
"Observe what is around you and learn from the dynamics of the moment"

Observing something, someone or directing your eyes to a specific area is a form of analysis, understanding and future judgment of previous actions . After observing, the individual involuntarily develops a mental commentary, makes his personal criticism and creates his expectations or definitions. For some, it is the same as "judging a book by its cover".

I am an observant person, I usually analyze people and what happens around me, few people know this side of me, however, I tend to be precise in my definitions and evaluations. In these moments, I am impartial, I avoid judging and I use my self-control as a form of judgment. Simple actions, such as facial and body expressions, define most people. With dedication, mental control and some practical experiences, it is possible for a person to develop such skills and can create a mental profile of people..

Throughout my life, interpersonal relationships have been part of this trajectory, contact with the public in childhood, at street markets, in my youth with various students and education professionals, and in adulthood, in jobs that involve contact with different layers of society, helped with personal discernment to create a profile of the people viewed. Situations from my past helped me hone this skill, social contacts what have caused misfortunes; I have been deceived, humiliated, blamed by others and have experienced embarrassing situations. Numerous adverse situations in my life story.

Whether on the roads, streets, squares, beaches or anywhere else, this action has become a habit, i like to observe. I do not disclose what I think or define, it is something personal.

The sum of these life experiences has shaped my instincts and the way of acting. I can't say when it happened, but it transformed my actions and I began to observe and analyze situations before acting. My life has changed 100%; my actions are now driven and shaped by reason; I don't like the idea of ​​being influenced by feelings when making decisions. It's something that reminds me of memories and mistakes from the past.

All the content, pics and editions are of my authorship.

0.001 PAL


It is evident that you are a truly observant person, it can be seen even by the way you write and express yourself, because everything we think and visualize we also take it to our writings. I am also very observant and maybe that's why I perceive that you are a very prudent person, since you keep your impressions to yourself. It was very nice to read you, greetings!

0.000 PAL

Thank you for your comment. Our life experiences force or compel us to develop defense skills. The world is very cruel.

0.000 PAL