Luneeees de decir: con miedo, pero vamos!!/ Mooonday to say: With fear, but let's go!!

Dear friends, happy happy Monday, last Monday of the month right? I hope you are enjoying everything big and small that life has in store for us. Here we are going super well, and we have so much to tell you, so let's go for it
Nuestro Viernes fué genial, hice algo de trabajo creativo, y mientras estaba en eso me llegó un mensaje, el curso que queria realizar habia sido reprogramado para el sabado, y me estaban consultando mi disponibilidad para asistir.
Our Friday was great, I did some creative work, and while I was doing it I got a message that the course I wanted to take had been rescheduled for Saturday and I was asked about my availability to attend.

Honestamente, no tenia ganas de ir, mi mamá me estaba insistiendo y yo sabia que el tema del curso era super importante y que seria para mi de mucha ayuda, pero admito que me sentia un poquito incomoda con la idea de ir a un lugar con gente desconocida y para hablar de un tema del que no tenia ni la menor idea, ¿por qué?
I really didn't feel like going, my mom insisted and I knew that the subject of the course was super important and that it would be very helpful, but I admit that I felt a little uncomfortable with the idea of going to a place with unknown people and talking. about a topic that I had no idea, why?
No habia notado que mi yo negativa y algo miedosa estaba moviendo los hilos, la inseguridad estaba habriendose paso y yo lo estaba permitiendo, pero justo ese dia, como cosas del destino (o de lo que sea), estaba escuchando un podcast y era sobre como nos metiamos en jaulitas internas para "protegernos", pero en realidad, solo nos terminamos fundiendo con la misma jaula dejando lejos la posibilidad de ser libres.
I hadn't realized that my negative and somewhat fearful self was pulling the strings, insecurity was taking over me and I allowed it, but just that day, like fate (or whatever), I was listening to a podcast and it was about about how we got into internal cages to "protect ourselves", but in reality, we only ended up merging with the same cage, leaving the possibility of being free far away.

Mi comodidad es linda (hasta cierto punto), cuando se convierte en cadena deja de ser linda, mi mente me decia: ¿y si pasa algo "malo"? y obviamente en ese momento era como: AAA panico, pero en el mismo podcast hablaron sobre lo magnifico y convertidor que era en lugar de decir: que es lo peor que puede pasar?, cambiar y con todo y miedo decir: ¿que es lo MEJOR, que puede pasar?
My comfort is cute (up to a certain point), when it turns into a chain it stops being cute, my mind was telling me: what if something "bad" happens? and obviously at that moment it was like: AAA panic, but in the same podcast they talked about how magnificent and converting it was instead of saying: what is the worst that can happen? BETTER, what can happen?
Fotografia de mi propiedad
Así que dije: vamos a hacerlo! No me generé expectativas sobre el curso, pero me enfoqué en la idea de que algo bueno saldría de ir, y sorprendentemente... Me fué de maravilla. Me reí mucho, el tema lo entendí super bien, las personas eran bien amables y nada de lo catastrofico que mi mente me dijo que pasaria, pasó...
So I said let's do it! I didn't build expectations about the course, but I focused on the idea that something good would come out of going, and surprisingly... I did great. I laughed a lot, I understood the subject very well, the people were very kind and nothing catastrophic that my mind told me would happen, it happened...

Fotografia de mi propiedad
Nuevo mantra: Vamos! A donde sea, vamos, con miedo, vamos... pero vamos, porque siempre algo bueno puede salir de hacerlo!
New mantra: Let's go! Wherever, let's go, fear, let's go... but let's go, because something good can always come out of doing it!

Fotografia de mi propiedad
Así que amigos, es deseo mucho exito, mucha suerte, y mucho valor para ir a donde sea que quieran ir con toda la fé del mundo!
So friends, I wish you a lot of success, a lot of luck and a lot of courage to go where you want to go with all the faith in the world!

Sometimes it is is better to stay quiet at home, when you don't feel good.
I agree with that, but when staying at home begins to create walls and limits for you, without a doubt, IN MY CASE (it is not the same for everyone, everyone is different), with everything and fear it is better to go out. I want that to stay at home to be by choice, not because there is no other option or because fear won't let me move. Thanks for reading, friend!!