The bird man



That strange being with big ant eyes, bird beak, feathers on the back of his head and an intimidating look has appeared in his yard, while he repairs the fence.

He is a hybrid of a man with some unknown being who is certainly not earthly, so he is convinced that he has come from another planet.

He wants to run away but his feet do not respond and the bird man, as it happens to baptize him, does not move either, perhaps he also fears him.

-What does he want? -He shouts at him from where he is.


"Maybe he doesn't understand me." - Think.

He looks around for someone else, but he's alone.

For the first time he regrets having a property of such ample proportions, where his patio is an urban forest.

He manages to take a few steps and the stranger remains motionless.

Like someone escaping death, he starts to run and in a few minutes he arrives exhausted, his heart beating a thousand times a second at home.

As he takes a cup of coffee with a trembling hand, he thinks about his actions.

He could have been dematerialized by the strange being.

He closes his eyes and the mental projection details it, remembers aspects of it and the questions begin to bloom.

Did he have a shirt?

And hands?

You didn't see his feet or legs.

Neither did his eyes, just two big empty sockets.

Where did he come from?

Did he materialize or did he sneak in while he was distracted?

Will his spaceship be on your property"

Should you call the police?

Remember that someone who claimed to have seen an alien was branded a madman and was the laughing stock of the city for a long time.

So much yellowness about abductions and encounters of the third kind has managed to fuel people's disbelief in these matters.

So he prefers to keep silent and after half an hour of self-conviction he takes a hunting rifle and a pistol and like a Rambo, ready to win or die, he decides to return to finish the work he was doing.

The sound the cell phone makes when a wasap message arrives stops it.

There is a video in it, sent by his friend Freddy, who, in the voice of a show announcer, narrates:

"This man broke the world record for Usain Bolt's 100-meter dash," then the video shows him looking scared running away from the bird man.

Given the quality of the images, they were undoubtedly taken with professional equipment.

Curse out loud.

He has fallen for a joke from his tireless film student friends.

He'll have to negotiate with them so that the video is not broadcast massively or he'll be the clown of the century.

Or is he already?



This is a big joke which he truly fell for. Heheheh... No one would have known this trick made.

Was he going with the riffle to.hunt down the one who was behind the scene? Hahahah....

Well done. This is a great story you have written.


Very clever trick! This made me laugh out loud. I would be completely freaked out by seeing something in my yard like that.

No one wants to be the clown of the century!


I didn't expect that, you fooled me into believing he'd gonna pull the trigger and at the end. Very nice, it was well written.


Very funny, very clever and very relevant. There are no secrets anymore. Gossip used to be a local thing. Now the whole world is in on the 'secret'.

Thank you for posting the story in the Ink Well community and thank you for engaging with your fellow authors.


Hahahahah, what a good prank😂😂

If i was him, i'll fall for it, because that figure is scary.

@joseph1956 i admire how you write short stories that conveys the necessary details which is unique. I love it. 💯

I'm glad he ran. 😂😂

I enjoyed the read💯💯😌
