
Hello Hive friends!

In my understanding, personal planning is the key and the path to achieving your goals and with that, personal success. "To live by chance is to always live in the uncertainties of life"

I usually plan my life together with my family, things don't always go as expected, but even though fate interferes, I make choices that bring me closer to the goal I have in mind. Learning to deal with frustrations, developing motivation and mental balance help to keep your posture intact in the face of misfortunes that may come your way.

I have the idea that people who don't plan tend to have a life with many obligations, unexpected and excessive worries and, most of the time, end up without achievements or personal success.

Living with uncertainty is a rollercoaster, you will have good and bad days, but you will never know if you will ever achieve success.

Having an organized and planned life contributes to your personal and professional success. Life is not based on dreams, but on possible and real goals. Practically everything we want to do on this planet can be planned, whether in the short, medium or long term. "Your determination will define the future of these choices."

Can someone stop me and ask, who taught you that? I will answer, the life! "Planning is the key to success, but the problem for most young people and people is not believing until they experience a situation"

If you've made it this far, thank you for your attention!

Images source: Photos taken on my cell phone of places I visited due to family planning.

0.002 PAL