[ENG-SPN] Cervatos and the myth of Eros / Cervatos y el mito de Eros



Close to the stately Reinosa and looking with infinite patience towards those enigmatic mountains and ravines of Valderredible, where the hermit phenomenon developed with unusual force in those enigmatic and crazy early medieval times, the residents of the small but picturesque mountain village of Cervatos, are not only accustomed to the frequent visits of a very special type of tourist, the cultural one, who not only participates in the beauty of its extraordinary Collegiate Church - one of the four that Cantabria has in its heritage - but who, in addition, feel extraordinarily surprised by the content of some sculptures, made, also like that one, in the 12th century, where all the magnetic power of Eros represents a true conceptual challenge, which, in some way, not only distances us from that concept of miserable darkness with which have generally introduced us to that historical period known as the Middle Ages, but it also leads us to ask ourselves the most sordid questions.


In some ways similar to the formidable Hindu temples, although on a smaller scale and, of course, saving all distances, the Romanesque sculpture in Cantabria is characterized, mainly, by the strong allusions captured by the stonemasons in most of its temples. main ones, which, however, raises for us its disconcerting vision, a multitude of doubts related to the existence of an underlying intentionality, which went beyond a simple allusion to vices and sins and in whose subjective background, the survival of myths and fertility rites that the Catholic Church, after all, was never able to completely eradicate from the collective unconscious of people.


Cercano a la señorial Reinosa y mirando con infinita paciencia hacia esos enigmáticos montes y quebradas de Valderredible, donde el fenómeno eremita se desarrolló con fuerza inusual en esos enigmáticos y descabellados tiempos altomedievales, los vecinos del pequeño aunque pintoresco pueblecito montañés de Cervatos, no sólo están acostumbrados a las frecuentes visitas de un tipo muy especial de turistas, el cultural, que no sólo participa de la belleza de su extraordinaria Colegiata -una de las cuatro que tiene Cantabria en su haber patrimonial- sino, que, además, se sienten extraordinariamente sorprendidos por el contenido de unas esculturas, realizadas, también como aquella, en el siglo XII, donde todo el magnético poder de Eros supone un verdadero reto conceptual, que, de alguna manera, no sólo nos aleja de ese concepto de miserable oscuridad con el que nos han presentado generalmente a ese periodo histórico conocido como la Edad Media, sino que, también, nos induce a plantearnos las más sórdidas cuestiones.


De alguna manera similar a los formidables templos hindúes, si bien, a menor escala y salvando, por supuesto, todas las distancias, la escultura románica en Cantabria se caracteriza, principalmente, por las fuertes alusiones plasmadas por los canteros en la mayoría de sus templos principales, que nos plantea, no obstante, su desconcertante visión, multitud de dudas relacionadas con la existencia de una intencionalidad subyacente, que iba más allá de una simple alusión a vicios y a pecados y en cuyo subjetivo fondo, puede llegar a entreverse la pervivencia de unos mitos y de unos ritos a la fertilidad que la Iglesia católica, al fin y al cabo, nunca pudo erradicar del todo del inconsciente colectivo de los pueblos.


NOTICE: Both the text and the accompanying photographs are my exclusive intellectual property and are therefore subject to my Copyright.
AVISO: Tanto el texto, como las fotografías que lo acompañan, son de mi exclusiva propiedad intelectual y por lo tanto, están sujetos a mis Derechos de Autor.



You mentioned that this building is familiar with Hindu temples
This is how Hindu temples look


What I am saying is that the eroticism of the sculptures in this temple are similar to those that are also reproduced, without any kind of modesty, in many Hindu temples. The architectures are very different, obviously, although, deep down, they respond to sacred models based on Divinity, each one with its particular characteristics.
