How I Survived For 3 Months Without Going To The Bathroom.



I remembered the first time I got into college, it was a whole new different experience because it was with my closest friends from home, living in the same house. So we were already familiar with each other. Funny thing is that I joined them in a rented room that had a bathroom but never had a toilet. I couldn't believe anyone would pay for a room without a toilet, but my friends were conned by the agent into believing that after they paid money the toilet was going to be built. But the students who were already living there were also conned by the same agent into believing they'd build a toilet or sets of toilets, but apparently, the agent was fond of conning students every year with this same promise, and toilets were never built.

Nigerian agents have special places in hell

My friends didn't know what they were in for and after I got into year one with them, I was asking where the toilet was on my first day, but they laughed at me and told me that I was welcomed to the jungle where every potential corner was a toilet. I was disgusted by this development because I was used to having a good bathroom from home I bathed twice a day, imagine having to be told that I might have to bathe once in two days because there was no water anywhere. The people who had water had dogs at their gate, if you venture into their building you might get your hands bitten off by dogs. Another option was to buy water from tankers, but it was so damn expensive, the money for 5 liters could easily buy you breakfast and lunch.

Clean water was for the rich and privileged

We settled for well water, but this water was impure for bathing and cooking not to talk of drinking, we couldn't boil the water because we had an electric stove that took about 4 hours to boil two cups of rice. Sometimes we cook rice throughout the night and only ate dinner by 1 am, due to the cooker sometimes the electricity goes off leaving us with half-cooked food, and we'd have no choice but to abandon the food. This wasn't even the problem, not having a toilet was the prime problem. In fact, the house wasn't plastered and the students in the house would poo in the bathroom and fling it into the neighboring bush. They would compete over who had the highest long throw and would take turns to fling poo to measure who was fling champion.

Master of POO-lymics

In other words, king of shot put.

Anyone who had diarrhea or a running stomach was always the laughing stock. We were about five sleeping in one small room and there was a time one of the guys was having a runny stomach. He would get a paint plastic and would poo in the plastic inside the room and he did this at intervals and when the smell became unbearable, we would be forced to chase him out of the room, with this knicker hanging below his thighs. However, what I usually do in the absence of water was to wake up at midnight to steal people's water, went to our open space bathroom in the dead of the night, and took a silent bath, taking care not to alert people lest they came into the bathroom and was wondering if a ghost was taking a bath.


But, this was what I did

Then I'll go the to college building to use the toilets. This was probably because the house I lived outside the college, the backyard was farmland of poo, the flies buzzing there and the beautiful flowers were evidence that manure was bountiful there. It was a terrible sight to behold, and I never went there because I could fall sick. Most of the beautiful girls in our house had already mastered the art of poo-throwing. They noticed the backyard was already infested with poo, so what they usually do was to poo in a nylon bag and threw it beyond the fence into the neighboring houses rather than going to the backyard and bending down to do the poo business.

This was because fat flies wouldn't let them do this in peace, especially those flies that have spent months eating poo. It was disgusting and whenever we saw those elegantly beautiful girls from our dorm coming out of the bush, we the boys would begin to tease and laugh at them. It was rotational. In reality, the way the house was built, there was no privacy, there were girls who would take joy in yanking your door open immediately after you took a bath and yanked your towel off and probably began admiring your big machine before you put on your shorts. These girls were evil. They'd silently wait in ambush till when your towel was off and they'd come in to borrow salt, catching you unaware. But the boys couldn't particularly do this in return.

Beyond the POO comes the HONEY

was that relative?

One exciting thing beyond the poo, the dirt, and the disgust was that the student's life was exciting. One could easily survive a month with just $5 because someone else was ready to feed you. I would say being in that place taught me that life was harsh, people hustled to get an education at the expense of their health. It was a different ball game in class. Sadly I lost my father in the second year and I had to drop out because I couldn't afford to be there anymore. He was my sponsor and he died and no one was ready to sponsor me. My colleagues in class couldn't believe it. In desperation, some of them volunteered to contribute to my fees, but how long was I going to be a burden on them? They'd gotten so used to me and it was scary thru had to unanimously say goodbye. But I had to share this toilet story nonetheless 😅😅😅😅

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0.041 PAL


I will survive very well in that environment because I don't poo too often which is bad though but then seeing such a situation I will gladly have to take it as it is.

No wonder, there are times when water goes missing in the lodge, so it was you abi? 😜

It's crazy how we accept this kind of things from house owners here in Nigeria, it is obvious that we are messing up our environment but we don't care about it, we just take these things like that. If at least three students stood on their ground to get a refund or get a toilet, I'm sure the landlord would have built a toilet for his house but no, we are used to corruption 😏.

