China wants to build military base on Cuba and the USA is not amused!
In these crazy times, conflicts are springing up like mushrooms every day, there are flashpoints everywhere in places where something could happen at any time, and to keep things exciting, the whole thing is pushed on and on. The latest conflict recently flared up between the U.S. and China after the Chinese announced plans to build a military base in Cuba. This initiative is a reaction to the stationing of U.S. troops on Taiwanese territory, which is about the same distance from China as Cuba is from the United States.
Just to symbolize the white house has gone too far with its behavior, China has decided to react in this way and immediately published the information about its reaction. Specifically, the Chinese want to establish a joint military training base on cuba, which should not shock the U.S. much from a moral point of view, because this country, after all, stations its troops on countless bases around the world. In the Pacific alone, 350,000 U.S. soldiers are already stationed, mainly in Japan and South Korea, which represents a permanent threat to the competing world power China, which of course had to react to it!
In order to counteract the imperialist power grab and the expansionist desires of the saber-rattling White House, the Chinese are now conducting negotiations with America's neighbor. Since the United States views Cuba with hostility anyway and sanctions this country every now and then, this naturally increases the Cubans' willingness to cooperate with the Chinese world power (keyword: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend!"), while the rest of the world feels abruptly transported back to the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 in view of these developments.
At that time, it was the Soviet Union that had prepared countermeasures to the activities of the USA, and this also involved the stationing of troops and nuclear weapons in Cuba, i.e. virtually on the American doorstep. There was absolute agreement between Cuba and the Soviet Union at that time, but the U.S. sent a clear message to the world that said, "If you actually do this, there will be nuclear war!" Do you see the big difference? The self-proclaimed protecting power of the West is of course allowed to do everything possible at the borders, but woe betide another country that takes the same right to start actions like this one, then of course something has to be done against it immediately (keyword: hypocrites, double standards)!
Of course, none of us is surprised by this behavior, because even in the case of a declining world power, it is probably normal those in power - i.e. usually exactly the kind of people who should never have been allowed to gain so much power - do not want to give up their coveted place in the global hierarchy and constantly try to change the rules of the game in their favor. A lesser audacity would have even surprised me, to be honest, so it's fitting that the leaders of the Western pseudo-values community can quietly erect threatening military bases around China, but put their foot down when, after all, another world power even begins to think of doing the same.
While all of this is going on, the Taiwanese are getting to know their American "friends" better and better, and were quite astonished when the U.S. Secretary of State Blinken recently announced that the United States "will not" support Taiwan's independence! Of course, this message or betrayal was a slap in the face of Taiwan, which hopefully showed other countries what consequences an alliance with the white house can have.
Regarding the current behavior of the American government, it must be said there are exactly two possible reasons for this. After Joe Biden, as probably the first president of the United States, made the mistake of not playing off his opponents against each other, i.e. showing his friendly face to one and, as a false friend, taking joint action with him against his other opponent (examples: Iraq/Iran, Iran/Saudi Arabia, Federal Republic of Germany/German Democratic Republic, South Korea/North Korea, etc.), this could be a belated attempt to appease the Chinese and prevent the continuation of the alliance between the competing world powers of China/Russia by betraying Taiwan, no matter how futile this tactic may seem at the time.
The second possibility represents an opposite goal of the Biden administration, which might just be setting a trap for China. Despite growing threats and ever more escalating flashpoints at various points in the world, in which the three world powers (USA, China, Russia) are also involved, the American power apparatus could announce it will not intervene in the event of a takeover of Taiwan by China, only to be able to justify a direct war with China in the event of such a situation, because the American government wants to protect the poor Taiwanese (from whose globally significant semiconductor production the leadership in the white house wants to profit) from the oh-so-evil Chinese.
Whatever the plan may be, the excitement about the Chinese military base on the American doorstep has made the rounds globally, which is why even German media that tend to be rather restrained about the truth normally, such as "", are already headlining quite openly "China is apparently planning a new training facility in Cuba - the USA fears the stationing of Chinese troops". In addition, there are fears the whole thing will go even further and Chinese spy troops will be deployed on the ground to spy on the USA more efficiently.
The medical term for fears like this is called "projection" in psychology, a clinical picture that causes people to interpret their own character flaws and dark behaviors into other people, which is the only explanation for such expectations of American politicians who themselves promote a system that practices all the things they currently accuse China of! Why do you think Mark Zuckerberg - founder of the social network Facebook and shareholder of the company "Meta Platforms" - always has his camera covered in conversations where his notebook is shown? Likewise, where you find the microphone, everything is covered! You can probably already guess why people like Zuckerberg and, by the way, Bill Gates also consider such measures necessary, which I just had to mention in passing before I continue the main topic here with the excerpt of an article from "".
EXCERPT: "The U.S. government apparently does not want to accept this. The fear this new facility could lead to the stationing of Chinese troops and other security and intelligence operations is too ominous, theWSJ reports. Also, because the planned facility is part of China's "Project 141," an initiative by the People's Liberation Army to expand its global military base and your logistical support network, two U.S. officials report. What's more, none of the Project 141 sites known to date - such as Cambodia or in the United Arab Emirates - are located in the western part of the world. Moreover, the training facility would be located just 100 miles (about 161 kilometers) off the coast of Florida."
Here we have it again, the worldwide known hypocrisy of the leaders of our western rainbow value community, which is full of worthless pseudo-values!🌈🤮 The USA can expand whatever they want, but if China does even remotely the same, then it is a crime that must be stopped! Woe betide anyone who dares to question these "double standards" in Western climes, who then always has to put up with the question, "Are you siding with China?" Well, I am certainly not an ardent admirer of the system there and have my points of criticism, but at least the regime there is not as hypocritical as the Western pseudo-democracy, with which I am now more strongly confronted! Who calls itself democrat, must sweep if necessary also before the own front door and ask itself honestly: "Is everything, which happens here straight then really so democratic, freely and liberal and everything possible? NO, it is not, above all not, if one acts in such a way, as one reproaches it to others, whom one wants to reprimand despite own misconduct also still morally, what is to be simply outdone at hypocrisy!
In the end, it is probably this rainbow regime itself that initiated the first step to its own destruction by rigging the 2021 election to Trump's disadvantage. With Joe Biden, a senile dodderer has been declared the leader of the Western world, who not only cannot be taken seriously by any major player on the world stage, but also became the first president of the United States to mess with two world powers at the same time, thus bringing them even closer together as allies instead of causing division among them like his predecessors and thus preventing a global reordering of the balance of power, which in the meantime can no longer be stopped and is being driven forward by the most diverse countries in this world.
As much as I appreciate the actual president of the USA who was stolen the election (Donald Trump), given the current developments and the fall of the decadent and insane West, in hindsight I am actually quite happy about the 2021 election process, without which this shift of power in the world would not have been possible, which is happening right now and which shows that even puppets like "Sleepy Joe" can also be useful for the right side, as long as they are only (unintentionally) positioned in the right place at the right time by their string-pullers. 😅😁
I just don't think that a democracy opening military installations around the world is equivalent to a dictatorship doing the same.
Absolutely right, in the case of a real democracy, the two systems cannot be compared, although opinions differ on some systems when it is discussed whether it is really a democratic system or a system with a democratic facade.