Het Loo Extraordinary Garden

Hello to everyone in the community.
It's been a long time since I posted in the community. Somehow, there was no worthy occasion and nothing interesting that was worthy of attention. But the past summer was quite eventful for me. I visited many beautiful places and travelled a bit. And although the summer is over, there are still emotions and a whole host of impressions and memories.

Last year, I made my first trip to the Netherlands. Back then, I was in the western part of the country. But this year, it was the eastern part. The scenery is completely different, even the weather is different. But it's still very beautiful here.

The first wonderful place I visited was Het Loo Palace. It is located in Apeldon. I found out about it by accident. My friends invited me to take a walk in the forest in the evening. As it turned out, it was a royal forest adjacent to the summer residence of the Dutch royal family. I immediately started looking for information on the Internet. When I saw a photo of the garden in front of the main entrance to the palace, I instantly fell in love. I decided that I would visit it on my next weekend and see this beauty with my own eyes.

It used to be a summer hunting estate. It was built in the 16th century. Then the family of the royal Oranski dynasty made it their summer residence. I will write about the palace itself later. Today, it is the gardens that are all the rage.

You can see it from the windows of the palace.
go to the roof and look around at the incredible plantings, fountains, paths and sculptures. It is breathtaking to see what you see. From a height, it seems that you are looking at a huge carpet with intricate ornaments.
The garden is divided into blocks. Some of them consist of boxwood plantations. The bushes are formed in the form of patterns with curls. Everything is so smooth and symmetrical that it is hard to imagine that people could have created such beauty. The colours are also quite interesting. They range from bright green to light white. The paths between the court blocks are sprinkled with fine gravel of light beige colour, which fits well into the overall ensemble. The garden area is quite large. Later, I learned that it is 7.5 hectares.
There is a fountain in the central part. It has an original geometric shape. On a hill in the middle, there is a sculpture of the Madonna and Child. A little lower down, there are bronze sea mythical creatures blowing horns and water pouring out of them. In this fountain, huge fish swim in the water.
Another fountain has a globe in its centre. It is so unusual and interesting. It is nice to stand in the coolness of the water in the summer heat. When I was in this place, it was approaching to rain, so it was not hot.
I also saw a lot of interesting things in the royal garden of Het Loo.


Hi @juliaskor, yes no doubt a great ride, there is so much to see in this place, I liked the gardens area they look spectacular and you can tell they take very good care of them, the sphere with the water jets looks great, thanks for sharing your visit.



Thank you for your feedback. It was a pleasure to share my own impression


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