Hello Hive friends!
Today my morning walk wasn't great, although I dawned with great energy, I noticed that the sky was cloudy, so I thought, I'm not going to walk in sneakers today, that was my biggest mistake.
At this moment, I am hospitalized, awaiting medical attention, without even being able to touch my foot to the ground, the simple contact with the ground makes my toe hurt, my toenail has broken and is piercing when I walk, I will probably have to extract the nail.
As I mentioned initially, the weather was cloudy, I thought it was going to rain and decided to walk with just my sandals. I was right, in the middle of the walk, it rained a little and I decided to run to protect myself from the rain in a safe place, I ended up slipping and had a small accident. I wasn't hurt too much, but I was stubbed and my toenail became ingrown. "I can barely walk at the moment, i ended up hurting other parts of my body too"
My intention was to take a 40-minute walk, get to a rural area full of flowers, record the moment and return to my daily routine, however, unforeseen events occur and here I am, waiting for assistance, faced with an unexpected situation that is something I do almost daily: a walk!
Walking is excellent for mental and physical well-being, but be careful with unusual situations in life.
I congratulate our friend @tatoodjay, it is a great pleasure to participate in the #Wednesdaywalk challenge and report a little about our walk.
Images source: my cell phone!
Olá amigos da Hive!
Hoje minha caminhada matinal não foi ótima, embora tenha amanhecido com muita energia, notei que o céu estava nublado, então pensei, não vou andar de tênis hoje, esse foi o meu maior erro.
Neste momento estou internado, aguardando atendimento médico, sem nem conseguir encostar o pé no chão, o simples contato com o chão faz meu dedão doer, minha unha quebrou e fura quando ando, provavelmente terei para extrair a unha.
Como mencionei inicialmente, o tempo estava nublado, pensei que ia chover e resolvi caminhar apenas com as sandálias. Eu tinha razão, no meio da caminhada choveu um pouco e resolvi correr para me proteger da chuva em um local seguro, acabei escorregando e sofri um pequeno acidente. Não me machuquei muito, mas levei uma topada e minha unha ficou encravada. “Mal consigo andar no momento, acabei machucando outras partes do meu corpo também”
Minha intenção era fazer uma caminhada de 40 minutos, chegar a uma zona rural cheia de flores, registrar o momento e retornar à minha rotina diária, porém, imprevistos acontecem e aqui estou, aguardando atendimento, diante de uma situação inesperada que é algo que faço quase diariamente: uma caminhada!
Caminhar é excelente para o bem-estar físico e mental, mas tome cuidado com situações inusitadas da vida.
Parabenizo nosso amigo @tatoodjay, é um grande prazer participar do desafio #Wednesdaywalk e relatar um pouco sobre nossa caminhada.
Fonte das imagens: meu celular!
so sorry to hear you hurt your foot I hope you get good treatment and it feels better soon
Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)
Have a great day :)
I also wish you a great day my friend, I ended up having to pull out my nail, but I'll be 100% in a few days.
I hope you recover quickly, just in time for the walk next Wednesday.
I had to pull out my toenail, but I should be much better by next Wednesday.
Thanks for message.
Lucky in the accident it's on the foot.. I had a similar situation with a pulled nail on my thumb (hand). I was very uncomfortable without the nail until it grew out.
I'm experiencing this situation, when I look at my toe I feel agony. It's not a pretty thing to look at.
Thanks for message.
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Tenso mano, melhoras para você!
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