Promoting The "Anti-Broke" Culture


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The anti-broke culture is a type of nuance that creates an image amongst people constantly going through the fear of being poor, being in lack, or not having money throughout various social media platforms. (I explained better in this video) The reason why this is mainly so is that there's a haste to become successful and accomplished even without going through the natural process. A lot of people constantly complain about being poor without physically doing anything to change it.

This has become a sort of anthem amongst people online who constantly create a reason to complain without doing anything to change it.

This culture creates haste, it creates dissatisfaction with the natural and conventional process of growth making it awkward for people who are choosing to grow naturally to look unaccomplished in life. In the video, I talked about not succumbing to this culture as it can make people lazy over time.

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Excellent thought. Empower people and teach them about financial success and they will grow.


I think the plague of this generation is the over-inclination towards "living the large life", or the cool "life." Therefore, it instills the high propensity to chase after the end results of hard work, perseverance, and consistency, rather than the aforementioned attributes of "success."

It is unfortunate, however, that their pursuit of a better life without regard to the process will not get them very far. Well, some seem to be fortunate enough to find that end result without having to go through many of the fundamental requirements for success. However, it does not validate their authority to promote the "shortcut" to success to (young) individuals and encourage them to seek it by all means.

The essence of process can never be overemphasized. It should become an imperative for any individual (or group of individuals) to understand its necessity in the attainment of the stability they seek. Why? It is because anyone looking to prosper in this life must develop a mindset that can sustain one throughout the journey of success. Without this mindset, you find many fall on the path to success, or they develop an identical outcome to their pursuit, but it will not be sustainable.

Yes, there are people who seem to have hit it big by doing just "nothing." And of course, it is those that do not understand the rigourous process that they do see in the path to success of the individual (or group...) that come to the conclusion that they are doing nothing.

Nonetheless, I do not disagree with attaining success through non-conventional means. In fact, I believe that most of the successful people we have today attained their status through some form of unconventional method. They did what most people would not do; they dared to go against the norm and seek the challenge to attain the impossible. They worked really hard and mostly "smart" to get to where they have now come to.

It would be most beneficial for one to find a path that pays homage to "process" rather than to the end-results. Hopefully, more people understand this and do not lose their way being plagued by the "anti-broke" culture.


My oh my! Bro what else can I say? You've summarized it and more. The anti broke culture is a phrase I just coined because of the inclination to see not having money as a crime. Well, we're not even talking about process yet because people spend too much time complaining, the concept of "process" is totally far away from their faculty.
What more can I say? You've said it all, thanks for contributing your quota, I'm glad you came through.


Oh I totally agree. This is almost like saying people are not contented with what they have and are constantly searching for the "big break". Oh well, y'all be happy and know that the little things matter. Plus, "you can't wait until life isn't hard anymore before you're happy". Y'all know who said that.


We can seek for the big breaks I guess, the truth is, the culture I talked about in the video emphasized more on the fear of being broke.


Yeah I get that. But if one is content then there'll be no fear in the first place you know. A content person can of course seek greener grass, and still not be so afraid of not getting there.


This is very common in our society, you will see children of 19 years already believing that they are a failure because of what the internet is preaching to them. Internet is creating so many confuse beings and this is not good at all.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


This is exactly true, the Nigerian society is generally tailored to preach haste, quick wealth, quick money and everyone seems to be complaining of being broke. No one wants to estol the process of hardwork


The anti-broke culture is a type of nuance that creates an image amongst people constantly going through the fear of being poor, being in lack, or not having money throughout various social media platforms. (I explained better in this video)

Me reading the first line or paragraph of your description about anti-broke culture i felt that i gotta watch the video, i wonder how you work through miles to get this word "Anti-broke culture".

Are you from Nigeria? Your ascent sounds likes my people 😍


Basically, the culture I described is the increase in the fear of being broke when energy isn't fostered to change the situation. So people complain of being broke, it's an anthem on WhatsApp, we even coined a name. "sapa"

Are you from Nigeria? Your ascent sounds likes my people

I am Nigerian.
