Splinterlands Social Media Challenge! Daily Quest


Hi everyone before the end of the season I did my last daily quest, we never know what the chests hide, I was pleasantly surprised, you can also participate in the weekly splinterlands challenge and in addition to earning juicy rewards grow this beautiful community more information In the following link SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge!

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I'm battling in Gold League III and I get 6 chests let's see what I got


wow a pack of chaos legion I promise to open it in this publication, also an incredible VENARI BONESMITH rare monster of death, it did not have this card with gold foil but it is incredible I love it very playable and strategic from Lvl 1 it has life leech ability at Lvl 4 adds poison ability also only costs 4 mana.

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Next I am going to open my pack chaos legion I hope to get an incredible card

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HUNTER JARX is an earth monster, epic sniper ranged attack, it's impressive because although it costs 6 mana it has a +3 ranged attack from Lvl 1 as it goes Lvl it doesn't increase speed but its ranged attack and hearts life, manages to achieve an impressive +5 ranged attack.


CARRION SHADE is a common monster of death, it barely costs 1 mana with a +1 melee attack, it is very strategic for little mana or low mana but already at Lvl 3 it gets the flying ability and with that ability it is a very good option for rules earthquake at Lvl 7 and everything changes because it has a melee hit +2 and also a speed +3 at its maximum Lvl it continues to increase only its speed +4.


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SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge!Daily quest


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