Stress; Pressure, Frustration & Change
Adjusting to change can be very difficult but not impossible and one of the reasons why this is so is because change threatens to always take one, off their comfort zone. Our comfort zone can be physical, spatial, psychological or even geographical. This is to say that we find safety from the most surprising situations or things. Life itself is a pressure that brings us diverse challenges, there is the need to always leave a position to another position.
When people do this, it's always considered growth. The need to move comes with pressure. The body, the mind is often challenged to take on difficulties that unsettles its resolve and this is why we call it positive stress. We call it positive stress because it is considered the means or ways through which we can achieve things in life.
Seeking for growth for example is often met with pressure and frustration. Frustration is a situation or a feeling of despondency that comes when we cannot get to do or have what we want. When people cannot make progress, frustration follows. There are times we want the world to malign to our demands, we try as much as possible, put in the needed energy but due to the fact that our efforts cannot completely affect the outcome of everything we do, we tend to end up being frustrated.
Frustration is stressful, when it becomes a feeling that lingers for long, it affects the full functionalities of the mind, and sometimes it even makes us doubt our abilities and our strength. When a person constantly fails to get what they want despite how hard they're trying, it'll get to a point they'll no longer aim or strive because they've been strapped to a mental conditioning that they're always meant to fail.
Pressure often heightens frustration, because it is an expectation to conform to a particular unfamiliar standard, situation, rules or even obligations. It is also a situation where one's timeline is fast-forwarded, tilted or shifted. While pressure can be psychological, it can also be mental or psychological. The society for example is an agent of pressure, our friends, colleagues or even parents can be external sources of pressure but the moment we begin to condone or accept the energy they're emitting, this is how we begin to form mental pressure.
This of course is a situation where external pressure has created a case for consideration within us. When we accommodate a notion in our mind, it means we're already allowing these notions to influence our default psychological beliefs, meaning that sometimes people succumb to pressure because they have allowed external factors break down their internal resolve.
Everyone at one time or the other has conformed to pressure and this is because we're flexible to change, the surrounding universe is changing, physically we're changing. There are basically no external proof of stagnancy around us, and this is why we see change as an inevitability. However, when the need to change becomes inorganic or too overbearing, that is when pressure is achieved or unlocked.
There's a pace which we're designed to move at, in fact it's possible to redefine this pace and set an even different pace. It means we have challenged ourselves to do even better than we are supposed to. This is often acceptable, but it gets to a level where we cannot increase this pace. The urge to continue at this dangerous pace can come as a result of pressure. The pressure to create an impression, the pressure to meet a standard, the pressure to beat time and so many others.
Because adaptability is one of man's strongest suit, this has made a lot of people tried to adapt to some of the most difficult conditions ever. We cannot estimate our inner strength, sometimes we do the unthinkable sometimes we feel we can do more, only to end up even more disappointing. However, we need to maintain an equilibrium point. Making effort to understand our biological and psychological anatomy. We shouldn't push ourselves to red zones because we believe we have the capacity to survive.
Yes! We might have that Capacity to survive, but then when people go through traumatic experiences due to the pressure to do so, they're left to battle with multiple strains throughout the rest of their lives. It's very difficult to stay rigid in the face of pressure, this is because sometimes it can create an impression that one is weak. However, there's no harm when we withdraw from the face of pressure, succumbing to it doesn't prove strength.
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My name is @Josediccus, a young Nigerian entrepreneur who is a Vlogger, A Psychologist, Poet, Sports Writer/Analyst & Personal Finance Coach. I'm using my contents as a process to create shared meaning as well as create expressions through which people on/off hive can relate. I believe content is a process to be enjoyed and relished and I'm up for any collaborations in my field stated above. Cheers
@Josediccus, your brother-in-pen & heart
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This is why I will always say walk on your own terms.
Pressure can be somehow. But doing things in your own terms will always give you peace.
Nice piece brother👍
Happy Sunday
Well we cannot desist from the urge to conform to pressure, it's a rather challenging process to take that step, nevertheless, it's not impossible.
Thanks for dropping by
You are welcome 🤗
I try to stay positive and work hard also at the end of the day I look back at what is improved in me am I better than yesterday so the change may look impossible but it's up to you to make it possible.
People are always scared of what they do not know, this makes them accept to abide by what they know. Making change is a difficult thing, to carry out changes, it takes determination.
If one is not not determined enough, when results to the changes comes at first, it might not always look ok, and one might get discouraged and go back to playing it save.
The more changes(in a good direction) you’re willing to take no matter the inconvenience, the better life becomes eventually.
You're absolutely right, better changes in a good direction.
It's quite funny how one out of all can lead to the other. As humans our quest in life is unending and I don't see how anyone in life who is trying to achieve a purpose won't be faced with any of the above mentioned. But then, one needs to study and understand his/herself when faced with either pressure or frustration during a certain scenario in other to be able to quantify the level of challenge they can bare as human.
This might not be a workable solution with all, but for those who can quantify their strength to an extent, they would be aware of what situation to go into and those they should avoid.
Exactly man, each and everyone needs to actually identify their strength. Truth is, we face all these on a daily, but in the long run, it isn't really good for us. Nevertheless, can't achieve anything without stress, so we just find an equilibrium.
Sometimes it's fine to push into the red zone with some things. For example if you don't have to drive or walk anywhere it might be good to see if you can still pull an all nighter, lol
The red zone signals a limit and venturing into it can be heinous, it might feel good, but there's a reason why it's signalled to us as the red zone.
If done intelligently, with advanced planning, it can be helpful for learning where our limits actually are :) ...
As always, magnificent contribution, man! Thank you again for sharing your perspectives on these profound topics. Stress and tension can indeed weigh down on us, but having this approach of seeing them as the engines that empower our journey is great. Our deepest potential resides in that core of discomfort and transformation. Blessings to you always!
Exactly, I believe that they're major issues that we can actually turn to a huge advantage. In life we have to reckon with them in other to know how to handle them or deal with them. It also helps in maintaining a healthy mental health conditioning. When we reckon with them, the better we can deal with them.