put it on.

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Que pelicula tan grandiosa, me encantó de principio a fin, puedo decirles con toda honestidad que es de mi peliculas de epoca favoritas, es hermosa en todo sentido, puedes reir y llorar con su trama y aun así sentir algo de nostalgia, tristeza o empatia gracias a la historia, los personajes son geniales y es inevitable tener emociones encontradas con cada uno jajaja, si aun no han visto este clasico como yo, se los recomiendo con los ojos cerrados.

What a great movie, I loved it from start to finish, I can honestly tell you that it is one of my favorite period movies, it is beautiful in every way, you can laugh and cry with its plot and still feel some nostalgia, sadness or empathy thanks to the story, the characters are great and it is inevitable to have mixed emotions with each one hahaha, if you haven't seen this classic like me yet, I recommend it with your eyes closed.

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Entre otras novedades, ya estoy en mi fuente de inspiración para buscar ideas para el dia del padre, pinterest es el lugar ideal para tomar inspiración, pueden encontrar de todo, aun no sabemos que producto ofreceremos este año, queremos que sea algo economico pero significativo y bonito, que pueda ser comprable y rentable para nosotras.

Among other news, I am already my source of inspiration to look for ideas for Father's Day, Pinterest is the ideal place to get inspiration, you can find everything, we still don't know what product we will offer this year, we want it to be something cheap but meaningful and pretty, that can be affordable and profitable for us.

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Esta semana es la decisiba para las ideas!!

This week is the decision for ideas!!

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Pd: mis uñas han crecido rapidamente en cuestion de casi 1 mes, así que amigas les recomiendo hacerse esmaltado semipermanente en sus uñitas naturales para que crezcan y no sufran con resina, es una maravilla jajajaja.

PS: my nails have grown rapidly in a matter of almost 1 month, so my friends I recommend getting semi-permanent enamel on your natural nails so they grow and don't suffer from resin, it's wonderful hahahaha.

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Ese ha sido mi reporte hasta hoy, espero que su dia sea grandioso y que el exito los acompañe en cada paso que den.

That has been my report until today, I hope your day is great and that success accompanies you in every step you take.

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Portada elaborada en canva, imagenes de nuestra propiedad, capture de pinterest, emojis de bitmoji/ cover made with canva, images of our property, pinterest cap, bitmoji emojis

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