The best action starts with understanding yourself and the world


Image Source from Unsplash by Brett Jordan

Man know thy self.

This is a quote attributed to Socrates, and I believe that we can do better in any action we want to take if we understand ourselves and the world. I could remember one of the topics I learned in school back then; " SWOT Analysis "(SWOT stands for Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat).
We may say that this is only applicable in business, but I believe that it is important in other things we do.

When we understand our strengths and weakness, it will help us know the best action to take and how to go about it.
Some of us have failed in many things, not because we are not doing the right thing but mostly because we are doing it the wrong way. Everyone has qualities and attributes unique to them and the earlier we understand this, the better for us. We do not need to copy anyone, we need to write our own story.

We may have good plans for ourselves, the people around us, society, and the world at large, but the first step towards archiving this is to understand who we are, how we can use the qualities within us, and the world that we want to improve. Many of us are easily discouraged halfway to the plans we have for ourselves or the world at large because of what we receive in return from the world or the people we are trying to help. If we can understand that the world will not give us what we expect, it will go a long way in helping us in whatever action we take, caring less about what we receive in return.

Similarly, there might be certain actions that we may want to take but because we know the type of people at the receiving end, we may likely have to refrain from it or use a different strategy. Sometimes it is not just about doing something but making those at the receiving end understand what you are doing, why you are doing it, and what is expected of them. In Africa for example, there have been cases of individuals catering away with government properties kept for the benefit of the community. A good call to action should start with educating the people on the benefit of what they are about to receive before the action comes in.

On the part of actions taken for the benefit of oneself, there is a call for us to understand the difference between need and want. Most times we focus much on what we want and lose out in the end because we took the wrong action. Wants can be managed but when you fail to take care of that which you need, the aftermath is something that can render everything you have worked for useless.

In the end, the best action relies on understanding everything about us(especially our strengths and weakness), the world we are in, and the right strategy to use for any action that we want to take.

Until we meet again at the end of the tunnel where there will be light for all who persevered, Stay Safe, and don't lose focus.

@ecotrain qotw
