Italy resists the LGBTQ cult and shocks the Western world!๐ฎ๐น๐ณ๏ธโ๐โ
In the Western world of today there is absolute confusion, there is no other way to put it, and I have two special messages for you today that will make you realize what kind of world we are living in right now. The first news is about the Miss Italy pageant, which has made negative headlines in the Western media because of an incident that no one expected and which was reported on, among other places.
EXCERPT: "The Miss Italy (Miss Italia) beauty pageant has barred transgender contestants from participating, stating that all contestants must be a biological woman by birth."
Oh dear, in the (so-called) "community of values" whose leaders, against the will of the majority of their citizens, support all sexual perversions one can imagine, Western politicians will now of course come along and ask, in accordance with the cult spreading in our climes, "What is a woman from birth?" They will argue biological facts are basically only perceived by right-wing radicals and that official definitions for women must be changed to be "contemporary".
EXCERPT: According to Patrizia Mirigliani, the official patron of the pageant of the competition, this is a long-standing policy. She says, "Since its inception, the pageant has included in its regulations the clarification you have to be a woman from birth, probably because even then it was anticipated that beauty might change in future, that women might undergo changes and men might become women."
According to Mirigliani, a great many beauty pageants beg for media attention by including transgender contestants in their shows, and she adds, "It's absurd, which is why Miss Italia won't jump on the glitzy bandwagon of transgender activism!" So this means in future, the Miss Italia pageant will continue to exclude this sick ideology - which is so enthusiastically pushed by psychopaths, especially in the West. Of course, now the whole Western world is looking at Italy, the outlier in this crazy cult, and wondering, "How can it be that something like this is still enforced these days?"
Let's see how long this will work in the midst of all this madness, whether the whole thing can be enforced in the long run in these crazy times despite all the disturbed rulers in the West and whether in the end a REAL WOMAN (keyword: biology) will really win. It would be desirable, but we also know how strong these dark forces are, which promote the whole madness. You see all the documentaries in the mainstream, according to which man and woman can no longer be defined so simply, there are more than 60 genders, etc..
There are even series and cartoons produced especially for children, which completely redefine the normal idea of woman and man, so that the smallest ones with their freshly brainwashed little heads can also quickly understand it and thus be successfully introduced to this (nightmarish) "New Normality". State-trained brainwashers - officially called "educators" - indoctrinate the weakest members of society at an early age in kindergartens, so that they do not feel comfortable in their own bodies, but rather question whether their right body also fits them, or whether they should not rather have it surgically adapted to the preconceptions talked into them by the state, as is always popular in the modern Western world.
At this point we come to the second news, which was already talked about at the beginning of the post and here I have something very special for you and that are the dancing nurses, which you certainly still know from the propaganda at the time of the plandemic. Despite fake-pandemic pause, the dancing hospital staff from the media is active again. But if it's not a (supposedly) dangerous virus that has them symbolically dancing in support of nonsensical Corona measures, what is it? Quite simply, now they are dancing against the officially man-made climate change, now they are dancing politically correct against fossil energy, against too high CO2 emissions and other media threats that we now have to beware of according to our TV-world.
With the Corona lockdowns, the obedience of sheeple, who basically do not think for themselves, was tested by elite circles in order to move on to climate lockdowns in the next phase after positive results, so why they should not use the nurses dance again with the same strategy for successful indoctrination, whose use has apparently already proven itself in the previous "crisis"? In the meantime we know that if a real danger threatens in the country immediately a dance goes off, at which the slaves of the media can orient themselves better. If we see dancing nurses, then it is said very quickly: "Doctor Fauci, please immediately prescribe the next lockdown, this time a Climate lockdown."
Besides dances for further lockdowns, there are already heat protection plans in Europe and even if this madness sometimes seems like a crazy dream, you always have to realize that all this is not a nightmare, but that it is bitter reality what is happening right now! Just because of this situation I say to you also, before you still suffer a nervous breakdown because of the artificial medial panicmaking, before you get panic attacks, can't sleep, fall into depressions or the like, be aware that some of these things run in the same way in big parts of the rest of the world and countless people - potential allies - sit with you in the same boat.
Isn't the strategy behind sinister plans always the same? Someone wants to pursue these plans and everyone does it in his own way. Now, of course, you can choose whether you prefer the comparatively at least honest, but still dictatorial way, such as in China, where the focus is more on classical values and where many people are willing to follow the regime, or whether you want to live in a country that is rather unimportant for power politicians, for example, in poorer conditions, but for that free. Of course you have also the possibility to live in the conditions of a western fake democracy, important is only you make a decision, because despite some differences it goes in times of the globalization with certain topics everywhere in the same direction, what the fake pandemic in the otherwise actually most different systems has shown us and what also the fairy tale of the climate change caused by humans will show us in future!
So, before you let yourself be driven crazy by all these artificially created worries, which are being spread by the media, you should rather say to yourself: "What I see here every day should not make me despair, instead it should rather give me the drive NOT to accept the ideology that is being imposed on us, not to simply accept the bad times, but to move towards the good times or to work towards better times!"
A society like the one the Western world has mutated into over the last few decades, where things like this are tolerated and allowed to happen, where too many people stand by passively and watch, that is an absolutely weak society that cannot survive in the long run and because of which I advise you not to let these things get you down. Accept best that we had good times, which are already longer past and in which we could rest, which led now to worse times, in which the opponents of all this madness must become active finally again to end them!
Let's resist together, let's network and let's move in the right direction, because only on this way we have a chance to create times for our children and following generations, when all this madness will be a thing of the past and hopefully only a dark chapter in our history books.