Martes con M de mejor aprovecha las oportunidades/ Tuesday with M of better take advantage of the opportunities

21 de Marzo damas y caballeros, 21 dias de montaña rusa ya hemos transitado este mes, que impresionante, espero que sus dias hayan sido cheveres, que hayan tenido buen trabajo, y que todo hayan reido bastante.
March 21 ladies and gentlemen, 21 days of roller coaster we have already traveled this month, how impressive, I hope your days have been cool, that you have had a good job, and that you have all laughed a lot.

En estos dias las ofertas han innundado la localidad, es impresionante, tiendas departamentales, puestos de comida con promos, tiendas de comesticos y demas, así que nos dijimos: hay que aprovechar las oportunidades en este momento, y una compra con bajo o menor costo, es una gran oportunidad en estos dias.
These days the offers have flooded the town, it is impressive, department stores, food stalls with promos, grocery stores and others, so we said to ourselves: we must take advantage of the opportunities at this time, and a purchase with low or less cost It is a great opportunity these days.

Nuestra primera parada fué en la tienda Tijerazo, habia 30% de descuento en ropa, así que fuimos rapidamente a ver el costo de los pantalones, la mayoria iba de 20$ a 25$, y con el descuento vimos unos muy lindos que quedaban en 14$, ibamos con la idea de comprar uno solo por 20$ pero 2x28$ resultó ser una buena opción.
Our first stop was at the Tijerazo store, there was a 30% discount on clothes, so we quickly went to see the cost of the pants, most of them ranged from $20 to $25, and with the discount we saw some very nice ones that were left in 14$, we were going with the idea of buying one for only 20$ but 2x28$ turned out to be a good option.

Fotografia de la tienda, tomada con mi samsung A03
En la tienda de al lado, tenian oferta de igual forma, pero en este caso tenian 50% de descuento, varios pantalones estaban en 7$ (mejor oferta todavia), los pantalones eran de tela menos dura pero igual se veian de buena calidad.
In the store next door, they had a sale in the same way, but in this case they had a 50% discount, several pants were at $7 (the best offer yet), the pants were made of softer fabric but still looked good quality.

En una tienda de cosmeticos nueva en la ciudad tenian los cepillos secadores que están de moda, normalmente cuestan entre 40$, 50$ y 60$, pero con la oferta, podias adquilirlo por 20$, se vendieron como pan caliente y tambien aprovechamos la oportunidad.
At a new cosmetics store in town they had the hot brushes, they usually cost between $40, $50 and $60, but with the sale, you could get it for $20, they sold like hot cakes and we also took advantage of the chance.

Ya ibamos con una compra de 48$, 28$ en la compra de pantalones y 20$ en la compra del secador, luego le sumamos otro pequeño gasto que no es tan constante, mi hermana se iba a sacar las cejas y me invitó a sacarme las mias tambien, obviamente no iba a decir que no, no las habia sacado desde Diciembre y ya no tenia forma de nada, en eso se fueron 4$.
We were already going with a purchase of $48, $28 for the purchase of pants and $20 for the purchase of the dryer, then we added another small expense that is not so constant, my sister was going to remove her eyebrows and she invited me to remove them. Mine too, obviously I wasn't going to say no, I hadn't taken them out since December and I no longer had any form of anything, that's when $4 went.

Fotografia de como se veian mis cejas antes de sacarlas, con bisajismo tomada con mi samsung A03
Tambien habia juntado dinero para hacer un curso pero lo cancelaron, queria hacer otro pero el costo era de 85$ y solo tenia 35$ en el momento 😂 espero pronto poder cubrir ese gasto.
I had also raised money to do a course but they canceled it, I wanted to do another one but the cost was $85 and I only had $35 at the time 😂 I hope to be able to cover that expense soon.

Y bueno ya que estamos, al salir a comprar pan notamos que todas las personas salian con helados, y mi hermana me dijo: y si compramos unos helados? jajajaja ¿como decir no?
And well, while we are at it, when we went out to buy bread we noticed that all the people came out with ice creams, and my sister told me: what if we bought some ice creams? hahaha how to say no?
Fotografia de mi helado, tomada con mi samsung A03
Gracias a Dios hemos podido aprovechar este tipo de oportunidades, gracias a Dios las cosas han ido bien y se que irán mejor, las cosas sin dudas, mejoran!!
Thank God we have been able to take advantage of these types of opportunities, thank God things have gone well and I know they will go better, things are undoubtedly improving!!

Buying ice cream with Hive rewards, this is a good idea!
Its for sure a really good idea, hahaha