The Hardest Truth That I Have Come To Learn About Reality.



Lessons Through Youthful Exuberance

One thing I loved about being young was that I could literally make mistakes without the dominant fear of repercussions. Being young was the ultimate excuse for delinquencies. It felt liberating to live unconsciously, threading wildly, trying scary but fun adventure, armed with the mindset that youthfulness is meant to be explored to the highest degree.

While I totally had my youthful years rocked by illnesses, I was totally unstoppable when I wasn't sick. It was difficult to project thoughts about the future, I watched teenagers on television projecting; they wanted to be engineers, pilots and doctors. But me, I just wanted to eat, have fun and woke up the next day.

Truth was that my health challenges made me live life, one day at a time, the future was uncertain, I built my life on short-term plans in the guise that anything might happen, no plans for big dreams, no plans for a brilliant future. Due to this time passed rather quickly and it was so frightening to see that I was in the future I never thought I'd find myself.

A Twist In Expectation

You see, one of the hardest truth I've realized is that life is a school, it sets questions on the examination you failed to study. It projects your hardest fears and makes them your reality, especially when hope is the only weapon you're armed with. So many people are unintentional about their lives. Maybe due to an illness or poverty or even being born into a toxic family, they feel that their life will only last for a short period of time.

The future isn't a place they see themselves in, so they believe that things like getting a degree, falling in love or maybe owning an insurance policy should not be a priority. In fact when I was younger, I had the wrongest of notions when it came to marriage.

I lived what felt like an endless eternity watching the union of my father and mother, it felt like waking up to a horror film on repeat, every day of one's life. Their marriage made me see "getting married" as a hellhole, I had already lived that hellhole, so why should I go through that process myself?

An Unrelateable Truth

Generally, life is harsh and this "truth" is difficult for people to still accept. The universe is unintentional. This means that life is a cookie, it crumbles unexpectedly without paying attention or respect for the passage of time. However, if everyone knew their fates from the beginning. What then would be the essence of living?

Sometimes we want to give everything up and live unintentional, making inadvertent choices and existing by serendipity, simply because we're scared we might not be part of the future. Nevertheless, life mostly brings you what you never plan for and eventually erases every notion you have.

In reality, we can never know it all. There is no logic to things that happens in life. Our existence isn't logical, the principle of causality gets kicked off the table and this is why we must learn to live intentionally even if it feels like we might die tomorrow.


Living In-Between

There's always a repercussion for everything. Might be positive, might be negative. However, life has taught me that laying too much emphasis on the future might make us lose the beauty of existing in the present. While I was unintentional growing up, I've grown into a man who has now created a balance between living in the present and planning for the future.

Everyone needs to achieve an equilibrium point where their need to live at the moment is proportional to their duty to plan for the future. This is because life is a moving Train, the destination is uncertain, moving out means crashing, the end of the journey also brings an unsavory inevitability.

However, dwelling on this fact would generally make us lose the thrill of existing and makes the essence of life totally meaningless. Nowadays, I try to match my urge to run the gauntlet and to play it safe.

No Holds Barred

Another truth I have come to learn is that the fear of pain, or being hurt, supersedes the actual pain itself. Inasmuch as there's so much goodness in life, many people have constantly been exposed to the wrong people all their lives. This is how we often we learn.

No one wants to learn through experience, rather they want to key into the sad story of others, making it difficult to see the excitement of trying out things in life. Sometimes we live too cautiously, adjudicating our lives on the parameters of the painful experiences of others. While we're meant to thread cautiously, sometimes we fail to understand the degree or the extent through which we must thread.

It's true we cannot fully experience everything, but then life, like I said earlier, is unintentional. It doesn't mold you. Likewise, it dumps you on the planet, clueless, without any form of warning. But then, it's our actions, our decisions and choices that truly defines our path and give meaning to our existence.

Interested in some more of my works?

Circumstance Or Self Induced: How Do We Generally Lose People?
Financial Literacy For Beginners & The "Unaware"
Rusty Songs_ (An Original Poetry)
Lessons To Learn As A Potential Nigerian Migrating To Another Country.
Buying Education; Missing Out On Knowledge (Ignoring The internet As An Important Learning Tool) [Part 2]
How Not To Be A Bad Content Creator.


My name is @Josediccus, a young Nigerian entrepreneur who is a Vlogger, A Psychologist, Poet, Sports Writer/Analyst & Personal Finance Coach. I'm using my contents as a process to create shared meaning as well as create expressions through which people on/off hive can relate. I believe content is a process to be enjoyed and relished and I'm up for any collaborations in my field stated above. Cheers

@Josediccus, your brother-in-pen & heart

I'm hoping to reach more people who are broken at heart and spirit, so share on any platform or reblog

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Truly, health they say is wealth. Only when you are alive and in good health will you think of a better tomorrow/the future. Even having fun or flexing will be a far thought.


No one is certain of how lengthy or short their lives will be, it's definitely not guaranteed. it's why we should make the most out of of life, at least to some extent.


Life does it's thing and we are meant to pass through it and also allow it to pass through us. You know, everything has to work pari-passu

We can sit on our arse and think of the future all we want, but it's very important to note that the future starts from what we do at the moment. Action is the word and we've got to take action if we want things to work just the way we imagined it.

The reality is, we should also prepare for the worst. Our good plan may not be as good as we thought. That's also part of life.


You said it all at the end. At the end of the day, our good plans might not really be solid afterall. It's why I try to do my best and only hope, it yields the desired results


Well said @josediccus.

I honestly believe life is all about creating balance just like you rightly pointed in regards to living in the present and planning for the future.

Sadly, it took me losing my dad to understand the "living in the present part". I am huge on planning. I try to plan everything within my control but I have learned to relax and chill from time to time.


Understanding that that balance is needed is something, creating the balance is another thing entirely. It's not easy, nevertheless for the benefit of thriving, living for a purpose and still seeing an essence to the future, I definitely believe it's totally worth the struggles. Thanks for coming through.


Life is really a school, because we learn everyday.


How is your health currently? And did you get to a place where marriage comes to your mind without dragging the memories?

It is always uplifting to read your pieces. There is so much soul in it.
