Miercoles con M de muy bueno para ser verdad/ Wednesday too good to be true 🙏 (ESP/ENG)


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Miercoles Miercoles Miercoles queridos amigos, mitad de semana, 13 de Septiembre ⚡ Que bendición poder estar escribiendo y compartiendo con ustedes, espero que les esté yendo de maravilla dia a dia 🙏

Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday dear friends, midweek, September 13 ⚡ What a blessing to be able to be writing and sharing with you, I hope you are doing wonderfully day by day 🙏

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Ayer fué un grandioso Martes sin duda, adelanté bastante el trabajo que estoy realizando, mi entrega es el Viernes así que gracias a Dios voy bien, espero terminar el trabajo hoy para seguir con otras cosas.

Yesterday was a great Tuesday without a doubt, I made a lot of progress on the work I am doing, my delivery is on Friday so thank God I am doing well, I hope to finish the work today to continue with other things.

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Les cuento que me habia llamado mucho la atención la promo que tienen ahorita en Mac Donalds, los precios de las comidas y combos han bajado como parte de una nueva estrategia de venta que está analizando la empresa en Venezuela, y realmente ha funcionado, es mayor la cantidad de personas haciendo cola en los Auto-Mac en comparación a años anteriores, así que sin pensarlo dos veces fuimos al local mas cercano y compramos varios combos de Papas medianas y barquillas, cada duo tiene un costo de 2$ e incluso las barquillas pueden tener relleno de pirulin, chocolate o caramelo y las papas vienen con sus respectivas salsas de tomate, pienso que por 2$ no es una mala opción realmente, el helado estaba rico y las papas calientitas ☘️

I tell you that the promo they have right now at Mac Donalds had caught my attention, the prices of meals and combos have dropped as part of a new sales strategy that the company is analyzing in Venezuela, and it has really worked, it is greater the number of people queuing at the Auto-Mac compared to previous years, so without thinking twice we went to the nearest store and bought several combos of medium Potatoes and baskets, each duo costs $2 and even the baskets They can be filled with lollipop, chocolate or caramel and the potatoes come with their respective tomato sauces. I think that for $2 it's really not a bad option, the ice cream was delicious and the potatoes were warm ☘️

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Por la noche habiamos organizado ver los Mtv VMAs 2023, así que preparamos la cena temprano para luego sentarnos un ratito a ver la premiación, estabamos emocionadas porque Shakira iba a presentar un show con un mix de sus canciones mas iconicas y por otro lado Taylor Swift estaba nominada a 11 premios así que queria ver cuantos galardones se llevaria mi artista favorita (se llevó 9 premios y fué una locura)

At night we had organized to watch the MTV VMAs 2023, so we prepared dinner early and then sat down for a while to watch the awards ceremony. We were excited because Shakira was going to present a show with a mix of her most iconic songs and on the other hand Taylor Swift I was nominated for 11 awards so I wanted to see how many awards my favorite artist would win (she won 9 awards and it was crazy)

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Dentro de un momento debo salir a hacer algo de jardineria, el sol ha estado tan fuerte que mis plantas estan realmente afectadas, estoy considerando moverlas de donde estan por lo menos hasta que inicie la temporada de lluvia, son muchos porrones que mover pero en una tarde se logrará seguro.

In a moment I must go out to do some gardening, the sun has been so strong that my plants are really affected, I am considering moving them from where they are at least until the rainy season begins, there are a lot of seedlings to move but in one Later it will be achieved for sure.

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Entre otras novedades, me alegra muchisimo mostrarles la siguiente fotito, hace meses logramos conseguirle hogar a un gatito que mis amigas consiguieron en la calle todo solito y chiquito, ya tiene tiempo en su nuevo hogar y mi corazón se alegró mucho al ver que en este momento está mas gordito, es amado en su nuevo hogar y nunca está solito, espero que en algun momento el apoyo a la protección animal sea foco de atención en Venezuela, hay muchos animalitos en la calle pasando hambre y demas, ellos no lo eligen, solo les toca, así que si realmente le pusieran mas atencion al tema quizas podrían prestar apoyo a todos los refugios independientes que hacen hasta lo imposible por salvar vidas con recursos limitados.

Among other news, I am very happy to show you the following photo, months ago we managed to find a home for a kitten that my friends got on the street all alone and small, he has been in his new home for some time and my heart was very happy to see that in this At the moment he is chubbier, he is loved in his new home and he is never alone, I hope that at some point support for animal protection will be the focus of attention in Venezuela, there are many little animals on the streets suffering from hunger and so on, they do not choose it, It's just their turn, so if they really paid more attention to the issue, maybe they could provide support to all the independent shelters that go out of their way to save lives with limited resources.

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Hasta aquí mi reporte de hoy jajaja, espero que pasen una tarde hermosa amigos, exito para mi y para ustedes.

That's it for my report today hahaha, I hope you have a beautiful afternoon friends, success for me and for you.

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