[ENG-SPN] A walk through the Miño Canyons / Un paseo por los Cañones del Miño
The significance of the pilgrimage to Compostela is not based exclusively on following the traces of these landmarks of ancient architecture, made with the purpose of influencing the spirit and providing mysterious keys that facilitate, for those who undertake it, an intimate connection with the World of the Spirit and a greater knowledge of themselves, something that was already intuited centuries before Freud and Jung introduced us to the mysteries of modern Psychology.
As a true life experience, the Way is much more than the milestones determined by the visit to hermitages, churches and monasteries that mark the Sacred Route and that determine the stages that pilgrims must necessarily follow to register some stamps, testimony of their passage and obligatory to receive the longed-for ‘Compostelana’ upon reaching their destination, in the cathedral of Saint James and the visit to the crypt where the supposed remains of the Apostle Saint James rest.
It is much more: it is feeling, living and above all, learning from the landscapes, which, in many cases, determine the singularities of lands where beauty, solitude, desert or abundance provide another alternative experience, which tests their mettle, altering their perceptions with tests that encourage them to face the difficulties or, on the contrary, to give up and abandon their efforts. And, as in the present example, not all the sections of the Way can be as beautiful and rewarding as this rural path, which, running between the towns of Sarria and Paradela in Lugo, shows a spectacular and rewarding nature, which is none other than the Canyons formed by the thousand-year-old passage of a legendary river, such as the Miño.
La trascendencia del viaje de peregrinación hasta Compostela, no se basa, exclusivamente, en seguir las huellas de esos hitos de una arquitectura ancestral, hecha con el propósito de influir en el ánimo y proporcionar unas claves mistéricas, que faciliten, al que lo realiza, una íntima conexión con el Mundo del Espíritu y un mayor conocimiento de sí mismo, algo que ya se intuía siglos antes de que Freud y Jung nos introdujeran en los misterios de la Psicología moderna.
Como una verdadera experiencia vital, el Camino, pues, es mucho más que los hitos determinados por la visita a ermitas, a iglesias y a monasterios que jalonan la Ruta Sagrada y que van determinando unas etapas que los peregrinos han de seguir, necesariamente, para registrar unos sellos, testimonio de su paso y obligatorios para recibir la ansiada ‘Compostelana’ al llegar a su destino, en la catedral de Santiago y la visita a la cripta donde reposan los supuestos restos del Apóstol Santiago.
Es mucho más: es sentir, vivir y sobre todo, aprender también de unos paisajes, que, en muchos casos, determinan las singularidades de unas tierras donde la belleza, la soledad, el desierto o la abundancia proporcionan otra experiencia alternativa, que pone a prueba su temple, alterando sus percepciones con pruebas que les animan a enfrentar las dificultades o por el contrario, a rendirse y a desistir de su empeño. Y es que, como en el presente ejemplo, no todos los tramos del Camino pueden ser tan hermosos y gratificantes como este sendero rural, que, transcurriendo entre las localidades lucenses de Sarria y Paradela, muestra una naturaleza espectacular y gratificante, que no es otra, que los Cañones formados por el paso milenario de un río de leyenda, como es el Miño.
NOTICE: Both the text and the accompanying photographs are my exclusive intellectual property and therefore, are subject to my Copyright.
AVISO: Tanto el texto, como las fotografías que lo acompañan, son de mi exclusiva propiedad intelectual y por lo tanto, están sujetos a mis Derechos de Autor.
When i encountered this kind of post. Surely I'll stop and read. Oh truly it was a journey. The river was surrounded with a great landscape, Amazing!
The landscapes we perceive through our travel experience, in some way, always condition us and in many cases, leave an indelible mark on our soul. This is also part of our enrichment and increases our wealth of knowledge and culture. I am glad that you liked my post and I thank you very much for the comment. Kind regards.
True! When we travel we are open to new perspectives. We grow and gain more knowledge in each journey. Beautiful landscapes is a plus😍 You're very much welcome. Good day!