La idea de ser mejor que ayer... y el aire a esperanza!/ The idea of being better than yesterday... and the air of hope!

"La meta es ser mejor que ayer…” Bienvenidos a una nueva y grandiosa semana queridos amigos, espero que esten super bien y que les esté yendo dr maravilla en casa y en la vida.
"The goal is to be better than yesterday..." Welcome to a great new week, dear friends, I hope you are doing great and that you are doing wonderfully at home and in life.

Fué un fin de semana hermoso, maravilloso y lleno de razones para agradecer, un familiar regresó a casa luego de años lejos de su familia, fué realmente lindo ver como todos estaban emocionados por su visita, la alegria rondaba por toda la casa y se sentia en todas las personas que se encontraban en ella.
It was a beautiful weekend, wonderful and full of reasons to be grateful, a family member returned home after years away from his family, it was really nice to see how everyone was excited about his visit, joy was all around the house and it was felt in all the people who were in it.

En estos meses muchas personas están regresando a casa para disfrutar de las fiestas luego de haberse ido hace muchos años escapando de la situación nacional, y aunque en este momento la situación no está al 100, sin duda los venezolanos han sabido crear sus propias oportunidades para no tener que vivir nuevamente como en años anteriores, Dios mediante todo seguirá mejorando.
In these months many people are returning home to enjoy the holidays after having left many years ago to escape the national situation, and although at this moment the situation is not 100%, without a doubt Venezuelans have known how to create their own opportunities to not having to live again like in previous years, God through everything will continue to improve.

Hay personas pintando sus casas, decorando desde ya con navidad, preparando la lista de materiales para lad hallacas en Diciembre y sin duda, compartiendo un aire de alegria y esperanza con todos a su alrededor.
There are people painting their houses, decorating already for Christmas, preparing the list of materials for the hallacas in December and without a doubt, sharing an air of joy and hope with everyone around them.

Nuestra casa tiene tiempo que no se pinta, o se arregla, paso a paso hemos ido mejorando todo para poder hacerlo, hace unos 3 años pudimos comprar pintura pero solo para la sala, este año gracias a Dios vamos a pintar la sala, la cocina y el pasillo, es una mejora sin duda ❤🙏
Our house has not been painted or fixed for a long time, step by step we have been improving everything to be able to do it, about 3 years ago we were able to buy paint but only for the living room, this year thank God we are going to paint the living room, the kitchen and the hallway, it is an improvement without a doubt ❤🙏

Compramos un cuñete de pintura, si pagabamos en dolares en efectivo salia en 75$ pero teniamos era tarjeta así que la pintura terminó costando 90$ 😓🙃 hay ofertas en pinturas en 25$ o 30$ pero no son de tan buena calidad y si se le pasa un pañito con agua para quitar una mancha o algo se quita la pintura por completo (ya nos pasó 😂)
We bought a bucket of paint, if we paid in dollars in cash it cost $75 but we had a card so the paint ended up costing $90 😓🙃 there are offers on paintings for $25 or $30 but they are not of such good quality and if wipe it with a cloth with water to remove a stain or something removes the paint completely (it's already happened to us 😂)

Nos recomendaron un material para tapar los huecos en la pared causados por la caida de la pintura de años que han sido cubiertas por mas pintura pero no tapadas en si, esperamos poder comprarlo para así tapar los huecos de casa.
They recommended a material to cover the holes in the wall caused by the paint falling off over the years that have been covered by more paint but not covered in itself, we hope to be able to buy it to cover the holes in the house.

Ahora que recuerdo, en la tienda habia un señor mayor que se encargaba de llevar la pintura a los autos de las personas, el señor era super alegre y a todos los que compraban con una sonrisa enorme les deseaba mucha suerte con la pintada de su hogar, se sintió lindo ver esa alegria porque las personas realmente estamos saliendo de años realmente feos en Venezuela, donde no se podia hacer mucho y esto se siente como un: Al fin!
Now that I remember, in the store there was an older man who was in charge of bringing the paint to people's cars, the man was super cheerful and he wished everyone who bought with a huge smile good luck with the painting of their home, It felt nice to see that joy because people are really coming out of really ugly years in Venezuela, where not much could be done and this feels like: Finally!

Hay muchas personas creyendo que estan en competencia con su alrededor para demostrar quien es o tiene mas, pero realmente, la unica competencia que existe es la de cada persona solita contra si misma… Eso de querer demostrarle al mundo algo para que lo validen es agotador, porque realmente así te esfuerces muchísimo toda tu vida es posible que no lo valoren o reconozcan, pero ojo, lo que realmente mueve al mundo no es que los demas valoren lo que tu haces, es que TU valores y reconozcas lo que haces, lo que vales y lo que eres, y que eso sea suficiente para ti.
There are many people believing that they are in competition with those around them to show who is or has more, but really, the only competition that exists is that of each person alone against themselves... That of wanting to show the world something so that they can validate it is exhausting. , because really, even if you try very hard all your life, they may not value or recognize it, but be careful, what really moves the world is not that others value what you do, it is that YOU value and recognize what you do, what what you are worth and what you are, and that is enough for you.

Así que en Noviembre y Diciembre aprovecha para darte reconocimiento y validación a ti mismo por todo lo que has hecho, por lo que estás haciendo y por tus planes, aprovecha y felicitate porque nadie mas que nosotros, ve la parte dificil de cada paso que damos, disfruta TU momento, porque todas tus acciones te han traido justo a este momento y eso merece toda tu celebración.
So in November and December take the opportunity to give recognition and validation to yourself for everything you have done, for what you are doing and for your plans, take advantage and congratulate yourself because no one but us sees the difficult part of each step we take. , enjoy YOUR moment, because all your actions have brought you right to this moment and that deserves all your celebration.

Vamos casi a mitad de Noviembre, estamos de suerte, siempre estamos de suerte, porque nosotros construimos nuestra suerte y eso, es grandioso.
We are almost in the middle of November, we are in luck, we are always in luck, because we build our luck and that is great.

Queridos amigos, exito para todos, que muchas cosas hermosas nos sucedan esta semana, cuidense!
Dear friends, success to all, may many beautiful things happen to us this week, take care!