Recompensa Diaria/ Daily Quest

Recompensa Diaria/ Daily Quest

Hello friends of splinterlands today I made my reward with sneak cards in gold league III it was a bit difficult, after making my third victory of the quest I lost my rental cards and lowered my battle power, I solved the problem I returned to gold III and continue my quest in gold III but finally my reward was awarded in silver III seemed unfair to me, it must be a system situation.

hola amigos de splinterlands hoy realice mi recompensa con tarjetas sneak en liga oro III estuvo un poco dificil, luego de realizar mi tercera victoria de la quest perdi mi tarjetas de alquiler y baje mi poder de batalla, resolvi el problema volvi a oro III y continue mi quest en oro III pero finalmente mi recompensa fue otorgada en plata III me parecio injusto, debe ser una situacion del sistema

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I did not get a good reward but somehow everything is not so bad and I get a pelacor to keep combining and take it to another level

No tuve una recompensa buena pero de algun modo no todo es tan malo y obtengo un pelacor para seguir combinando y llevarlo a otro nivel.

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