Cosas buenas suceden si se saben esperar.../ Good things happen if you know how to wait...



Grandioso inicio de semana queridos amigos, espero que estén muy bien, por aquí hemos estado de corre corre en corre corre, gracias a Dios por cosas buenas jajaja.
Great start to the week dear friends, I hope you are very well, here we have been running, running, running, thank God for good things hahaha.

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Como les habia comentado la semana pasada nuestro aire se dañó, el tecnico vino a repararlo pero nos dijo que se habia quemado y que gracias a Dios no explotó ni causó daño a nadie, cuando destabaron el aire estaba negro por dentro, y todos sus cables estaban quemados y destrozados, el aire tenia 17 años y quizas con el aumento de la temperatura y algunos problemas de electricidad no pudo batallar el pobre.

As I had told you last week, our air conditioner was damaged, the technician came to repair it but he told us that it had burned and that thank God it did not explode or cause harm to anyone. When they removed the air conditioner it was black inside, and all its cables they were burned and destroyed, the air was 17 years old and perhaps with the increase in temperature and some electricity problems the poor man could not fight.

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Dormimos durante 2 dias en la sala por el calor que hacia, pero fué realmente dificil, no habia brisa, y a la mañana siguiente amanciamos roncas y sudadas, gracias a Dios habian pagado y todos en la casa hicimos cuentas y unimos dinero para ir a comprar un aire.

We slept for 2 days in the living room because of the heat it was, but it was really difficult, there was no breeze, and the next morning we slept hoarse and sweaty, thank God they had paid and everyone in the house did the math and pooled money to go shopping

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Pasamos por Daka y encontramos que habia uno de 12.000btu por 200$, era una oferta por el dia de la madre así que aprovechamos ya que los otros estaban en 300$ y 400$.

We went through Daka and found that there was one of 12,000btu for $200, it was an offer for Mother's Day so we took advantage of it since the others were at $300 and $400.

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Hicimos la compra y nos llevamos el aire, al dia siguiente el tecnico ya estaba en casa listo para instalar el nuevo aire, nos alivió mucho cuando nos dijo que al ser nuevo lograria enfriar la casa completa o al menos una gran parte, gracias a Dios, si fué así.

We made the purchase and we took the air, the next day the technician was already at home ready to install the new air, we were very relieved when he told us that being new would manage to cool the entire house or at least a large part, thank God , Yeah it was like that.

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Estamos felices y agradecidos en casa, por haber logrado tener el dinero en el momento justo y necesario 🙏💖

We are happy and grateful at home, for having managed to have the money at the right and necessary time 🙏💖

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Ese día en daka vi un par de cosas que me encantaron, habian unas mini plantas para conectar la computadora y el wifi y asi mantenerlas con electricidad al menos 2hrs mas luego de irse la luz, y como sabrán en Venezuela las idas de luz cambian por completo nuestros planes jajaja.

That day in Daka I saw a couple of things that I loved, there were some mini plants to connect the computer and the Wi-Fi and thus keep them with electricity for at least 2 more hours after the power went out, and as you know in Venezuela, the light changes by complete our plans hahaha.

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Vi tambien unos audifonos hp que espero poder comprarme pronto, están muy bien para trabajar en la compu aquí abajito se los muestro.

I also saw some hp headphones that I hope I can buy soon, they are very good for working on the computer, I'll show you below.

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Espero que este post se el inicio hacia la rutina sana de nuevamente escribir de forma constante. Amigos, espero que todos estén muy bien, les deseo lo mejor de lo mejor, que su semana sea grandiosa y que muchas cosas buenas les sucedan.

I hope this post is the beginning towards the healthy routine of writing again constantly. Friends, I hope you are all very well, I wish you the best of the best, that your week is great and that many good things happen to you.

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Portada elaborada en canva, imagenes de nuestra propiedad, bitmoji emojis/ cover made with canva, images of our property, bitmoji emojis,

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