There are many people I know of that they can't stay more than a day without visiting the toilet and those type of people must have been there too and I can Imagine how smelling and disgusting the place where they dispose the poo must be.

This was a funny joke but I had to think deep and that is why I'm sounding a little serious, even though you said some things jokingly, I've seen it happen and it's really not cool.

So sorry for your loss, I'm happy to see the man you have become, you are making yourself proud and whoever knows you, keep pushing sir. Sending you a virtual hug 🤗.

0.000 PAL

The girls back there had ways to actually keep clean and it was actually marvelous, despite all the dirty situation around and I hailed those girls for that. The truth is, I like water, because of my skin and because my immune system wasn't too strong to resist most illness.
I think a lot of house owners are always getting with the fact that there are no houses in Lagos area and people can even pay for houses without roof.

Hahaha I know I wanted to tap into the funny aspect of this story, but I feel too bad you could feel the sad aspect of the story, it's the story of a lot of struggling people.

Thanks, it's been 8 years my dad died and that's been a long while now. Thanks for that amazing comment.

0.000 PAL

Yes, some girls are really trying in that aspect, I remember when I visited my sister at school, there were these set of girls that I just couldn't help but notice what they do, they were super hard working, hehe. Even days when there was no water, they still do what they want to do.

I understand that part of not having a really strong immune system and now I'm wondering how you managed to survive for the years or months you stayed there.

Yes, I have heard of such situations before especially for the fact that Lagos is an overpopulated city. But I really do hope that landlords build their houses as one that humans should live in and not like a forest.

Yeah, the struggle was just so obvious in the story but it did make me laugh a lot while reading but the moment I wanted to make my comment I was snapped back to reality, lolz.

Eight years ago is a very long time, we thank God for everything. It's my pleasure to be here, I look forward to coming back to hear more of your funny experiences, hehe.

0.000 PAL

I laughed my heart out😂😂... I was literally waiting to see how you survived without defecating for 100 days... I can only go for two to three days... I don't remember if I have past four days... And these are mostly days I barely eat anything.

You had a wild ride in school. I am sorry you had to drop out. But you are doing better than most of the folks who followed through till the end. Your determination to learn, improve, and be better regardless of the lack of traditional education.

You are amazing. 🤗🤗

0.000 PAL

I laughed my heart out😂😂... I was literally waiting to see how you survived without defecating for 100 days... I can only go for two to three days... I don't remember if I have past four days... And these are mostly days I barely eat anything.

Loool another clickbait to sell the story but then, I got you to read, so mu ultimate aim was achieved haha. It was a thrilling situation. I usually go all the way to school to access a toilet, it was stressful but I did.

You had a wild ride in school. I am sorry you had to drop out. But you are doing better than most of the folks who followed through till the end. Your determination to learn, improve, and be better regardless of the lack of traditional education.

Oh I did go to another college though hahaha I wasn't going to let it go, infact, dropping out was my motivation to continue. Those no toilet days were crazy. I guess it's not everytime I get to write finance as I also have the capacity to make people laugh.

0.000 PAL

So sorry for your dad lost, losing a parent and sponsor is not easy at all. I can't even imagine all you went through but thank God for life, your dad would be proud of how far you have come in life.

the agent was fond of conning students every year with this same promise,

Agents are fond of this most especially in university community, they need to be probe for this.

Your post got me rolling 🤣🤣🤣, competing over the person with the longest poo, so funny. Then you stealing water and bathing in the night, wait didn't anyone ever notice their water was missing? Were you ever caught?

These girls were evil. They'd silently wait in ambush till when your towel was off and they'd come in to borrow salt, catching you unaware.

My gender is something else, I can't believe those girls did that🤣🤣, they are crazy bunch.
At least after the poo you had honey, I guess it is situations like this that gives us stories to tell when we pass the phase.

0.000 PAL

Agents are fond of this most especially in university community, they need to be probe for this.

Well in Lagos, they're generally worse, you'll never see any agent with good intentions, all of them are out there to scam or cheat you of your money.

Then you stealing water and bathing in the night, wait didn't anyone ever notice their water was missing? Were you ever caught?

I was nearly caught once but as the smart guy wey I be, I quickly devised a means. People's water can go missing, we had over 30 people living in that house, it could be anybody hahaha.

My gender is something else, I can't believe those girls did that🤣🤣, they are crazy bunch.

They felt they were having fun peeping on men or opening the door on them when they're just out of the bathroom, they did it to me as well and I was pissed, but as that went on, I got used to that crazy life.

0.000 PAL

I just kept laughing until you ended the whole gist the way you did, so sad 😒 sorry about your dad and I wonder how it all played out after you dropped out of the school.

Back to your gist, I can totally relate to it especially the poo throwing 😂 because a lot of us do it here when there's scarcity of water.

I was a badass thrower, feel free to imagine that 🤣🤣 I mean, I think beautiful girls have that talent in them 🤷‍♀️

That part of you stealing water and bathing at night like a ghost cracked me up 😂

It's a clear one that there won't be much privacy in such a place, indeed agents have a special place waiting for them 🥲 nice gist I've read today, thanks for sharing

0.000 PAL

I just kept laughing until you ended the whole gist the way you did, so sad 😒 sorry about your dad and I wonder how it all played out after you dropped out of the school.

Haha it actually happened about 7 to 8 years ago lol and well my life moved on after that sha because it happened and it was some of the gruesome moments of futility in my life.

Back to your gist, I can totally relate to it especially the poo throwing 😂 because a lot of us do it here when there's scarcity of water.

Haaaaa, there's plenty of water here in Lagos so it's had to see that. The place I school was another area in Ogun State, it's where starstrings is school, so he'd relate to all this scarcity. Mehn.

That part of you stealing water and bathing at night like a ghost cracked me up 😂

That was the only way, if not, one risked days of going without bathing, it was steal water or nothing else hahaha

It's a clear one that there won't be much privacy in such a place, indeed agents have a special place waiting for them 🥲 nice gist I've read today, thanks for sharing

Nakedness wasn't a private thing in that area haha

0.000 PAL

well my life moved on after that

It has got to, I'm thankful for that... You're doing well 😊

it's where starstrings is school, so he'd relate to all this scarcity

Oh boy! Like it still happens there till today? Ahhhh I hope he didn't find for himself such a horrible place to stay 😅

Nakedness wasn't a private thing in that area

I can imagine, too bad

0.000 PAL

Master of POO-lymics

This one choke me to the brim boss😂😂😂
You guys turned it even into a competition, that was horrible 😂😂

Renting a room without toilet😂😂, seriously I admire your friends faith and courage on this one ooo😂😂
That agent is a real motherfucker😂😂
I laughed loud actually..😂😂

0.000 PAL

This one choke me to the brim boss😂😂😂
You guys turned it even into a competition, that was horrible 😂😂

Yeah it became a competition because we choose to tap into the fun. It's not easy to go through all that wahala, hahaha. It was hectic.

Well the guys needed a place to stay, school and classes had already resumed and everyone was desperate to get a place to live in.

0.000 PAL

😭😭😭😭😭 this was mental torture 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣. My imagination was just painting vivid pictures🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. My my!

That was fun but I'd have broken down several times in an environment like that😂😂.

You guys should have gotten your pound of flesh back from that agent oo. The apartment I lived in school sometime last year, I wasn't exactly conned. The agreement was the rent would last a session and the session lasted 6 months. So I paid 130k for 6 months, I was pained. I feel less pained now that a session has lasted over a year 🤣🤣🤣

However, what I usually do in the absence of water was to wake up at midnight to steal people's water...

😂😂😂 just imagine. And you were never caught?

0.000 PAL

Haha, I liked how it felt like torture hahaha, the ability to create mental pictures is something I like doing, I like to create that impression.

That was fun but I'd have broken down several times in an environment like that😂😂.

I did break down a lot of times though, it wasn't easy for me to always cope with that, I developed that ulcer over there. I remember having to take lots of antibiotics.

As for the agent, he was gone as the wind and my friends couldn't have done anything to salvage the situation.

The apartment I lived in school sometime last year, I wasn't exactly conned. The agreement was the rent would last a session and the session lasted 6 months. So I paid 130k for 6 months, I was pained. I feel less pained now that a session has lasted over a year 🤣🤣🤣

Well why didn't you ask for a refund? Since it was only 6 months? I only feel it's natural since someone else would occupy the place in the time you left..

It was a story of survival, but I choose to tap into the humourous aspect, because that was the main intent.

0.000 PAL

😂😂 that's wickedness.

Ohh. Jeeez, sorry about that. It must've been really difficult.

😂 dem for treat his fuckup.
They made us sign an agreement when renting the apartment o, we just had to comply.

I see that now. Thank God for everything 🤗🤗

0.000 PAL